Democratic Quotes

Text Quotes
The democratic state can sometimes abuse its power as much as those who seek to destroy it abuse fundamental rights and democratic practices. (Democratic Quotes)
The question now is how best to help the Iraqi people build a democratic and free Iraqi society that ensures respect for the rights of all Iraqis. (Democratic Quotes)
Conventions are, by nature, a party. I mean, that’s why people become delegates. They come from all over the world to exercise their democratic rights and to party. (Democratic Quotes)
When conflicts end non-violently, it’s more likely that the result will be longer-lasting, democratic societies. (Democratic Quotes)
Terrorism takes us back to ages we thought were long gone if we allow it a free hand to corrupt democratic societies and destroy the basic rules of international life. (Democratic Quotes)
Our democratic societies are in danger. In allowing ourselves to be infiltrated by fear, to be blinded by the passion of identity, we are entertaining the most serious illusions about our freedom. (Democratic Quotes)
Free societies, which allow differences to speak and be heard, and live by intermarriage, commerce, and free migration, and democratic societies, which convert enemies into adversaries and reconcile differences without resort to violence, are societies in which the genocidal temptation is unlikely and even inconceivable. (Democratic Quotes)
I think violence is counter-productive and it is bad in democratic societies (Democratic Quotes)
Democratic societies can’t force people. Therefore they have to control what they think. (Democratic Quotes)
There are no globalized, youth-led, grassroots social movements advocating for democratic culture across Muslim-majority societies. There is no equivalent of Al-Qaeda without the terrorism. (Democratic Quotes)
Faster roads are not always safer roads - and virtually all societies, democratic or authoritarian, prefer safety over speed, even if many of their citizens enjoy fast driving. (Democratic Quotes)
[ Alexis de] Tocqueville said it in 1835, and it’s as true today as it was then: ‘Despotism may govern without faith, but liberty cannot. Religion is more needed in democratic societies than in any other.’ (Democratic Quotes)
That’s where we all kind of were in the mid-1960s. Students for a Democratic Society grew from a small group of socialists at the university of Michigan into a national organization, and in many ways, its growth was driven by the Vietnam War. (Democratic Quotes)
The end of Students for a Democratic Society is viewed by me and a lot of other people as a terrible sorry in many ways, tragic event even though I participated in it and played some role in it. But I regret a lot of that. (Democratic Quotes)
It transmitted because on the campuses, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was recruiting, was organizing. Students for a Democratic Society was founded at Michigan just a couple years before I got there. So, there was a kind of a churning of political awareness. It was just beginning. (Democratic Quotes)
But we don’t have an example of a democratic society existing in a socialist economy - which is the only real alternative to capitalism in the modern world. (Democratic Quotes)
When public men indulge themselves in abuse, when they deny others a fair trial, when they resort to innuendo and insinuation, to libel, scandal, and suspicion, then our democratic society is outraged, and democracy is baffled. (Democratic Quotes)
What I said was that in a democratic society, people must be permitted to make their choices and that the choices of women should not be subordinate to the choices of men, otherwise women are less than equal, are second-class citizens. (Democratic Quotes)
Healthy debate has been replaced by automatic sensors that eliminate the need for actual talking during a filibuster - a la ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.’ Robust debate is necessary in a democratic society. Instead, our discourse has been relegated to media spin by expert entertainers. (Democratic Quotes)
The sibling society is the flattening out of the previously democratic society (Democratic Quotes)
Books are key to understanding the world and participating in a democratic society (Democratic Quotes)
The tortoise moves very slowly, it moves towards whatever the goal is, to keep a democratic capitalistic society functioning. (Democratic Quotes)
I have cherished the ideal a democratic and free society . . . it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die. (Democratic Quotes)
The citizen who sees his society’s democratic clothes being worn out and does not cry it out, is not a patriot, but a traitor. (Democratic Quotes)
I personally believe that a democratic society is morally entitled to set and enforce a limit on the number of new immigrants admitted each year. (Democratic Quotes)
At its most basic the democratic contract is a simple one: the right to vote comes with a responsibility to society, through tax payments and citizenship. (Democratic Quotes)
However democratic and egalitarian we kid ourselves into thinking society might be, I think that sense of entitlement operates as basically and viciously as it always did. (Democratic Quotes)
A free economy is as essential to society as democratic political institutions. A strong market-based economy is the fertile ground for democratic freedoms that we think are important. (Democratic Quotes)
As a democratic society, Malawi has a moral obligation to ensure that each and every injustice, whether through acts of commission or omission, is met with deliberate and tangible action. (Democratic Quotes)
[Felix Frankfurter] said courts are not representative bodies. They’re not designed to be a good reflex of a democratic society. Their judgment is best informed and, therefore, most dependable within narrow limits. (Democratic Quotes)