Deepest Quotes

Text Quotes
Every parent’s deepest wish is that their children are self sufficient, happy, and able to live a full life (Deepest Quotes)
Plot is merely the mechanism by which your character is forced up against her deepest fears and desires (Deepest Quotes)
Perhaps the most significant event in the evolution of the liberated mind arrives with the realization that most people, even in their deepest convictions, are blind to most truths (Deepest Quotes)
My compositions spring from my sorrows. Those that give the world the greatest delight were born of my deepest griefs (Deepest Quotes)
Empathy is one of our highest human skills and holds families and societies together. Feeling connected to other people is probably the deepest satisfaction we will ever know. How terrible for children who are being brought up without that capacity (Deepest Quotes)
We have the chance to build this new energy economy in ways that reflect our deepest values of inclusion, diversity, and equal opportunity for everyone (Deepest Quotes)
Silence is our deepest nature, our home, our common ground, our peace. Silence reveals. Silence heals (Deepest Quotes)
The practice of architecture is the most delightful of all pursuits. Also, next to agriculture, it is the most necessary to man. One must eat, one must have shelter. Next to religious worship itself, it is the spiritual handmaiden of our deepest convictions (Deepest Quotes)
The problems that stand in the way are not of economical or technological nature. The deepest sources of the global crisis lie inside the human personality and reflect the level of consciousness evolution of our species (Deepest Quotes)
At the deepest level of ecological awareness you are talking about spiritual awareness. Spiritual awareness is an understanding of being imbedded in a larger whole, a cosmic whole, of belonging to the universe (Deepest Quotes)
Art is a weapon that penetrates the eyes, the ears, the deepest and subtlest human feelings (Deepest Quotes)
Having begun my life in science searching for the equation beyond time, I now believe that the deepest secret of the universe is that its essence rests in how it unfolds moment by moment in time (Deepest Quotes)
Knowing what you admire in others is a wonderful mirror into your deepest, as yet unborn, self (Deepest Quotes)
You could make your fingers reproduce exactly what you felt, if you really worked at it. I achieved it, not only spending a lot of time at the keyboard but finding ways I could make my fingers reproduce my deepest feelings. It meant, when you hit a note with a finger, you sank into that note all the way to the bottom of the keyboard until it went pow! Right? (Deepest Quotes)
Secrets can take many forms. They can be shocking or silly or soulful. They can connect us with our deepest humanity, or with people we’ll never meet (Deepest Quotes)
One of the lessons of history is that even the deepest crises can be moments of opportunity. They bring ideas from the margins into the mainstream (Deepest Quotes)
Joy mingled with sadness, even with grief, is the deepest human joy. It winds itself about the soul with indescribable sweetness, with a dim but unerring sense for what will some day be born of it (Deepest Quotes)
The most beautiful, perhaps the only true philosophical song existing in any known tongue... perhaps the deepest and loftiest thing the world has to show (Deepest Quotes)
We must be free for the truth; and conversely, to be able to be open toward the truth may be our deepest freedom as human creatures (Deepest Quotes)
We are the living links in a life force that moves and plays around and through us, binding the deepest soils with the farthest stars (Deepest Quotes)
Of them all, it was the true love. Of them all, it was the best. That other sumptuous love which made one drunk, which one longed for, envied, believed in, that was not life. It was what life was seeking; it was a suspension of life. But to be close to a child, for whom one spent everything, whose life was protected and nourished by one’s own, to have that child beside one, at peace, was the real, the deepest, the only joy (Deepest Quotes)
Adversity is the source of our deepest growth and greatest blessings; embrace it, dare to seek it (Deepest Quotes)
Fear of self is the greatest of all terrors, the deepest of all dread, the commonest of all mistakes. From it grows failure. Because of it, life is a mockery. Out of it comes despair (Deepest Quotes)
There are no prescriptive solutions, no grand designs for grand problems. Life’s solutions lie in the minute particulars involving more and more individual people daring to create their own life and art, daring to listen to the voice within their deepest, original nature, and deeper still, the voice within the earth (Deepest Quotes)
The creative consequences of man’s imaginative strivings may never make him whole; but they constitute his deepest consolations and his greatest glories (Deepest Quotes)
Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside, you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing (Deepest Quotes)
If you want to live an authentic, meaningful life, you need to master the art of disappointing and upsetting others, hurting feelings, and living with the reality that some people just won’t like you. It may not be easy, but it’s essential if you want your life to reflect your deepest desires, values, and needs (Deepest Quotes)
Not write what you know, but know what you write. If you write about a world before, after, or other than this one, enter that world completely. Search it to find your deepest longings and most terrible fears. Let imagination carry you as far as it may, as long as you recount the voyage with excitement and wonder. But this is the most important rule: write the book you most long to read (Deepest Quotes)
Beyond the deepest tragedy there is laughter; even in the midst of tragedy there is always the possibility for laughter (Deepest Quotes)
A better way to mutual respect is to engage directly with the moral convictions citizens bring to public life, rather than to require that people leave their deepest moral convictions outside politics before they enter (Deepest Quotes)