Defend Quotes

Text Quotes
I created a weapon to defend the borders of my motherland. It’s not my fault that it’s being used where it shouldn’t be. The politicians are more to blame for this (Defend Quotes)
I believe we are slowly turning into a socialist government. The government is continually growing bigger and more powerful and the people need to prepare to defend themselves against government control (Defend Quotes)
People study martial arts for many reasons, sometimes all the wrong reasons. For example, I have had potential students come to my dojo with a belligerent and cocky attitude. When I ask why they want to study my art, their response has indicated to me that their goal is to learn to fight, which is the antithesis of the philosophy I hope to instill: I want them to know how to defend themselves if necessary, but to avoid fighting whenever possible because they will have nothing to prove by fighting (Defend Quotes)
When you fall, never get up without gaining anything. Always find something on the way up. If there are only rocks, grasp one to throw in order to defend yourself (Defend Quotes)
In motivating people to love and defend the natural world, an ounce of hope is worth a ton of despair (Defend Quotes)
Christianity has been successfully attacked and marginalized… because those who professed belief were unable to defend the faith from attack, even though its attackers’ arguments were deeply flawed (Defend Quotes)
In an age in which infidelity abounds, do we observe parents carefully instructing their children in the principles of faith which they profess? Or do they furnish their children with arguments for the defense of that faith?... it is not surprising to see them abandon a position which they are unable to defend (Defend Quotes)
If you’re defending a lie, you can only defend it with obfuscations and other lies. You can’t defend a lie with the truth (Defend Quotes)
Freedom without the strength to support it and, if need be, defend it, would be a cruel delusion. And the strength to defend freedom can itself only come from widespread industrialisation and the infusion of modern science and technology into the country’s economic life (Defend Quotes)
The world censures those who take up arms to defend their causes and calls on them to use nonviolent means in voicing their grievances. But when a people chooses the nonviolent path, it is all too often the case that hardly anyone pays attention. It is tragic that people have to suffer and die and the television cameras have to deliver the pictures to people’s homes every day before the world at large admits there is a problem (Defend Quotes)
The sheer folly of trying to defend a nation by destroying all life on the planet must be apparent to anyone capable of rational thought. Nuclear capability must be reduced to zero, globally, permanently. There is no other option (Defend Quotes)
If you thought the army was here protecting people like yourself, I’ve some news for you, we’re here to defend wealth (Defend Quotes)
Little minds try to defend everything at once, but sensible people look at the main point only; they parry the worst blows and stand a little hurt if thereby they avoid a greater one. If you try to hold everything, you hold nothing (Defend Quotes)
There is no physical punishment in chess; suffering goes on inside the mind. You defend a bad position for hours, you suffer. You lose, you suffer like in any other sport. Suffering euphoria comes when the opponent blunders in a winning position, but it is undeserved (Defend Quotes)
It seems to me that the testimonies, practically, have come into that shape, that it is not of any use to try to defend the erroneous claims that are now put forth for them (Defend Quotes)
Bring forth what is true; Write it so it it’s clear. Defend it to your last breath (Defend Quotes)
There’s a virtuous cycle when people have to defend challenges to their ideas. Any gaps in thinking or analysis become clear pretty quickly when smart people ask good, logical questions. You can’t be a good value investor without being an independent thinker – you’re seeing valuations that the market is not appreciating. But it’s critical that you understand why the market isn’t seeing the value you do. The back and forth that goes on in the investment process helps you get at that (Defend Quotes)
The difficult part in an argument is not to defend one’s opinion but rather to know it (Defend Quotes)
If you want to defend torture, well then go ahead. But please spare me any sermons about the law ever again (Defend Quotes)
If you’re willing to give your life to defend my rights, you can have sex with a pie and I will heat it up for you (Defend Quotes)
In a world where inequality of ability is inevitable, anarchists do not sanction any attempt to produce equality by artificial or authoritarian means. The only equality they posit and will strive their utmost to defend is the equality of opportunity. This necessitates the maximum amount of freedom for each individual. This will not necessarily result in equality of incomes or wealth but will result in returns proportionate to service rendered (Defend Quotes)
If one day I have a daughter and my daughter wants to be a model, I would never let her! But then, if she wants to, what can I do? But definitely not until she’s 18 years old. You know, every work has the bad side, and people will be mean to you, and when you’re young, you don’t know how to defend yourself (Defend Quotes)
Judo is a study of techniques with which you may kill if you wish to kill, injure if you wish to injure, subdue if you wish to subdue, and, when attacked, defend yourself (Defend Quotes)
We have four boxes with which to defend our freedom: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box (Defend Quotes)
To see the other side, to defend another people, not despite your tradition but because of it, is the heart of pluralism (Defend Quotes)
What is a weak pawn? A pawn that is exposed to attack and also difficult to defend is a weak pawn. There are several varieties: isolated, doubled, too advanced, retarded (Defend Quotes)
... unless the grace of God comes to the help of our frailty, to protect and defend it, no man can withstand the insidious onslaughts of the enemy nor can he damp down or hold in check the fevers which burn in our flesh with nature’s fire (Defend Quotes)
The best moments on earth are those during which we meditate upon heavenly things in general, when we recognize or defend the truth, that heavenly dweller and denizen. Only then do we truly live. Therefore, the essential interests of the soul require that we should oftener rise above the earth, upwards to heaven, where is our true life, our true country, which shall have no end (Defend Quotes)
If you defend, rebound and limit turnovers, you’re going to put yourself in a position where you can win games (Defend Quotes)
The real desk isn’t one with four legs and a filing cabinet. It’s the space of time that you stake out every day and the will with which you defend it (Defend Quotes)