Degrees Quotes

Text Quotes
Today, over half of China’s undergraduate degrees are in math, science technology and engineering, yet only 16 percent of America’s undergraduates pursue these schools (Degrees Quotes)
O, how glorious would it be to set my heel upon the Pole and turn myself 360 degrees in a second (Degrees Quotes)
Major heat wave in India - 122 degrees today. It was so hot people in India were sweating like Americans waiting to hear if their job is being outsourced to India (Degrees Quotes)
I’ve seen with my own students, community colleges offer an affordable route to four-year college degrees and good paying jobs (Degrees Quotes)
A man may sink by such slow degrees that, long after he is a devil, he may go on being a good churchman or a good dissenter and thinking himself a good Christian (Degrees Quotes)
It was sometimes 60 degrees [Celsius], but it’s very strange, cinema makes you forget reality most of the time. You are more concerned about your inner feelings, or your work (Degrees Quotes)
College has been oversold. It has been oversold to students who end up dropping out or graduating with degrees that don’t help them very much in the job market. It also has been oversold to the taxpayers, who foot the bill for subsidies that do nothing to encourage innovation and economic growth (Degrees Quotes)
There’s a lot of confusion about the political ideologies of both parties [Democrats and Republicans] have switched 180 degrees in 150 years. It just too confusing. Everybody claiming Lincoln as their own. And everybody should claim Lincoln as their own, because he represents all of us, and what he did basically provided the opportunities that all of us are enjoying today (Degrees Quotes)
One of the computer models for a four degree temperature rise would give rise to a 10 degree temperature rise in Africa. And bear in mind also that in the depth of an ice age the mean temperature drop compared to the present was five degrees (Degrees Quotes)
Talent and worth are the only eternal grounds of distinction. To these the Almighty has affixed His everlasting patent of nobility. Knowledge and goodness,--these make degrees in heaven, and they must be the graduating scale of a true democracy (Degrees Quotes)
It’s entirely in your power to regulate the degree to which you peel back the layers of your personality when you disclose yourself to someone. You can keep that person on the surface, or you can allow her to penetrate, by degrees or directly, to the core (Degrees Quotes)
When a thought of Plato becomes a thought to me,--when a truth that fired the soul of Pindar fires mine, time is no more. When I feel that we two meet in a perception, that our two souls are tinged with the same hue, and do as it were run into one, why should I measure degrees of latitude, why should I count Egyptian years? (Degrees Quotes)
One of the unfortunate things about creative writing courses is that they make people impatient. People feel that they have prepared themselves and that they must now do it. In fact there are positive incentives for doing so - universities are offering degrees for writing novels (Degrees Quotes)
If you have a culture based on hunting and fishing and all the animals are disappearing and the fish are sick, then you can’t live traditionally. Then your treaty is being violated. Obviously there are degrees of choice in terms of that decision to fight (Degrees Quotes)
To date, [Wynton] Marsalis has received a total of nine Grammy Awards; a Pulitzer Prize (the first ever awarded to a jazz musician)... and twenty-nine honorary degrees, including Columbia, Brown, Princeton and Yale; the National Medal of Arts; and numerous awards from other countries (Degrees Quotes)
What I hear every day on talk radio is America’s lack of education - and I don’t mean lack of college degrees. I mean lack of the basic art of democracy, the ability to seek the great truths that can come only by synthesizing the small truths possessed by each of us (Degrees Quotes)
[T]he public library is where those without money, power, access, university affiliation, or advanced degrees can get information for free (Degrees Quotes)
In both Israel and America, Jews have experienced unparalleled freedoms, achieved great economic success, and exercised appropriate degrees of political power (Degrees Quotes)
In many ways, education is a lousy business. Teachers are not normal economic actors; almost all of them work for less money than they might fetch in some other industry, given their skills and advanced degrees. (Degrees Quotes)
Where most men work for degrees after their names, we work for one before our names: Saint (Degrees Quotes)
The difference of the degrees in which the individuals of a great community enjoy the good things of life has been a theme of declaration and discontent in all ages. (Degrees Quotes)
I turned my air conditioner the other way around and it got cold out. The weatherman said ‘I don’t understand it. It was supposed to be 80 degrees out today.’ I said, oops (Degrees Quotes)
I didn’t want to go get a job or get a degree in business or marketing, or whatever all my friends were getting degrees in. (Degrees Quotes)
If man was the relative of animals, then animals were the relatives of man, and in degrees bearers of that inwardness of which man, the most advanced of their kin, is conscious in himself. (Degrees Quotes)
I don’t have any degrees. I went to Hunter College one year and New York University another year. It’s just on the basis of my books that I’ve been hired at any of the places I’ve been. (Degrees Quotes)
Half the U.S. population owns barely 2 percent of its wealth, putting the United States near Rwanda and Uganda and below such nations as pre-Arab Spring Tunisia and Egypt when measured by degrees of income inequality. (Degrees Quotes)
Arizona is the worst place to spend the summer - it’s like 125 degrees - so my mom, my brother and I would go to the beach for two months to escape the heat. (Degrees Quotes)
It must be the PGA Championship if it’s August and you can sit down and talk to the heat or reach inside your shirt, where it’s 110 degrees, and grab handfuls of humidity. (Degrees Quotes)
I didn’t get to college until my 20s, because I was a young father on welfare and had to take all kind of jobs to support my young son. There’s what frames my view on the topics I discuss on my shows, and the average person relates to that. No matter how many degrees I have now, I lived that life, and that comes through to the people watching. (Degrees Quotes)
Where success is concerned, people are not measured in inches, or pounds, or college degrees, or family back-ground; they are measured by the size of their thinking. (Degrees Quotes)