Democratic Quotes

Text Quotes
In any country, if you don’t have countervailing institutions, the power of any one president is problematic for democratic development. (Democratic Quotes)
I don’t think that nature envisaged an insurmountable mechanism that would hinder any country from taking the path of democratic development. (Democratic Quotes)
In the democratic western countries so-called capitalism leads a saturnalia of ‘freedom’, like a bastard brother of reform. (Democratic Quotes)
Sweden is still a very peaceful country to live in. I think that people in Britain have created this mythology about Sweden, that it’s a perfect democratic society full of erotically charged girls. (Democratic Quotes)
Pakistan is a peace loving, democratic country. Pashtuns want education for their daughters and sons. Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood. (Democratic Quotes)
The country needs more than one-party dominance, as much as I believe the Democratic Party is the party for the middle class... We need to have a marketplace of ideas. (Democratic Quotes)
The Democratic Party has been very strong in a lot of areas, in fighting to make our country a less discriminatory country. And that is enormously important. (Democratic Quotes)
Radical Islamic fundamentalists harbor contempt for our democratic way of life and, given the opportunity, will stop at nothing to accomplish their goal of bringing our country to its knees. (Democratic Quotes)
No segment of the population has lost more by the agendas of the liberal constituencies of the Democratic Party than the black population. The teachers’ unions, environmental fanatics and the ACLU are just some of the groups to whose interests blacks have been sacrificed wholesale. Lousy education and high crime rates in the ghettos, and unaffordable housing elsewhere with building restrictions, are devastating prices to pay for liberalism. (Democratic Quotes)
Discourse and critical thinking are essential tools when it comes to securing progress in a democratic society. But in the end, unity and engaged participation are what make it happen. (Democratic Quotes)
In other words, all these things you might cling to, Catholicism, democratic ideals, Hasidism, Marxism, Freudianism, all of these things are exposed [through use of psychedelics] as simply quaint cultural artifacts, painted masks and rattles assembled by people of good intent but clearly not great grasp of the situation. (Democratic Quotes)
The Czech Republic is a dynamic United Nations Member State, active on the Human Rights Council, contributing to the peaceful settlement of disputes, and helping other countries to achieve a democratic transition. (Democratic Quotes)
Vinyl is democratic, as surely as the iPod is fascist. Vinyl is representational: It has a face. Two faces, in fact, to represent the dualism of human nature. Vinyl occupies physical space honestly, proud as a fat woman dancing. (Democratic Quotes)
Since James Madison day (and long before), there have been constant struggles over democratic governance. (Democratic Quotes)
Our adversaries - our Democratic adversaries - like to be able to portray the Republican Party as a bunch of wingnuts - narrow based, always have some agenda that’s not attractive to the public... That’s easier for them, and more fun, than dealing with their own problems. And I think their problems are significant. (Democratic Quotes)
We fight terrorism. It threatens our sovereign, democratic, compassionate and decent way of life. (Democratic Quotes)
It’s now time to organize and move forward. It’s time for deep thinking, reformation of the Democratic Party. (Democratic Quotes)
We must struggle for creating a democratic system that is dedicated to democracy and human rights (Democratic Quotes)
In a democratic country, when a man is accused, he’s accused from a document issued by the public attorney. (Democratic Quotes)
In my personal opinion, Russia is no less democratic than it used to be. It is a democratic country. It is democratic enough. (Democratic Quotes)
Puppet Papademos is in place, and as Athens caught fire on Sunday night he rather took my breath away - he said violence and destruction have no place in a democratic country. (Democratic Quotes)
We had the opposition of virtually the entire Democratic leadership in every state in this country (Democratic Quotes)
I’m going to tell you, what’s good for al Qaeda is good for the Democratic Party in this country today. (Democratic Quotes)
South Africa now needs skilled and educated people to say ‘How do we manage and develop this democratic country?’ (Democratic Quotes)
In Czechoslovakia in 1968, communist reformers appealed to democratic ideals that were deeply rooted in the country’s pre-second world war past. (Democratic Quotes)
Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Arabs can be elected to the parliament in a democratic election. (Democratic Quotes)
Imagine if the United States, in its war against Hitler, had said to Stalin: we don’t want your support until you make your country democratic. (Democratic Quotes)
If our country is to reach a workable solution to the abortion issue, the Democratic party must be open to and tolerant of opposing views. (Democratic Quotes)
Of course, I grew up in Communist Romania, but I am happy to say that now our country is democratic, and prospering, since the revolution in 1989. (Democratic Quotes)
It is a testament to the strength and purity of the democratic sentiment in the country, that the republic has not been overthrown by its newspapers. (Democratic Quotes)