Defeat Quotes

Text Quotes
Do not be afraid of defeat. You are never so near to victory as when defeated in a good cause (Defeat Quotes)
If you learn how to defeat that person when you’re running. You will know how to not quit when things get hard in your life (Defeat Quotes)
The way to defeat fear: decide on a course of conduct and follow it. Keep so busy and work so hard that you forget about being afraid (Defeat Quotes)
Let me define a leader. He must have vision and passion and not be afraid of any problem. Instead, he should know how to defeat it. Most importantly, he must work with integrity (Defeat Quotes)
The more you talk about negative things in your life, the more you call them in. Speak victory not defeat (Defeat Quotes)
To conquer oneself is the best and noblest victory; to be vanquished by one’s own nature is the worst and most ignoble defeat (Defeat Quotes)
A warrior accepts defeat. He does not treat it as a matter of indifference nor does he try to make a victory of it (Defeat Quotes)
The general of a large army may be defeated, but you cannot defeat the determined mind of a peasant (Defeat Quotes)
Nor should the argument seem strange that taxation may be so high as to defeat its object, and that, given sufficient time to gather the fruits, a reduction of taxation will run a better chance than an increase of balancing the budget (Defeat Quotes)
You can prevent your opponent from defeating you through defense, but you cannot defeat him without taking the offensive (Defeat Quotes)
To me defeat in anything is merely temporary. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth (Defeat Quotes)
You will pass through storms and heavy rains, and at times you will suffer defeat. The essence of the creative life, however, is not to give up in the face of defeat but to follow the rainbow that exists within your heart (Defeat Quotes)
Defeat I shall not know. It shall not touch me. I will meet it with true thinking. Resisting it will be my strengthening. But if, perchance, the day shall give to me the bitter cup, it shall sweeten in the drinking (Defeat Quotes)
Inevitably the machines must win, but there is still a long way to go before a human on his or her best day is unable to defeat the best computer (Defeat Quotes)
Whether we’re on the path toward victory or defeat is determined by the very next choice we make. Not the choices from yesterday. Not the choices five minutes ago (Defeat Quotes)
You can’t talk defeat and expect to have victory. You can’t talk lack and expect to have abundance. You’ve got to send your words out in the direction you want your life to go (Defeat Quotes)
Opportunity... It has a sly habit of slipping in by the back door, and often it comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat. Perhaps this is why so many fail to recognize opportunity (Defeat Quotes)
It is within the power of writers and artists to do much more: to defeat the lie! (Defeat Quotes)
Honour belongs to those who never forsake the truth even when things seem dark and grim, who try over and over again, who are never discouraged by insults, humiliation and even defeat (Defeat Quotes)
Be the first to seek to bring good, do not grow accustomed to evil, but defeat it (Defeat Quotes)
Those who disagree with the dictator’s plan have no other means to carry on than to defeat the despot by force of arms (Defeat Quotes)
A long war almost always places nations in this sad alternative: that their defeat delivers them to destruction and their triumph to despotism (Defeat Quotes)
Better to dare mighty things and fail than to live in a grey twilight where there is neither victory nor defeat (Defeat Quotes)
It is precisely when we have suffered defeat that we can determine to win and open the path to future victory (Defeat Quotes)
An organization filled with honest, motivated, connected, eager, learning, experimenting, ethical and driven people will always defeat the one that merely has talent. Every time (Defeat Quotes)
When you move your focus from competition to contribution life becomes a celebration. Never try to defeat people, just win their hearts (Defeat Quotes)
You become strong by defying defeat and by turning loss into gain and failure to success (Defeat Quotes)
We find the light only after total defeat of our attempts to deceive and outwit it (Defeat Quotes)
Winning isn’t enough. The acme of all skill is to defeat your enemy before taking the field (Defeat Quotes)
Fear is a habit, so is self pity, defeat, anxiety, despair, hopelessness and resignation. You can eliminate all of these negative habits with two simple resolves: I can and I will (Defeat Quotes)