Defend Quotes

Text Quotes
Well, first of all, no professor should be able to say, I refuse to defend my position. I refuse to debate my position (Defend Quotes)
In my own case, the most inflammatory statements I have ever made are ones that I have written and remain willing to defend (Defend Quotes)
Over the years, during television interviews, whenever the host or the reviewer or whoever gets cynical and nasty with me, I will behave accordingly. I will defend myself (Defend Quotes)
I have enormous respect for anyone who would offer to sacrifice their life to defend my right to live. Is there any greater gift one can give another? (Defend Quotes)
When we have nothing to cling to as our own and cease thinking of ourselves as people who must defend privileges, we can open ourselves freely to others with the faithful expectation that our strength will manifest itself in our shared weakness (Defend Quotes)
Plants can’t very well defend themselves by their behavior, so they resort to chemical warfare, and plants are saturated with toxins and irritants to deter creatures like us who want to eat them (Defend Quotes)
There’ll come a writing phase where you have to defend the time, unplug the phone and put in the hours to get it done (Defend Quotes)
The system will always be defended by those countless people who have enough intellect to defend but not quite enough to innovate (Defend Quotes)
The way to secure liberty is to place it in the people’s hands, that is, to give them the power at all times to defend it in the legislature and in the courts of justice (Defend Quotes)
The individual must not merely wait and criticize, he must defend the cause the best he can. The fate of the world will be such as the world deserves (Defend Quotes)
If you are unwilling to defend your right to your own lives, then you are merely like mice trying to argue with owls. You think their ways are wrong. They think you are dinner (Defend Quotes)
She would defend herself, saying that love, no matter what else it might be, was a natural talent. She would say: You are either born knowing how, or you never know (Defend Quotes)
Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it (Defend Quotes)
I also learned that a person was not necessarily bad just because you did not agree with him, and that if you believed in something, you had better be prepared to defend it (Defend Quotes)
Anyone can support a team that is winning - it takes no courage. But to stand behind a team to defend a team when it is down and really needs you, that takes a lot of courage (Defend Quotes)
As we look forward to freedom, the shining city on the hill and the best days of America lying ahead, it is the men and women in uniform who protect, defend and make us proud to whom we should look and give thanks every night (Defend Quotes)
I think the attempt to defend belief can unsettle it, in fact, because there is always an inadequacy in argument about ultimate things (Defend Quotes)
My mind is the only sanctuary that has not been stolen from me. Men have tried to breach it before, but I’ve learned to defend it vigorously, for I am only safe with my innermost thoughts (Defend Quotes)
…not a fighter… an adventurer. He doesn’t attack, he engages; He doesn’t defend, he expands; He doesn’t destroy, he transforms; He doesn’t reject, he explores; … (Defend Quotes)
I can retain neither respect nor affection for government which has been moving from wrong to wrong in order to defend its immorality (Defend Quotes)
It’s often a bad sign when people defend themselves against charges which haven’t been made (Defend Quotes)
As long as a person is involved with warfare, trying to defend or attack, then his action is not sacred; it is mundane, dualistic, a battlefield situation (Defend Quotes)
You are far less likely to soil your pants and cry for your mother if you’re prepared to defend yourself (Defend Quotes)
We believe in shouting for those who can only whisper, in defending those who cannot defend themselves (Defend Quotes)
Animals do not do what they have done. Animals kill to eat, to defend themselves or their own, and to protect their territory. Not for the joy of it. Not for the lust of it... Only humans do that, wizard (Defend Quotes)
Animals have done us no harm and they have no power of resistance. There is something so very dreadful in tormenting those who have never harmed us, who cannot defend themselves, who are utterly in our power (Defend Quotes)
The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it (Defend Quotes)
I can’t count the men who have tried to seduce me away from my virtue by teaching me how to defend it (Defend Quotes)
Always attack. Even in defense, attack. The attacking arm possesses the initiative and thus commands the action. To attack makes men brave; to defend makes them timorous (Defend Quotes)
AI will make love my greatest weapon and none on whom I call can defend against its force (Defend Quotes)