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We’re getting job creation in healthcare and educational services. We’ve been getting that all along. It’s demographically driven, it’s funded by the government, and that’s held up  (Demographically Quotes) I think America may be growing up and accepting the fact that the bulk of life exists beyond 50. Because demographically... the vast population is over 50  (Demographically Quotes) Demographically speaking, young white people are not in the majority in this country; they’re in the minority. My question is, if they’re not the majority anymore, then what happens? How do things change? Or do they change at all?  (Demographically Quotes) The thing I always liked best about touring abroad was constantly running into different people, different cultures, different foods. It really pumped up my batteries... I’m constantly playing to a demographically diverse audience... one generation is driven by nostalgia, the next by curiosity. And that’s why I have no plans to retire.  (Demographically Quotes) We’re getting job creation in healthcare and educational services. We’ve been getting that all along. It’s demographically driven, it’s funded by the government, and that’s held up.  (Demographically Quotes)