Defend Quotes

Text Quotes
Defend your opinion only if it can be shown to be true, not because it is your opinion (Defend Quotes)
If any foreign minister begins to defend to the death a "peace conference," you can be sure his government has already placed it's orders for new battleships and airplanes (Defend Quotes)
The individual who refuses to defend his rights when called by his Government, deserves to be a slave, and must be punished as an enemy of his country and friend to her foe (Defend Quotes)
God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it (Defend Quotes)
Government exists to defend the weak and the poor and the injured party; the rich and the strong can better take care of themselves (Defend Quotes)
We borrow from Europe to defend Europe. We borrow from the Gulf states to defend the Gulf states. We borrow from Japan to defend Japan. Is it not a symptom of senility to be borrowing from the world so we can defend the world? (Defend Quotes)
To defend a country you need an army, but to defend a civilization you need education (Defend Quotes)
Sometimes you are forced to defend your beliefs. Sometimes you are forced to look at relationships that aren't positive anymore. There are times when I have had to make peace with the fact that I am at war. And sometimes you have to fight those who do not want love to conquer all (Defend Quotes)
One can defend common sense against the attacks of philosophers only by solving their puzzles, i.e., by curing them of the temptation to attack common sense (Defend Quotes)
Angels and ministers of grace defend us. Be thou a spirit of health, or goblin damned, bring with thee airs from heaven, or blasts from hell, be thy intents wicked, or charitable, thou com'st in such a questionable shape, that I will speak to thee (Defend Quotes)
Tis better using France than trusting France; let us be back'd with God, and with the seas, which He hath given for fence impregnable, and with their helps only defend ourselves; in them, and in ourselves, our safety lies (Defend Quotes)
I never want to be in a position where I have to defend my material. It's too subjective. It's for other people to defend or not defend (Defend Quotes)
There is an italian proverb which saith, from my enemy let me defend myself; but from a pretensed friend lord deliver me (Defend Quotes)
There are always those who take it upon themselves to defend God... These people fail to realize that it is on the inside that God must be defended, not on the outside (Defend Quotes)
There are animals we haven't stopped by. Don't think they're harmless. Life will defend itself no matter how small it is (Defend Quotes)
There's the country of America, which you have to defend, but there's also the idea of America. America is more than just a country, it's an idea. An idea that's supposed to be contagious (Defend Quotes)
So long as society is founded on injustice, the function of the laws will be to defend injustice. And the more unjust they are the more respectable they will seem (Defend Quotes)
Not for the flag of any land because myself was born there will I give up my life. But I will love that land where man is free, and that will I defend (Defend Quotes)
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you have to agree with people and their beliefs to defend them from injustice (Defend Quotes)
For everybody has a natural right to defend his own person and property against aggressors, but also to go to the assistance and defence of everybody else, whose person or property is invaded. The natural right of each individual to defend his own person and property against an aggressor, and to go to the assistance and defence of every one else whose person or property is invaded, is a right without which men could not exist on earth (Defend Quotes)
I believe society has a right to defend itself, just as the individual has the right to attack that with which he disagrees (Defend Quotes)
I defend both the freedom of expression and society’s right to counter it. I must pay the price for differing. It is the natural way of things (Defend Quotes)
Neither soldiers nor money can defend a king but only friends won by good deeds, merit, and honesty (Defend Quotes)
People just don’t laugh when their family is violated, and you don’t shrug it off. You band together and you defend together. It’s a funny, primitive instinct (Defend Quotes)
That attitude that fighting is probably not fair, but you have to defend yourself anyway and damage the enemy, has been profoundly consequential as far as my political activism goes (Defend Quotes)
Women are called upon to defend every bit of progress we have made against particularly virulent attack. But we must also hold out a vision, put forth a positive agenda of what women need and want and then move forward toward that dream (Defend Quotes)
I’ve learned that in order to achieve what I wanted, it made more sense to negotiate than to defend the autonomy of my work by pounding my fist on the table (Defend Quotes)
We need to have a strong economy that can create employment opportunities and that can also produce the revenue that we need to defend our country at home and abroad (Defend Quotes)
The reason why parents mistreat their children has less to do with character and temperament than with the fact that they were mistreated themselves and were not permitted to defend themselves (Defend Quotes)
Of course great politicians are always liable to be wrong about something, and the more people tell them they are wrong, the more stubbornly they defend their error (Defend Quotes)