Defeat Quotes

Text Quotes
Love can defeat that nameless terror. Loving one another, we take the sting from death. Loving our mysterious blue planet, we resolve riddles and dissolve all enigmas in contingent bliss (Defeat Quotes)
Now everything is clear. I admit my defeat. The tongue of my ravings in my ear is the tongue of a stranger (Defeat Quotes)
It is better to go to defeat with free will than to live in a meaningless security as a cog in a machine (Defeat Quotes)
The key to the defeat and eventually the end of imperialism as a a whole is the unity of all socialist countries and progressive forces in capitalist countries (Defeat Quotes)
And if one is to express the great inevitable defeat that awaits us all, it must be done within the strict confines of dignity and beauty (Defeat Quotes)
Men and women can never be close. They can hardly speak to one another in the same language. But are compelled, forever, to try, and therefore even in defeat there is no peace (Defeat Quotes)
We may not be able to defeat these swine, but we don’t have to join them (Defeat Quotes)
Trying to defeat an ideology by killing individuals is like trying to save a marriage with a blowjob. It might buy you some time, but in the end it’ll just suck (Defeat Quotes)
Imperialism has been defeated in many partial battles. But it remains a considerable force in the world, and we cannot expect its final defeat save through effort and sacrifice on the part of us all (Defeat Quotes)
Giving in is no defeat. Passing on is no retreat. Selves are made to rise above. You shall live in what you love (Defeat Quotes)
Not every defeat of authority is a gain for individual freedom, nor every judicial rescue of a convict a victory for liberty (Defeat Quotes)
The roots of defeat which were put down by some of the elements of our party in the two or three years after 1980 made victory difficult to achieve (Defeat Quotes)
To struggle and battle and overcome and absolutely defeat every force designed against us is the only way to achieve (Defeat Quotes)
It s easy to do anything in victory. It’s in defeat that a man reveals himself (Defeat Quotes)
Somewhere in the world there is defeat for everyone. Some are destroyed by defeat, and some made small and mean by victory. Greatness lives in one who triumphs equally over defeat add victory (Defeat Quotes)
Every action we take, everything we do, is either a victory or defeat in the struggle to become what we want to be (Defeat Quotes)
There is no failure except in no longer trying. There is no defeat except from within, no insurmountable barrier except our own inherent weakness of purpose (Defeat Quotes)
The scars left from the child’s defeat in the fight against irrational authority are to be found at the bottom of every neurosis (Defeat Quotes)
Emulation looks out for merits, that she may exalt herself by a victory; envy spies out blemishes that she may lower another by defeat (Defeat Quotes)
Our goal is to inflict pain. It is not good enough to win; it has to be a painful and devastating defeat. We’re sending a message here. It is like when the king would take his opponent’s head and spike it on a pole for everyone to see (Defeat Quotes)
You’ve got to learn to survive a defeat. That’s when you develop character (Defeat Quotes)
The real peril of war lies not in military defeat. It lies in war itself, whether we win or lose (Defeat Quotes)
There could be no honor is sure success, but much might be wrested from a sure defeat (Defeat Quotes)
One man alone can’t defeat the forces of evil, but many good people coming together can (Defeat Quotes)
You’ve got to learn something from every defeat in life or life will defeat you (Defeat Quotes)
The virtue of achievement is victory over oneself. Those who know this can never know defeat (Defeat Quotes)
Life is essentially a cheat and its conditions are those of defeat; the redeeming things are not happiness and pleasure but the deeper satisfactions that come out of struggle (Defeat Quotes)
They were afraid, never having learned what I taught myself: Defeat the fear of death and welcome the death of fear (Defeat Quotes)
Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses... On your powers, instead of your problems (Defeat Quotes)
Defeat doesn’t finish a man, quit does. A man is not finished when he’s defeated. He’s finished when he quits (Defeat Quotes)