Deep Quotes

Text Quotes
The mistake that people make in stand-up is thinking they’re profound or they’re deep when there are so many people who have more worthwhile ways of phrasing things (Deep Quotes)
Because there is something helpless and weak and innocent - something like an infant - deep inside us all that really suffers in ways we would never permit an insect to suffer (Deep Quotes)
It is with deep regret that the determination to assemble Parliament has been so long delayed (Deep Quotes)
No amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin (Deep Quotes)
No attempt at ethical or social seduction can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin (Deep Quotes)
Years on, christine and John still have a deep love for each other, as do Stevie and I - we’ve been working together since I was 17 (Deep Quotes)
Deep down, the Iraqi people want the United States out. And their self-determination should be respected (Deep Quotes)
I don’t think Capote loved Smith. But he did make a deep connection. It upset some people, because that had never been the approach to journalistic crime writing, to look into the mind of the killer (Deep Quotes)
I must not say what I truly think, or you will tell me I flatter you-but I can only speak what I feel-and very often I cannot even do that when the feeling is very deep (Deep Quotes)
I actually think one of most profoundly and deep pastoral moments between a pastor and his church is what happens between them before God in the context of preaching (Deep Quotes)
I’m not trying to say I’m a big tough guy, I’m a typical American waist deep in this violent culture (Deep Quotes)
My deep belief is that all of us have the same lifelong work: to learn honesty, courage, and love. To learn, in other words, how to be our best selves (Deep Quotes)
I have to read comic books all first, because now when you get into graphic novels, they are definitely in deep graphic (Deep Quotes)
The most powerful sign is that your work no longer enchants you - it’s not deep, delightful, and mutually satisfying. When this happens, it may be time to look for new challenges (Deep Quotes)
Poems’ deep work is a matter of language, but also a matter of life. One part of that work is to draw into our awareness and into language itself the unobvious and the unexpected (Deep Quotes)
All our relationships, especially the deep ones, stir up the deepest issues for us that we need to confront and work with (Deep Quotes)
A person whose job is deep thinking about atomic war would no more call a ‘megadeath’ a ‘million corpses’ than an embalmer would refer to a ‘loved one’ as a ‘stiff (Deep Quotes)
Some male gamers with a deep sense of entitlement are terrified of change (Deep Quotes)
I may be crazy but I’d never smash someone’s ankles in because I loved them so much. Compassion runs deep in my blood (Deep Quotes)
There are lots of authentic, moving characters in so-called systems novels, just as there are certainly deep structural ideas in some character-driven novels (Deep Quotes)
I think what motivated me was just hope. Something inside of me, deep down in my guts, always felt like there was something in there (Deep Quotes)
I do believe abstraction is and was meant to embody deep emotion. I believe that’s its job, in the history of art (Deep Quotes)
In deep waters, you encounter only the wise and the brave; in shallow waters, the ignorant and the coward (Deep Quotes)
You should do whatever feels right in your deepest heart. Feel deep as consciousness, open as water, now, and feel how to live with a wide-open heart. Feel how to live as love without bondage (Deep Quotes)
Today, on our own turf, we face pagan ignorance about God every bit as deep as that which the early church faced in the Roman Empire (Deep Quotes)
Harsh reproof is like a violent storm, soon washed down the channel; but friendly admonitions, like a small shower, pierce deep, and bring forth better reformation (Deep Quotes)
Dating is great unless you don’t like horrible awkwardness, lying, and a deep foreboding sense of disappointment that never goes away (Deep Quotes)
I note that [Benazir] Bhutto demonstrates her own deep commitment to democracy by giving herself the title chairperson for life of the Pakistan Peoples Party (Deep Quotes)
The market is like the police: of course you need it, but if it becomes the central organizing principle of your culture then you’re in deep trouble (Deep Quotes)
By getting the Word deep into your spirit and speaking it boldly out your mouth, you release spiritual power to change things in the natural circumstances (Deep Quotes)