Definition Quotes

Text Quotes
Imagine how much easier it would be for us to learn how to love if we began with a shared definition (Definition Quotes)
All economic activity is by definition high risk. And defending yesterday - that is, not innovating - is far more risky than making tomorrow (Definition Quotes)
If socialism is defined as ownership of the means of production - and this is both the orthodox and the only rigorous definition - then the United States is the first truly socialist country (Definition Quotes)
The basic definition of the business and of its purpose and mission have to be translated into objectives (Definition Quotes)
Most of us find it difficult to accept a definition of love that says we are never loved in a context where there is abuse (Definition Quotes)
Wherever the relevance of speech is at stake, matters become political by definition, for speech is what makes man a political being (Definition Quotes)
Mental illnesses are so strange. A physical problem we can understand. But when the mind works irrationally, well, by its very definition, the rational mind cannot truly relate (Definition Quotes)
There is no such thing as real happiness in life. The justest definition that was ever given of it was a tranquil acquiescence under an agreeable delusion - I forget where (Definition Quotes)
When the desire for definition, self or otherwise, comes out of a desire for limitation rather than a desire for expansion, no true face can emerge (Definition Quotes)
A general definition of civilization: a civilized society is exhibiting the five qualities of truth, beauty, adventure, art, peace (Definition Quotes)
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself (Definition Quotes)
This tendency seems to support H. L. Mencken's definition of a wealthy man: one whose income is $100 a year higher than his wife's sister's husband (Definition Quotes)
The fancy that extraterrestrial life is by definition of a higher order than our own is one that soothes all children, and many writers (Definition Quotes)
Retaliation is related to nature and instinct, not to law. Law, by definition, cannot obey the same rules as nature (Definition Quotes)
Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so (Definition Quotes)
That is the definition of faith - acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove (Definition Quotes)
For in reason, all government without the consent of the governed is the very definition of slavery (Definition Quotes)
In my definition of consciousness, consciousness is the same thing as life. What wisdom traditions also call spirit (Definition Quotes)
I wonder who it was defined man as a rational animal. It was the most premature definition ever given. Man is many things, but he is not rational (Definition Quotes)
While 45 of the 50 States have either a State constitutional amendment or a statute that preserves the current definition of marriage, left wing activist judges and officials at the local levels have struck down State laws protecting marriage (Definition Quotes)
I think it's best if there's an amendment that goes on the ballot where the people can weigh in. Every time this issue has gone on the ballot, the people have voted to retain the traditional definition of marriage as recently as California in 2008 (Definition Quotes)
I played teen roles until high definition came out, and I could never understand it. I would go in for adult roles and be older than many of the people auditioning, but they'd cast the girl without a line on her face (Definition Quotes)
What is important, then, is not that the critic should possess a correct abstract definition of beauty for the intellect, but a certain kind of temperament, the power of being deeply moved by the presence of beautiful objects (Definition Quotes)
A definition of poetry can only determine what poetry should be and not what poetry actually was and is; otherwise the most concise formula would be: Poetry is that which at some time and some place was thus named (Definition Quotes)
I think that one possible definition of our modern culture is that it is one in which nine tenths of our intellectuals can't read any poetry (Definition Quotes)
It is almost a definition of a gentleman to say that he is one who never inflicts pain (Definition Quotes)
I say that politics is the most important of the civil activities and has it's own field of action, which is not that of religion. Political institutions are secular by definition and operate in independent spheres (Definition Quotes)
The true definition of a snob is one who craves for what separates men rather than for what unites them (Definition Quotes)
Like me, the great majority of Americans wish both to preserve the traditional definition of marriage and to oppose bias and intolerance directed towards gays and lesbians (Definition Quotes)
I don't need to be a radical to think that who a dragon is counts more than birth or wealth, selendra said, with what dignity she could. why, that's the very definition of a radical, he retorted (Definition Quotes)