Definitions Quotes

Text Quotes
Greek was very much a live language, and a language still unconscious of grammar, not, like ours, dominated by definitions and trained upon dictionaries (Definitions Quotes)
I am very much afraid of definitions, and yet one is almost forced to make them. One must take care, too, not to be inhibited by them (Definitions Quotes)
Most controversies would soon be ended, if those engaged in them would first accurately define their terms, and then adhere to their definitions (Definitions Quotes)
When a truth is necessary, the reason for it can be found by analysis, that is, by resolving it into simpler ideas and truths until the primary ones are reached. It is this way that in mathematics speculative theorems and practical canons are reduced by analysis to definitions, axioms and postulates (Definitions Quotes)
A lady is nothing very specific. One man’s lady is another man’s woman; sometimes, one man’s lady is another man’s wife. Definitions overlap but they almost never coincide (Definitions Quotes)
There were a number of definitions of courage, but now I was seeing it in its simplest form: you do what has to be done day after day, and you never quit (Definitions Quotes)
Nothing, she now knew, could be defined in exclusion, and every bug, pencil, and grass blade was a dictionary in itself, requiring the definitions of all things to fulfill its own (Definitions Quotes)
A balance is necessary in life. To achieve this we must move away from broad definitions of workplaces as functional and households as emotional. Similarly, home, the haven in a heartless world, as defined by men, cannot be used by them as an antidote to the workplace’s discomforts and demands, if this means having the wife as a servicer (Definitions Quotes)
Our culture’s adjustment to the epistemology of television is by now all but complete; we have so thoroughly accepted its definitions of truth, knowledge and reality that irrelevance seems to us to be filled with import, and incoherence seems eminently sane. And if some of our institutions seem not to fit the template of the times, why it is they and not the template, that seem to us disordered and strange (Definitions Quotes)
Every day I strive to get to a place where I’m not effected by the external world, and I don’t use the external world to define or tell me who I am. I strive for a state of equanimity and calm and a state of grace, so I can be free of definitions. If you are free, then you can create beautiful things. It’s really just shutting out the noise (Definitions Quotes)
Female heterosexuality is not a biological drive or an individual women’s erotic attraction or attachment to another human animal which happens to be male. Female heterosexuality is a set of social institutions and practices... Those definitions... are about the oppression and exploitation of women by men (Definitions Quotes)
The makers of dictionaries are dependent upon specialists for their definitions. A specialist’s definition may be true or it may be erroneous. But its truth cannot be increased or its error diminished by its acceptance by the lexicographer. Each definition must stand on its own merits (Definitions Quotes)
Words command us. Names define us. Definitions bind us. Words are where we keep our sacred secrets (Definitions Quotes)
People from different cultures have different definitions for beauty. Isn’t that sad to judge others with our standards... rather than appreciate them? (Definitions Quotes)
I define a diva as a woman who possesses courage, beauty, style, and confidence. Based on that definitions, I’ve probably got a bit more work to do (Definitions Quotes)
Faeries are not fantasy, but a connection to reality. Faeries are irrational, poetic, absurd, and very, very wise. Faeries say there is nonsense in dogma, and sense in nonsense. Faeries express themselves with high seriousness and low humour. Faeries are resistant to all definitions (Definitions Quotes)
More than sixty years ago, mathematical logicians, by defining precisely the concept of an algorithm, gave content to the ancient human idea of an effective calculation. Their definitions led to the creation of the digital computer, an interesting example of thought bending matter to its ends (Definitions Quotes)
Think of a single word. We’ll use soul as our example. How do you define soul? Is it the same definition I use? Can it ever be it? My soul is not your soul. Our souls, our definitions, are shaped by the singular and cumulative experiences in our lives, the emotional weight we attach to a concept forever locked in the space behind our own eyes (Definitions Quotes)
It’s no good looking to writers for definitions of what constitutes proper writing, because you will drive yourself crazy, and you won’t find anything that you can build into a coherent whole (Definitions Quotes)
After realising my natural affinity towards surrealism several years ago I decided to study it’s origins and definitions (Definitions Quotes)
Philosophers and aestheticians may offer elegant and profound definitions of art and beauty, but for the painter they are all summed up in the phrase: To create a harmony (Definitions Quotes)
If you look at most definitions, a God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. In particular, God knows when you are doing something that you shouldn’t be doing and whether you are playing according to god’s rules (Definitions Quotes)
We shall not enter into any of the abstruse definitions of war used by publicists. We shall keep to the element of the thing itself, to a duel. War is nothing but a duel on an extensive scale (Definitions Quotes)
There are different definitions of love, and one of the most wonderful definitions of love is to allow somebody to be (Definitions Quotes)
We expect definitions to tell us not only what is, but what to do about it; to show us how the world fits together and how its different parts connect and work.... A label is the first step toward action (Definitions Quotes)
The thesis that the universe has an originating divine cause is logically inconsistent with all extant definitions of causality and with a logical requirement upon these and all possible valid definitions or theories of causality (Definitions Quotes)
I think people have different definitions of team unity. My definition is doing whatever it takes to win, what makes a great team; it’s performance on the field, respect on the field (Definitions Quotes)
In our definitions, we grope after the spiritual by describing it as invisible. The true meaning of spiritual is real; that law which executes itself, which works without means, and which cannot be conceived as not existing (Definitions Quotes)
If a person is intelligent, then of course he is either an agnostic or an atheist. Just as he is a physical coward. They are automatic definitions of high intelligence (Definitions Quotes)
Modern definitions of truth, such as those as pragmatism and instrumentalism, which are practical rather than contemplative, are inspired by industrialisation as opposed to aristocracy (Definitions Quotes)