Defeat Quotes

Text Quotes
Can we not wage a war and emerge victorious against poverty. Let us defeat poverty. (Defeat Quotes)
Public and employer opinion often defeat society’s best interests with a prejudice against middle-aged women. (Defeat Quotes)
I want the American people to understand, we have a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle and defeat Al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan. (Defeat Quotes)
The mission - the overall mission is to dismantle and defeat and disrupt al-Qaeda. But we have to make sure there’s not a safe haven that returns in Afghanistan. (Defeat Quotes)
Criticism and pessimism destroy families, undermine institutions of all kinds, defeat nearly everyone, and spread a shroud of gloom over entire nations. (Defeat Quotes)
Why do we fear the dark as unavoidable defeat when it alone is constant, and we’d starve if it stopped watering the lawn of dreams. (Defeat Quotes)
If success attends my steps, honor and glory await my name-if defeat, still shall it be said we died like brave men, and conferred honor, even in death, on the American Name. (Defeat Quotes)
The American president has to both keep our families safe and make the economy grow in a way that helps everyone, not just those at the top. That`s the job. I have a strategy to combat and defeat ISIS without getting us involved in another ground war. And I have plans to raise incomes and deal with a lot of the problems that keep families up at night. (Defeat Quotes)
We are not putting ground troops into Iraq ever again. And we’re not putting ground troops into Syria. We’re going to defeat ISIS without committing American ground troops. (Defeat Quotes)
We must confront persecution faced by many Christian communities and the intolerance that plagues us. We must overcome anti-Semitism and the prejudice that divides us. We must defeat Islamophobia and the fears that weaken us. (Defeat Quotes)
The bottom line is that after we defeat the armed forces of Iraq, that we will want to and need to provide stability throughout that country. (Defeat Quotes)
Art forms that appeal to [leftists] tend to focus on ... defeat and despair ... as if there were no hope of accomplishing anything through rational calculation. (Defeat Quotes)
The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy. To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat, but cannot make certain of defeating the enemy. (Defeat Quotes)
Remember, your attitude toward a situation can help you to change it - you create the very atmosphere for defeat or victory. (Defeat Quotes)
You’re not a baby boomer if you don’t have a visceral recollection of a Kennedy and a King assassination, a Beatles breakup, a U.S. defeat in Vietnam, and a Watergate. (Defeat Quotes)
Have you ever sabotaged yourself? Ever come close to victory only to slide back into the jaws of defeat? When you are fighting yourself, you can’t win. (Defeat Quotes)
People ask, ‘How can you let a defeat hurt you so much?’ But it comes back to the effort you have put into your career as a youngster. (Defeat Quotes)
As a tennis player, you have to get used to losing every week. Unless you win the tournament, you always go home as a loser. But you have to take the positive out of a defeat and go back to work. Improve to fail better. (Defeat Quotes)
I like to go full bore into something. If you have a backup plan, then you’ve already admitted defeat. (Defeat Quotes)
Losing is a bad feeling. I’ve never been on an undefeated team throughout high school, so I tasted defeat before. I’ve been taught to handle it graciously. (Defeat Quotes)
There is a hangover from a defeat like Denmark - ask any player about when they’ve had a bad game, it’s still in there somewhere in the back of your mind. (Defeat Quotes)
Torture is how you create enemies, not how you defeat them... Torture is how you get bad information, not good intelligence. Torture is how you set back America’s standing in the world, not how you strengthen it. (Defeat Quotes)
We must take down the carnies. I think we need to start a campaign to defeat their scamming ways. I never win the boardwalk basketball game. (Defeat Quotes)
View a stumbling block as a learning opportunity. If you allow it to defeat you, it will. Honestly, if I give everything I have, I can’t be disappointed with the outcome. (Defeat Quotes)
When you play with the best in the world, it is important that you not lose focus. You must be fully focused. Even a minor error could result in a massive defeat. (Defeat Quotes)
Don’t beat yourself. That’s the worst kind of defeat you’ll ever suffer. (Defeat Quotes)
If you do the best you can, you have nothing to be ashamed of. A defeat is not a disgrace. (Defeat Quotes)
You can see that there is scarcely an observable fact unworthy of mention in your notes, and yet you could easily spend more time scribbling than watching, and that would defeat the purpose. So be selective, don’t be compulsive, and enjoy your note-taking. (Defeat Quotes)
The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths. (Defeat Quotes)
Not until the human heart is stolid to poetry, the human eye blind to beauty, not until the intellect ceases its quest for truth and conscience finds its quietus either in universal defeat or in triumphant success, will organized religion cease to be. (Defeat Quotes)