Definition Quotes

Text Quotes
Well, I am not 100 percent sure of the definition of polemic, but it wasn’t meant to convince anybody of anything. (Definition Quotes)
My definition of beauty is simplicity, elegance, and sensuality. I think that when a woman is in harmony with herself and remains true to her values, she will glow naturally. (Definition Quotes)
My definition of beauty is without rules. It can be the face of a beautiful 90-year-old woman that is full of stories and emotion. Beauty is what somebody’s eyes communicate. (Definition Quotes)
Beauty is the enemy . We try to conquer not feeling beautiful all our lives. It’s a battle that can’t be won. There’s no definition of beauty. The only way to achieve beauty is to feel it from inside without breaking down into individual physical attributes (Definition Quotes)
At one point, I worked up a list of five requirements for a superhero: superpowers, a costume, a code name, a mission, and a milieu. If the character had three out of the five, they were a superhero. But that’s just my definition. (Definition Quotes)
To do something you’re afraid of, especially for the sake of somebody else, is the very definition of courage. (Definition Quotes)
I sweat terror, Robyn! I’m scared every single second about every single goddamned thing. I worry obsessively about being buried under an avalanche of fear. Jesus, Robyn, I’m scared like only the truly crazy can be.’’But that, you dope, is the definition of courage: you go on despite the fear. (Definition Quotes)
Having a blood family means suddenly revising a definition of family that I have, over many years, learned to accept. How can I hold both concepts in my mind or find room for both families in my heart? (Definition Quotes)
Is a family just the strict definition of a small and discrete unit, or is it about the larger organic group that inevitably grows up around the smaller one? (Definition Quotes)
Family is such a fundamental part of Islam, and women run the family. I had to force myself not to impose my own definition of political and social freedom on women in Islam, and approach each story objectively. (Definition Quotes)
I think everybody has their own way of looking at their lives as some kind of pilgrimage. Some people will see their role as a pilgrim in terms of setting up a fine family, or establishing a business inheritance. Everyone’s got their own definition. (Definition Quotes)
I think everybody has their own way of looking at their lives as some kind of pilgrimage. Some people will see their role as a pilgrim in terms of setting up a fine family, or establishing a business inheritance. Everyone’s got their own definition. Mine, I suppose, is to know myself. (Definition Quotes)
I don’t think there is such a definition of a perfect family, but I do think that our marriages are in crisis. Our families are in crisis. And I think the African-American family is at one of the worst stages it’s been at in a very long time in this country. Fatherlessness is rampant. (Definition Quotes)
Guilty as charged. We are very much supportive of the family - the biblical definition of the family unit. (Definition Quotes)
We must refuse to submit to those institutions which are by definition sexist - marriage, the nuclear family, religions built on the myth of feminine evil. (Definition Quotes)
Literature is by definition opinionated. It is bound to provoke the arguments in many quarters, not excluding the hometown or even the family of the author. (Definition Quotes)
You have to be doing something you enjoy. That is a definition of happiness: Complete use of one’s faculties along lines leading to excellence in a life affording them scope. It applies to women as well as to men. We can’t all reach it, but we can try to reach it to some degree. (Definition Quotes)
If I had to give a definition of happiness, it would be this: happiness needs nothing but itself; it doesn’t have to be validated. (Definition Quotes)
I suppose even when I was growing up, I noticed I was most happy when I was absorbed in something, lost in the moment and forgot the time, whether was conversation, movie, or a game I was playing. That was my definition of happiness. And I was least happy when I was all over the place, distracted and restless. (Definition Quotes)
I heard a definition once: Happiness is health and a short memory! I wish I’d invented it, because it is very true. (Definition Quotes)
To have to fight the instincts - that is the definition of decadence: as long as life is ascending, happiness equals instinct. (Definition Quotes)
The ultimate definition of success is: you could lose everything that you have and truly be okay with it. Your happiness isn’t based on external factors. (Definition Quotes)
Movie SF is, by definition, dumbed down - there have only been three or four SF movies in the history of film that aspire to the complexity of literary SF. (Definition Quotes)
The biggest battles in human history can only ever be seen through the eyes of the bloke on the front line, and that’s by definition a very focused view and one that will vary from individual to individual. (Definition Quotes)
...all concepts in which an entire process is semiotically concentrated elude definition; only that which has no history is definable. (Definition Quotes)
I think people have different definitions of team unity. My definition is doing whatever it takes to win, what makes a great team; it’s performance on the field, respect on the field. (Definition Quotes)
I’m not sure I’ll ever be famous by anyone’s definition. I can only hope to be allowed by the audience to continue my life’s work. (Definition Quotes)
I am told that the clinical definition of insanity is the tendency to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. (Definition Quotes)
If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, then liberalism is a form of insanity. (Definition Quotes)
One thing’s for sure. If we keep doing what we’re doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’re getting. One definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results. (Definition Quotes)