Delight Quotes
Text Quotes
There is no spot of ground, however arid, bare or ugly, that cannot be tamed into such a state as may give an impression of beauty and delight (Delight Quotes)
Lyrics are very different. There is a clear line between that and a poem. Something that has been a source of great excitement and delight for me is this idea that I get to rhyme (Delight Quotes)
The applause is a celebration not only of the actors but also of the audience. It constitutes a shared moment of delight (Delight Quotes)
Only when your consciousness is totally focused on the moment you are in can you receive whatever gift, lesson, or delight that moment has to offer (Delight Quotes)
I have devoted my energies to the study of the scriptures, observing monastic discipline, and singing the daily services in church; study, teaching, and writing have always been my delight (Delight Quotes)
We are all, in a sense, experts on secrecy. From earliest childhood we feel its mystery and attraction. We know both the power it confers and the burden it imposes. We learn how it can delight, give breathing space and protect (Delight Quotes)
I had gained the summit of a commanding ridge, and, looking round with astonishing delight, beheld the ample plains, the beauteous tracts below (Delight Quotes)
If venereal delight and the power of propagating the species were permitted only to the virtuous, it would make the world very good (Delight Quotes)
As for plenty, we had not only for necessity, conveniency and decency, but for delight and pleasure to superfluity (Delight Quotes)
He believes in romance. He isn’t merely going through the mechanical movements of a man in an exciting situation. He is, vitally and positively squeezing the last drop of delight from living the best life he knows in the best way he can (Delight Quotes)
Language in fiction is made up of equal parts meaning and music. The sentences should have rhythm and cadence, they should engage and delight the inner ear (Delight Quotes)
Knowing how things work is the basis for appreciation, and is thus a source of civilized delight (Delight Quotes)
Verse is not written, it is bled; Out of the poet’s abstract head. Words drip the poem on the page; Out of his grief, delight and rage (Delight Quotes)
I delight not in spreading any thing mysterious, for I consider it all lost time; but the things that all of us can see and know if we will (Delight Quotes)
Twins are usually hailed with delight, because they swell the power of the family, though in some instances they are put to death (Delight Quotes)
When once the mind has raised itself to grasp and to delight in excellence, those who love most will be found to love most wisely (Delight Quotes)
Books minister to our knowledge, to our guidance, and to our delight, by their truth, their uprightness, and their art (Delight Quotes)
As contraries are known by contraries, so is the delight of presence best known by the torments of absence (Delight Quotes)
This special feeling towards fruit, its glory and abundance, is I would say universal... We respond to strawberry fields or cherry orchards with a delight that a cabbage patch or even an elegant vegetable garden cannot provoke (Delight Quotes)
The test of real literature is that it will bear repetition. We read over the same pages again and again, and always with fresh delight (Delight Quotes)
There is no first world and third world. There is only one world, for all of us to live and delight in (Delight Quotes)
Finished things cease to be a shelter for the spirit; but work in progress is a delight (Delight Quotes)
Flee laziness which while it produces an immediate delight, ends in the sorrow of repentance. And know that nature without exercise is a seed shut up in the pod, and art without practice is nothing (Delight Quotes)
The fear of hell, the punishment of sin, how the modern parent revolts from such teaching. Yet I will assert that far from doing us children harm, it was a sure foundation to the world of our confidence, a master girder in our palace of delight (Delight Quotes)
Nor do I hear in my imagination the parts successively, I hear them all at once. What a delight this is! All this inventing, this producing, takes place in a pleasing, lively dream (Delight Quotes)
It is for the wise people who delight in humanity, praise justice, despise their flatterers, and respect the truth (Delight Quotes)
We delight in one knowable thing, which comprehends all that is knowable; in one apprehensible, which draws together all that can be apprehended; in a single being that includes all, above all in the one which is itself the all (Delight Quotes)
What great delight it is to see the ones we love and then to have speech with them (Delight Quotes)
If man is to survive, he will have learned to take a delight in the essential differences between men and between cultures. He will learn that differences in ideas and attitudes are a delight, part of life’s exciting variety, not something to fear (Delight Quotes)
A heat full of coldness, a sweet full of bitterness, a pain full of pleasantness, which maketh thoughts have eyes and hearts ears, bred by desire, nursed by delight, weaned by jealousy, kill’d by dissembling, buried by ingratitude, and this is love (Delight Quotes)