Degrees Quotes

Text Quotes
In a democracy, we have always had to worry about the ignorance of the uneducated. Today we have to worry about the ignorance of people with college degrees. (Degrees Quotes)
I have two college degrees, four honorary doctorate degrees, and am in three Halls of fame, and the only thing I know how to do is teach tall people how to put a ball in the hole. (Degrees Quotes)
If a man attains a high station in life, it is because he has acquired or was blessed with native ability as a salesman. Schooling, college degrees, intellect, brilliancy, are of no avail to the man who lacks the ability to attract the cooperative efforts of others, thus to create opportunities for himself. (Degrees Quotes)
I’m not even an engineer. I don’t have a college degree; I hire guys with college degrees. (Degrees Quotes)
Republican candidates have won whites with college degrees in every presidential election since polling began. (Degrees Quotes)
Both my mother and my father grew up in Asia, in a time of political instability. They’d earned college degrees before setting foot in the States but had to work menial jobs early on in order to make ends meet. (Degrees Quotes)
What’s really appealing about women’s cycling in America? If you took a poll in the women’s peloton, I would bet you that 90% of the women have college degrees, and a lot of them have Masters. The women’s peloton is very well educated. (Degrees Quotes)
There are now college degrees in game design and interactive media, so if I were starting now, I would probably do that. When I started, you had to break into design from QA or programming or art, but it’s really not true anymore. (Degrees Quotes)
Many of our young people spend four years getting very expensive college degrees. But our universities fail them and the nation if they continue to graduate students with expertise in biochemistry, mathematics or history without teaching them to think about what problems are important and why. (Degrees Quotes)
A man’s college and university degrees mean nothing to me until I see what he is able to do with them. (Degrees Quotes)
Bill Cosby no longer on Temple University`s board. His name has been removed from various college scholarships and buildings. Two dozen colleges and universities have rescinded honorary degrees they gave him. (Degrees Quotes)
You know, my degrees are in computer engineering. I spent a lot of time in the tech industry. And I like to say that I don’t invest in tech because I spent time in it. And I saw firsthand that the durability of technology moats is many times an oxymoron. (Degrees Quotes)
I fear - as far as I can tell - that most undergraduate degrees in computer science these days are basically Java vocational training. (Degrees Quotes)
What I have learned is that a whole lot of people with degrees don’t know a damn thing, and a lot of people with no degrees are brilliant. (Degrees Quotes)
Some decisions in life naturally lead to an unhappy ending, leaving you sinking by degrees in a lake of quicksand. And, unless someone reaches to pull you out, chances are you will drown in the consequences. (Degrees Quotes)
In varying degrees and and upon different levels all gods and goddesses represent aspects of One God Which is both ‘male’ and ‘female’. (Degrees Quotes)
Nothing has afforded me so convincing a proof of the unity of the Deity as these purely mental conceptions of numerical and mathematical science which have been by slow degrees vouchsafed to man, and are still granted in these latter times by the Differential Calculus, now superseded by the Higher Algebra, all of which must have existed in that sublimely omniscient Mind from eternity. (Degrees Quotes)
I was mostly an indoor girl at university. Where other students did drama or music or sport alongside their degrees, I wrote. I used to work on essays and classwork during the day and ‘The Bone Season’ in the evenings. (Degrees Quotes)
I love my dad. He used to walk around the whole neighborhood and collect old furniture and fix it, like MacGyver with duct tape. One time, he brought a television home. I said, ‘Damn, that TV has 500 channels.’ When I got older, it didn’t have 500 channels - it was a knob from the oven. My favorite channel was 300 degrees. (Degrees Quotes)
The Moon stabilizes Earth’s obliquity. Well, almost. The tilt actually varies between 22 and 24.5 degrees - and the variation is enough to induce such environmental inconveniences as the occasional ice age. Without the Moon, it might be much worse. (Degrees Quotes)
In the 1940s, about 20% of people in the U.S. had graduated from high school, but less than 5% continued their education to get bachelors’ degrees or higher. (Degrees Quotes)
Higher education is one of few areas where this country competes with the rest of the world and wins. The best of American higher education outstrips any in the world. Look where the rest of the world goes for higher education, for graduate degrees. They come here. (Degrees Quotes)
In school, many of us procrastinate and then successfully cram for tests. We get the grades and degrees we need to get the jobs we want, even if we fail to get a good general education. (Degrees Quotes)
I think we should all be more concerned about the environment and the effects of global warming. It will be pointless to talk about all the issues that divide us when it’s 300 degrees outside. (Degrees Quotes)
Taxes on capital, taxes on labor, inflation, bureaucratic regulation, minimum wage laws, are all - to different degrees - unnecessary slices of the wedge that stand between an individual’s effort and reward for that effort. (Degrees Quotes)
I am a native of Taiwan, and I earned my bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University. I received my master’s and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. (Degrees Quotes)
While I thought myself employed only in forming a nomenclature, and while I proposed to myself nothing more than to improve the chemical language, my work transformed itself by degrees, without my being able to prevent it, into a treatise upon the Elements of Chemistry. (Degrees Quotes)
When a government lasts a long while, it deteriorates by insensible degrees. Republics end through luxury, monarchies through poverty. (Degrees Quotes)
Top-up fees mean that universities are increasingly under pressure to confer degrees upon students, who perceive the degree as a commodity they’ve purchased. Failure doesn’t enter into anyone’s calculations. (Degrees Quotes)
After following the crowd for a while, I’d then go 180 degrees in the exact opposite direction. It always worked for me. (Degrees Quotes)