Deeply Quotes

Text Quotes
When you want a thing deeply, earnestly and intensely, this feeling of desire reinforces your will and arouses in you the determination to work for the desired object (Deeply Quotes)
When someone deeply listens to you, your barefeet are on the earth, and a beloved land that seemed distant, is now at home within you (Deeply Quotes)
Buildings are deeply emotive structures which form our psyche. People think they’re just things they maneuver through, but the makeup of a person is influenced by the nature of spaces (Deeply Quotes)
Looking back upon my work today, I think the best I have done grew out of things deeply felt, the worst from a pride in mere talent (Deeply Quotes)
It’s by what you do that you communicate to others that you are deeply involved in their well being (Deeply Quotes)
Show me a population that is deeply religious and I will show you a servile population, content with whips and chains,... content to eat the bread of sorrow and drink the waters of affliction (Deeply Quotes)
There, at the centre, are the artists who really form the consciousness of their time; they respond deeply, intuitively to what is happening, what has happened, and what will happen, and their response is expressed in metaphor, in image and in fable (Deeply Quotes)
Unhappy is the man, though he rule the world, who doesn’t consider himself supremely blessed. In order to consider himself supremely blessed he must deeply understand that things could be much worse but aren’t! To not do that is to always be less happy than he could be (Deeply Quotes)
Rapacity plus taste is a formidable combination, since it so often passes for intelligence. One pities the artist in a world of such predators, all of whom are deeply engaged in the arts too (Deeply Quotes)
Learning is a deep human need, like mating and eating, and like all such needs it is meant to be deeply pleasurable to human beings (Deeply Quotes)
I believe passionately that games are an art form and that the power of our medium flows from our audience, who are deeply involved in how the story unfolds and who have the uncontested right to provide constructive criticism. At the same time, I also believe in and support the artistic choices made by the development team (Deeply Quotes)
We tell stories. We tell stories to pass the time, to leave the world for a while, or go more deeply into it. We tell stories to heal the pain of living (Deeply Quotes)
If you wish to get hold of the invisible you must penetrate as deeply as possible into the visible (Deeply Quotes)
Light to me is perhaps the most profound truth in the universe. My thinking has been deeply affected by the belief everything is some form of radiant energy (Deeply Quotes)
I was a lonely, frightened little fat kid who felt there was something deeply wrong with me because I didn’t feel like I was the gender I’d been assigned. I felt there was something wrong with me, something sick and twisted inside me, something very very bad about me. And everything I read backed that up (Deeply Quotes)
We all need people to tell us that we were the ones who had been deeply wronged (Deeply Quotes)
Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh (Deeply Quotes)
Change happens when you understand what you want to change so deeply that there is no reason to do anything but act in your own best interest (Deeply Quotes)
Travel spins us round in two ways at once: It shows us the sights and values and issues that we might ordinarily ignore; but it also, and more deeply, shows us all the parts of ourselves that might otherwise grow rusty (Deeply Quotes)
The breath is a powerful toolit creates a bridge between the subconscious and conscious mind, and connects the mind and the body. When you sit and breathe deeply, your physiology will change, and both your mind and your body will relax and become open. Breathing helps clear your head of the thoughts of the emotions and ego, and it allows you to get closer to your true self (Deeply Quotes)
The machine is a tool. But it is not a neutral tool. We are deeply influenced by the machine while using it (Deeply Quotes)
In order to live fully we may need to look deeply at our own suffering and at the suffering of others. In the depths of every wound we have survived is the strength we need to live. The wisdom our wounds can offer us is a place of refuge. Finding this is not for the faint of heart. But then, neither is life (Deeply Quotes)
All poets and story tellers alive today make a single brotherhood; they are engaged in a single work, picturing our human life. Whoever pictures life as he sees it, reassembles in his own way the details of existence which affect him deeply, and so creates a spiritual world of his own (Deeply Quotes)
Writing is a deeply immersive experience. When the words are flying, the house could be burgled and I wouldn’t notice. I have a low boredom threshold and I like intensity – writing is a way of escaping the quotidian (Deeply Quotes)
I am dominated by one thing, an irresistible, burning attraction towards the abstract. The expression of human feelings and the passions of man certainly interest me deeply, but I am less concerned with expressing the motions of the soul and mind than to render visible, so to speak, the inner flashes of intuition which have something divine in their apparent insignificance and reveal magic, even divine horizons, when they are transposed into the marvellous effects of pure plastic art (Deeply Quotes)
I am deeply reminded that our life’s journey is a gift, not a given, and that we can never truly know how long the journey will last. All we can do is decide how it unfolds (Deeply Quotes)
You cannot breathe deeply and worry at the same time. Breathe. Let the worry go. Breathe. Allow the love and intuition in (Deeply Quotes)
Is it ever really a waste of time to love someone, truly and deeply, with everything you have? (Deeply Quotes)
My philosophy of life is that I am deeply, deeply serious about my work and for the rest I like to have a few laughs (Deeply Quotes)
The desire to do something because you find it deeply satisfying and personally challenging inspires the highest levels of creativity, whetherit’s in the arts, sciences, or business (Deeply Quotes)