Deepest Quotes

Text Quotes
Lucy woke out of the deepest sleep you can imagine, with the feeling that the voice she liked best in the world had been calling her name. (Deepest Quotes)
My mission in life is to be kind, compassionate, caring, sharing and loving in order to feel the deepest joy of life. (Deepest Quotes)
The great achievement of the Catholic Church lay in harmonizing, civilizing the deepest impulses of ordinary, ignorant people. (Deepest Quotes)
Michael John’s music is soul-stirring. It gets inside the deepest part of you; it’s almost a chemical reaction. (Deepest Quotes)
The deepest change begins with men raising children as much as women do and women being equal actors in the world outside the home. There are many ways of supporting that, from something as simple as paid sick leave and flexible work hours to attributing an economic value to all caregiving and making that amount tax deductible. (Deepest Quotes)
Buddhism helps people to overcome pain. The deepest pain that Chinese people feel now is the pain of separation from loved ones, one of the eight pains in Buddhism. (Deepest Quotes)
It is the deepest desire of my heart to have every member of the Church worthy to enter the temple (Deepest Quotes)
I am trying to make clear through my writing something which I believe: that biography- history in general- can be literature in the deepest and highest sense of that term. (Deepest Quotes)
Intimate, loving, and enduring relationships with our family and close friends will be among the sources of the deepest joy in our lives. (Deepest Quotes)
Deepest communion with God is beyond words, on the other side of silence (Deepest Quotes)
A single human brain has about a hundred million nerve cells... and a computer program that throws light on the mind/brain problem will have to incorporate the deepest insights of biologists, nerve scientists, psychologists, physiologists, linguists, social scientists, and even philosophers. (Deepest Quotes)
Some people love so hard that they can’t control those emotions when they’re at their deepest point. (Deepest Quotes)
Justice must be done in investigating the tragic death of Mr. Freddie Gray. His family deserves our deepest sympathy and respect for their loss, and our admiration for their courage in calling us, as a city, to act as our better selves. (Deepest Quotes)
In his deepest heart there surge tremendous shame and madness mixed with sorrow and love whipped on by frenzy and a courage aware of its own worth. (Deepest Quotes)
The creative consequences of man’s imaginative strivings may never make him whole; but they constitute his deepest consolations and his greatest glories. (Deepest Quotes)
I believe in businesses where you engage in creative thinking, and where you form some of your deepest relationships. If it isn’t about the production of the human spirit, we are in big trouble. (Deepest Quotes)
Heaven is beyond our imagination . . . . At our most creative moment, at our deepest thought, at our highest level, we still cannot fathom eternity. (Deepest Quotes)
Curiosity deepest connection that we have with knowledge, wisdom and life. Incuriosity is cutting all these connections. (Deepest Quotes)
Intrinsic security doesn’t come from what other people think of us or how they treat us. It doesn’t come from our circumstance or out position. It comes from within. It comes from accurate paradigms and correct principles deep in our own mind and heart. It comes from inside-out congruence, from living a life of integrity in which our daily habits reflect our deepest values. (Deepest Quotes)
Prayer is listening as well as speaking, receiving as well as asking; and its deepest mood is friendship held in reverence. So the daily prayer should end as it begins - in adoration. (Deepest Quotes)
It is in the darkest hour, when we are faced with our deepest most wrenching fears, that we are given the greatest strength. The choice is whether we succumb to the fear or rise with courage to face our truth and shine our brilliance as our sword of valor. (Deepest Quotes)
Take a deep breath and tell us your deepest, darkest secret, so we can wipe our brow and know that we’re not alone. (Deepest Quotes)
My dad was a bedwetter; I think his dad was a bedwetter. I like to talk about it because it’s something that I thought would be my deepest, darkest secret my whole life, and then you become an adult, and it’s not. (Deepest Quotes)
...know you not that you are my sun by day, and my star by night? By my faith! I was in deepest darkness till you appeared and illuminated all. (Deepest Quotes)
This comes with my/our deepest sympathy, and the hope that the dear memories of your loved one and the passing of time will ease your sorrow. (Deepest Quotes)
Our deepest fear is judgment. Our deepest longing is love. The gospel of grace removes the one and provides the other. (Deepest Quotes)
I think people resist freedom because they’re afraid of the unknown. But it’s ironic....That unknown was once very well known. It’s where our souls belong....The only solution is to confront them - confront yourself - with the greatest fear imaginable. Expose yourself to your deepest fear. After that, fear has no power, and fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.... (Deepest Quotes)
Life is the greatest of all mysteries, and though I seek to solve its many riddles, my deepest fear is that I will succeed. (Deepest Quotes)
I fall into him like one would fall into a dream, ready to submit to your subconscious’s inner most desires and your deepest fears. (Deepest Quotes)
Empirical debunking cannot reach the deepest fear of the reactionary mind, which is that the state - that devouring leviathan - will soon swallow up all traces of human volition and dignity. The conclusion is based on conservative moral convictions that reason can’t shake. (Deepest Quotes)