Deeper Quotes

Text Quotes
A sense of acquiring more mistakes and regrets the older you get, but also deeper growth in learning from these things. The value of experience (Deeper Quotes)
I’ve observed over and over that people seem to get a much deeper sense of fulfillment out of something they’ve done as an act of service than out of the things they do for themselves. (Deeper Quotes)
Some of the greatest businesses operating from a deeper purpose have a real commitment to service, like Four Seasons, Joie de Vivre hotels, Southwest Airlines, and JetBlue. (Deeper Quotes)
I hope for all of us that the future brings us towards evolving our consciousness. To delving deeper into our true power. To exploring more the key to sustaining our planet and our art for the better of all living things. (Deeper Quotes)
I believe what I practice has to do with something deeper than religion, that it embodies all religions, including Judaism. And Christianity. And Islam. (Deeper Quotes)
There is never such a thing as learning too much. We can always delve deeper, and in fact we should! (Deeper Quotes)
We know there are certain chemicals that are designed to give us a rush of pleasure. But, one of the most amazing things about being human is our capacity to override that pleasure. To either say, ‘I don’t need that pleasure right now. I’m going to ignore the craving.’ Or to find something else that we find a deeper sense of reward from. (Deeper Quotes)
Filmmaking is a thousand choices a day, and it’s important to just let those choices potentially be informed by something deeper. (Deeper Quotes)
The idea that the law should punish what is rude; that government should protect our tender sensibilities from those who would - quite often with shallow motivations but sometimes with deeper and more serious complaints - challenge our national certainties and rituals, should alarm and anger us. (Deeper Quotes)
When we see animals doing remarkable things, how do we know if we’re simply seeing tricks or signs of real intelligence? Are talented animals just obeying commands, or do they have some kind of deeper understanding? One of the biggest challenges for animal researchers is to come up with tests that can distinguish between the two. (Deeper Quotes)
I feel that the Christian experience and the Jewish one have much to give each other. If this open society continues and there is no return to political anti-Semitism, then this encounter, deeper than any theology, may happen. (Deeper Quotes)
Every year, I appreciate life more because of the deeper understanding of what it took to get this far. (Deeper Quotes)
Our painful experiences strengthen us in becoming more empathetic, more caring, and deeper human beings. We grow in depth of understanding, with greater appreciation for the miracle of life. (Deeper Quotes)
My motivation is to get a deeper understanding and exploration of something that I want to know about the human condition. So, that’s what I look for in the material I read: if it’s asking a genuine question about a concept of the world that interests me. And also, it helps if it’s a context that I find interesting. (Deeper Quotes)
When you are in church, it’s always good to carry a pen and notepad to jot down the scripture text, reference scriptures, and sermon notes. When you come prepared with notepad and pen, you are able to feed off the scriptures from the sermon throughout the week, while asking God to open up your understanding for a deeper illumination of the word. (Deeper Quotes)
As your life goes on you should gain a deeper understanding of the world and the people moving through it; but that might be asking too much. (Deeper Quotes)
Stardom is no longer the fuel of my soul. It is the deeper aspects of life that nurture me. And I realise I am very blessed. (Deeper Quotes)
I think the depth, what children can handle and what they’re interested in, is much deeper than I think what people assume. I think it’s why sometimes we make things too simple for them. (Deeper Quotes)
I think what children can handle and what they’re interested in is much deeper than people assume. It’s why sometimes we make things too simple for them. (Deeper Quotes)
I transitioned into theater and acting when I was about 9, community theater and musicals, being, like, chorus-kid-number-78 or whatever. But I just loved it. As a kid you just crave attention, and early on I just felt it was so cool and fun to play around and have people clap for me. But eventually I grew up and fell deeper into it. (Deeper Quotes)
I realize that I can be with someone, but on a deeper level I’m not available to them at all. I have attention deficit disorder of the soul. (Deeper Quotes)
You get perspective on things when you’re away from your child, and in a way, your love for them becomes even deeper. (Deeper Quotes)
I’ve been able to dig deeper into awareness of my own sinfulness, and take baby steps toward spiritual healing. I’m able to worship in an ancient communion full of awesome beauty, one that is now being blessed with quiet revival. (Deeper Quotes)
Newton had a very good description of gravity, back in the day, and then Einstein came along and dug a little bit deeper. Science is like peeling an onion. You go deeper and deeper and deeper, and it doesn’t stop. It’s not like you will get to a right answer. (Deeper Quotes)
Sometimes only poetry can say it. I think there’s just this deeper language, and away of putting your world back together again and breaking through barriers. (Deeper Quotes)
It’s much more fun to share and laugh at the bad times and the frustrations. I find you get a much deeper connection with the audience that way. (Deeper Quotes)
Everything good and bad about technology would be magnified by implanting it deep in brains. Is the risk of brain-hacking outweighed by the societal benefits of faster, deeper communication, and the ability to augment our own intelligence? (Deeper Quotes)
I’m not talking to you from the point of view of wishful thinking or imaginary craziness. I’m talking to you from a deeper, basic understanding. (Deeper Quotes)
No material object, however beautiful or valuable, can make us feel loved, because our deeper identity and true character lie in the subjective nature of the mind. (Deeper Quotes)
A writer’s duty is to draw a picture that expresses more inner beauty, deeper anxiety, and more complex tragedy than a real character ever can. (Deeper Quotes)