Deepest Quotes

Text Quotes
This is the deepest experiment of life. And whatever has been discovered in regard to life, this is the most significant finding of all: don’t ask for happiness if you want to be happy, don’t ask for peace if you want to be peaceful. Whatever you ask for will be lost. Whatever you do not ask for you will get. You have asked many times and seen that you do not receive it. Now try not asking and see. There is no need to believe me; there is a need to experiment (Deepest Quotes)
Sex endows the individual with a dumb and powerful instinct, which carries his body and soul continually towards another, makes it one of the dearest employments of his life to select and pursue a companion, and joins to possession the keenest pleasure, to rivalry the fiercest rage, and to solicitude an eternal melancholy. What more could be needed to suffuse the world with the deepest meaning and beauty? (Deepest Quotes)
He created the church to meet your five deepest needs: a purpose to live for, people to live with, principles to live by, a profession to live out, and power to live on. There is no other place on earth where you can find all five of these benefits in one place (Deepest Quotes)
If you expect the worst from a person, you can’t ever be disappointed... The pessimist takes a sort of gloomy pleasure in observing the depths to which human behaviour can sink. Everyone likes to have his deepest convictions confirmed; that is one of the most abiding of human satisfaction (Deepest Quotes)
I hope you will judge yourselves not on your professional accomplishments alone, but also on how well you have addressed the world’s deepest inequities... on how well you treated people a world away who have nothing in common with you but your humanity (Deepest Quotes)
When someone shows you their heart, their past, their wounds, they have entrusted you with the deepest part of themselves. It is the part of themselves that makes them uniquely beautiful. To be trusted in this way is a great honor. Guard that trust with your life (Deepest Quotes)
It is the basic principle of spiritual life that we learn the deepest things in unknown territory. Often it is when we feel most confused inwardly and are in the midst of our greatest difficulties that something new will open. We awaken most easily to the mystery of life through our weakest side. The areas of our greatest strength, where we are the most competent and clearest, tend to keep us away from the mystery (Deepest Quotes)
Why are we reading if not in hope that the writer will magnify and dramatize our days, will illuminate and inspire us with wisdom, courage, and the possibility of meaningfulness, and will press upon our minds the deepest mysteries, so that we may feel again their majesty and power? What do we ever know that is higher than that power which, from time to time, seizes our lives, and reveals us startlingly to ourselves as creatures set down here bewildered? (Deepest Quotes)
You are going to have to give and give and give, or there’s no reason for you to be writing. You have to give from the deepest part of yourself, and you are going to have to go on giving, and the giving is going to have to be its own reward. There is no cosmic importance to your getting something published, but there is in learning to be a giver (Deepest Quotes)
The deepest hunger in life is a secret that is revealed only when a person is willing to unlock a hidden part of the self. In the ancient traditions of wisdom, this quest has been likened to diving for the most precious pearl in existence, a poetic way of saying that you have to swim far out beyond shallow waters, plunge deep into yourself, and search patiently until the pearl beyond price is found (Deepest Quotes)
The power of the heart is to be connected with who you are at the deepest level. The power of the heart is the power of life itself, the power of the very intelligence that pervades and underlies the entire universe. It is a power that lies at the very heart of the universe. So to live in connectedness with that, then you are in touch with the power of the heart (Deepest Quotes)
Outside, you don’t hear a single bird, and a deathly, oppressive silence hangs over the house and clings to me as if it were going to drag me into the deepest regions of the underworld... I wander from room to room, climb up and down the stairs and feel like a songbird whose wings have been ripped off and who keeps hurling itself against the bars of its dark cage (Deepest Quotes)
Allowing our government to kill citizens compromises the deepest moral values upon which this country was conceived: The inviolable dignity of human persons (Deepest Quotes)
Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart (Deepest Quotes)
This recession is the deepest in our lifetimes, the deepest since 1929. If you take the people thrown out of work in the 1982 recession, the 1991 recession, the 2001 recession, not only is this bigger, this is bigger than all of those combined (Deepest Quotes)
If you let your fear of consequence prevent you from following your deepest instinct, your life will be safe, expedient and thin (Deepest Quotes)
There’s no such thing as chance; and what to us seems merest accident Springs from the deepest source of destiny (Deepest Quotes)
The deepest feminine yearning is to achieve a loving union which, in its development, validates this maturation and simultaneously stimulates and furthers the desire for perfection in others (Deepest Quotes)
Its purpose is moral, that is, the evaluation of experience; in the deepest sense, the development of taste (Deepest Quotes)
The deepest, the intelligible, part of the nature of man is that part which does not take refuge in causality, but which chooses in freedom the good or the bad (Deepest Quotes)
As the best wine doth make the sharpest vinegar, so the deepest love turneth to the deadliest hate (Deepest Quotes)
Religion is, as it were, the calm bottom of the sea at its deepest point, which remains calm however high the waves on the surface may be (Deepest Quotes)
In all the affairs of life, social as well as political, courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest to the grateful and appreciating heart (Deepest Quotes)
A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety (Deepest Quotes)
Once you’ve completed a wonderful class, you get a sense of the deepest, purest part of yourself. You feel like you are connected to everybody else in the world (Deepest Quotes)
When you live your life acting upon your deepest intuitions, no decision you ever make in life will be feared or a risk (Deepest Quotes)
A true spiritual seeker will have the deepest respect and utmost reverence for all religions. We can treasure all religions and claim them as our very own (Deepest Quotes)
A very great vision is needed, and the man who has it must follow it as the eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky (Deepest Quotes)
I express the very deepest condolences to the family of the deceased on whose shoulders rest major events for the good of the country and serious mistakes (Deepest Quotes)
It is not impossibilities which fill us with the deepest despair, but possibilities which we have failed to realize (Deepest Quotes)