Democrats Quotes

Text Quotes
Whether we’re Democrats or Republicans or independents, we have to learn to hang together or we’re gonna hang separately (Democrats Quotes)
We in the Hispanic community are truly tired of both the Democrats and the Republicans promising all of these things during the campaigns and then forgetting about it after the campaigns are over (Democrats Quotes)
I’m happy to work with Democrats. After all, they have to represent their districts just as I have to represent mine (Democrats Quotes)
As I’ve said repeatedly, republicans are very good at describing things in black and white; democrats are very good at describing the 11 shades of gray (Democrats Quotes)
Democrats work to help people who need help. That other party, they work for people who don’t need help. That’s all there is to it (Democrats Quotes)
Democrats believe in reigniting the American dream by removing barriers to success and building ladders of opportunity for all, so everyone can succeed (Democrats Quotes)
I can remember when Democrats believed that it was the duty of America to fight for freedom over tyranny (Democrats Quotes)
I don’t believe we need the government’s help as much as some think we do. That belief sets me apart from the Democrats, since their way of dealing with everything is to tax and spend (Democrats Quotes)
I realize that the majority of people in the entertainment business happen to be Democrats. I have no problem with that. And they should have no problem with the fact that I’m a Republican (Democrats Quotes)
I think Democrats are right. We fight for the American dream, for the environment, for privacy rights, a woman’s right to choose, a good public education system (Democrats Quotes)
I’m not cool with ACORN or the working families’ party, or people that vote like democrats and run on Republican lines (Democrats Quotes)
If we have an honest discussion on whether the war on poverty should be fought with welfare or with economic growth in the private sector, Democrats will lose black votes (Democrats Quotes)
In Barack Obama, Democrats have put forth a man of strong religious faith who is comfortable connecting his spiritual life to his public role as a policymaker (Democrats Quotes)
It’s a new day for the Democrats when it comes to matters of faith, and the younger Evangelicals are aware of this and many of them are moving into the Democratic camp (Democrats Quotes)
Seven presidents before him - Democrats and Republicans - tried to expand health care to all Americans. President Obama got it done (Democrats Quotes)
Shouldn’t Democrats insist that Sen. Durbin step down as their whip, the number two man in their leadership? (Democrats Quotes)
So I really would like to see both parties respond to the poor with greater commitment. But I’ve got to tell you, the Democrats, I feel, are doing a better job in that respect than Republicans are (Democrats Quotes)
So you know, I think that the federal government, the Democrats, and President Obama are selling a lot of hope and change, but no delivery of any of those promises (Democrats Quotes)
The American people voted to restore integrity and honesty in Washington, D. C., and the Democrats intend to lead the most honest, most open and most ethical Congress in history (Democrats Quotes)
The largest party in America, by the way, is neither the Democrats nor the Republicans. It’s the party of non-voters (Democrats Quotes)
The only difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Democrats allow the poor to be corrupt, too (Democrats Quotes)
Three simple words - freedom, justice and honesty. These sum up what the Liberal Democrats stand for (Democrats Quotes)
While Democrats fussed with the details of health care reforms, conservatives spent months telling the nation that the real issue is freedom, that what’s on the line is American liberty itself (Democrats Quotes)
When you are pulling people out of the water and off of rooftops, there are no Republicans and no Democrats (Democrats Quotes)
The House Democrats don’t want Gore humiliated, so they slammed the door of the Capitol in my face. They are cowards (Democrats Quotes)
Democrats are not about to nominate anyone who backs the tax cut, and Americans are not going to elect anyone who favors a tax increase (Democrats Quotes)
A large family and Democrats have a lot in common: teenagers and Democrats are always happy spending other people’s money (Democrats Quotes)
Since I’m the president and Democrats have controlled the House and the Senate, it’s understandable that people are saying, you know, ‘What have you done? (Democrats Quotes)
Social Security has never failed to pay promised benefits, and Democrats will fight to make sure that Republicans do not turn a guaranteed benefit into a guaranteed gamble (Democrats Quotes)
One of the tragedies of the Bush administration is that we went back to business as usual, make a deal with the Democrats, lets all be friends in Washington philosophy (Democrats Quotes)