Deepest Quotes

Text Quotes
The main reason intuition is so important is this: It is a clear sign that you are connecting with your inner spiritual guidance system. Intuition is a direct signal from your deepest self that you are navigating from your true center (Deepest Quotes)
Light of compassion and the light of wisdom that arises from our deepest and truest nature surpasses all other lights (Deepest Quotes)
If we open up to our vitality and to the sense of urgency that flows within us... we will have the pleasure of experiencing ourselves living and working in cooperation with the deepest forces of life (Deepest Quotes)
The deepest words of the wise man teach us the same as the whistle of the wind when it blows or the sound of the water when it is flowing (Deepest Quotes)
Make your own decision, based on your deepest intuitive wisdom and knowledge. You may make the right decision or the wrong one, but whatever happens, it is your best shot, and you will strengthen your capacity for future action (Deepest Quotes)
Each quantum event, each of the trillions of times reality’s particles interact with each other every instant, is like a note that rings and resonates throughout the great bell of creation. And the sound of the ringing propagates instantaneously, everywhere at once, interconnecting all things. This is a truth of our universe. It is a mystical truth, that reality at its deepest level is an undivided wholeness (Deepest Quotes)
As you open yourself to living at your edge, your deepest purpose will slowly begin to make itself known. In the meantime, you will experience layer after layer of purposes, each one getting closer and closer to the fullness of your deepest purpose. It is as if your deepest purpose is at the center of your being, and it is surrounded by layers of concentric circles, each circle being a lesser purpose. Your life consists of penetrating each circle, from the outside toward the center (Deepest Quotes)
Our human nature is profoundly phototropic. Men obey their deepest instincts when they hold fast to light (Deepest Quotes)
I want my work to become part of our visual history, to enter our collective memory and our collective conscience. I hope it will serve to remind us that history’s deepest tragedies concern not the great protagonists who set events in motion but the countless ordinary people who are caught up in those events and torn apart by their remorseless fury. I have been a witness, and these pictures are my testimony. The events I have recorded should not be forgotten and must not be repeated (Deepest Quotes)
Silence is, after all, the context for the deepest appreciation of art: the only important evaluations are finally, personal, interior ones (Deepest Quotes)
The slot machines sit there like young courtesans, promising pleasures undreamed of, your deepest desires fulfilled, all lusts satiated (Deepest Quotes)
Love is beauty, consciousness is trust. One of the deepest feminine pleasures is when a man stands full, present, and unreactive in the midst of his woman’s emotional storms. When he stays present with her, and loves her through the layers of wildness and closure, then she feels his trustability, and she can relax (Deepest Quotes)
I went on to discover that in its deepest sense, the will is not primarily the faculty of desire for anything known, but rather, the desire for something unknown, animate desire for something that lies beyond ourselves, a longing for something we know is missing in us (Deepest Quotes)
Genius is the basis for the deepest type of mentoring. When true learning occurs genius teaches genius and both the teacher and the student grow (Deepest Quotes)
Movement has the capacity to take us to the home of the soul, the world within for which we have no name. Movement reaches our deepest nature, and dance creatively expresses it. Through dance, we gain new insights into the mystery of our lives. When brought forth from the inside and forged by the desire to create personal change, dance has the profound power to heal the body, psyche and soul (Deepest Quotes)
We’re here to learn how to worship consciousness and radiance, evoke it in each other, and tolerate nothing less than our deepest love (Deepest Quotes)
Stop all physical activity and sit naturally at ease. Remain silent and let sound be like an echo. Do not think about anything look at experience beyond thought; open minded like space. Let go of control and stop and rest at ease in that state. Awareness without projection is the greatest meditation. Train and develop like this and you will come to the deepest awakening (Deepest Quotes)
I open myself genuinely to all people by being willing to fully communicate my deepest feelings, since hiding in any degree keep me stuck in my illusion of separateness from other people (Deepest Quotes)
Once you know your deepest wish you can base your life on intention rather than craving (Deepest Quotes)
In all experience, there is something to be learned. In deepest sorrow, wisdom is found. In the well of despair, hope rises (Deepest Quotes)
Out of our deepest memories come the forgotten forms of the past, given new life by the living sentience of an ancient and eternal forest (Deepest Quotes)
Our deepest need is for the joy that comes with knowing we are of genuine use to others (Deepest Quotes)
One may ask the question as to the extent to which the quest for beauty is an aim in the pursuit of science... It is, indeed, an incredible fact that what the human mind, at its deepest and most profound, perceives as beautiful finds its realization in external nature. What is intelligible is also beautiful (Deepest Quotes)
The deepest level of truth uncovered by science, and by philosophy, is the fundamental truth of unity. At that deepest subnuclear level of our reality, you and I are literally one (Deepest Quotes)
Crying, that is, sobbing is the earliest and deepest way to release tension. Infants can cry almost from the moment of birth, and do so easily following every stress that produces a state of tension in the body... Human beings are the only creatures who can react in this way to stress and tension. Most probably, they are the only ones who need this form of release (Deepest Quotes)
One might say the computer is being used to program the child. In my vision, the child programs the computer, and in doing so, both acquires a sense of mastery over a piece of the most modern and powerful technology and establishes an intense contact with some of the deepest ideas from science, from mathematics, and from the art of intellectual model building (Deepest Quotes)
My whole artistic life has been devoted to battling myself and my ability to externalize my deepest emotions. As I have gotten older, the work has become more direct, perhaps reflecting the fact that for the first time in my life I feel really free. I have been fascinated with wings all my life. I have had an obsession with transcendence, the need to push forward and metaphorically fly (Deepest Quotes)
I felt the calling to adopt. You just know in the deepest part of your being that you are meant to find this little soul and guide them through life (Deepest Quotes)
I think in real life most of us don’t know how to communicate our deepest feelings very well (Deepest Quotes)
The higher nature in man always seeks for something which transcends itself and yet is its deepest truth; which claims all its sacrifice, yet makes this sacrifice its own recompense. This is man’s dharma, man’s religion, and man’s self is the vessel (Deepest Quotes)