Democracy Quotes

Text Quotes
Aspiring dictators sometimes win elections, and elected leaders sometimes govern badly and threaten their neighbors.... History demonstrates that democracy usually follows good governance, not the reverse (Democracy Quotes)
In the world there is no democracy better than our democracy. Such a thing has never before been seen (Democracy Quotes)
The very essence of democracy is the absolute faith that while people must cooperate, the first function of democracy, its peculiar gift, is to develop each individual into everything that he might be (Democracy Quotes)
I submit to you that when in each man the dream of personal greatness dies, democracy loses the real source of its future strength (Democracy Quotes)
There is little hope for democracy if the hearts of men and women in democratic societies cannot be touched by a call to something greater than themselves (Democracy Quotes)
All those hints and glimpses of a larger and more satisfying democracy, which literature and our own hopes supply, have a tendency to slip away from us and to leave us sadly unguided and perplexed when we attempt to act upon them (Democracy Quotes)
A republic is not an easy form of government to live under, and when the responsibility of citizenship is evaded, democracy decays and authoritarianism takes over (Democracy Quotes)
Democracy is a system that gives people a chance to elect rascals of their own choice (Democracy Quotes)
When free discussion is denied, hardening of the arteries of democracy has set in, free institutions are but a lifeless form, and the death of the republic is at hand (Democracy Quotes)
In a democracy you cannot stop public access to that art that will most misinform the people. You cannot stop people from being misinformed. But what you can do is to educate the people to the point that they will throw the rascals out (Democracy Quotes)
Democracy is also a single ideology, and, like all such templates, it has its limits. what works in a legislature might not work in a corporation (Democracy Quotes)
Democracy cannot be imposed on any nation from the outside. Each society must search for its own path, and no path is perfect (Democracy Quotes)
One of my beliefs very strongly is that any democracy depends on a free, healthy press (Democracy Quotes)
A democracy cannot function effectively when its constituent members believe laws are being bought and sold (Democracy Quotes)
In democracy, nobody is above anybody else apart from he who is elected by the people (Democracy Quotes)
America’s greatness rests on far more than the power of our arms. Our greatness is also measured by our goodness, it’s in the capacity of our minds, of our hearts, and it’s in the strength of our democracy (Democracy Quotes)
I worry about a democracy having nuclear weapons as much as a dictatorship having nuclear weapons (Democracy Quotes)
One of the most important signs of the existence of a democracy is that when there is a knock at the door at 5 in the morning, one is completely certain that it is the milkman (Democracy Quotes)
If the government was as afraid of disturbing the consumer as it is of disturbing business, this would be some democracy (Democracy Quotes)
Anybody who cares about the functioning of democracy should be concerned about the blurring of lines between public and private interests (Democracy Quotes)
In a democracy, you won’t always get to have your way. But you should always get to have your say (Democracy Quotes)
Philadelphia, the foundation of freedom, liberty and democracy, I still believe in the idea of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (Democracy Quotes)
I’m a patriot, and I think democracy is the best system available. It’s very flawed, but it works better than anything else (Democracy Quotes)
I didn’t know growing up what I wanted to do. I finally settled on broadcast journalism as a way to satisfy the urge to perform and also do something important, which is to give people in a democracy information to make good decisions (Democracy Quotes)
A legitimate democracy cannot act against a terror organization because it is using civilians as a human shield, and therefore it should absorb attacks on its own civilians (Democracy Quotes)
In democracy, every election is a learning process. You learn from every election, the one that you win and the one that you lose. And then you prepare for the next one (Democracy Quotes)
When a democracy reaches a point where the politicians cannot say no to the people, and both parties are competing for votes by promising even more spending or even lower taxes, or both, the experiment is about over (Democracy Quotes)
Democracy means that when there’s a knock in the door at 3 am, it’s probably the milkman (Democracy Quotes)
On my travels around the world, I’ve met people in countries where democracy doesn’t exist and if it does, they are intimidated into voting in a certain way (Democracy Quotes)
Socialisms not a word that I use. I say social democracy because I don’t think the government needs to own all the means of production (Democracy Quotes)