Demonstrate Quotes

Text Quotes
Science doesn’t in the slightest depend on trust. It depends completely on the belief that you can demonstrate something for yourself. (Demonstrate Quotes)
We can’t reform mandatory spending in this area until we first deal with ours. I tell my colleagues, ‘Let’s get the moral high ground and demonstrate that we want to make changes to our pension, and then we can deal with the big problems.’ (Demonstrate Quotes)
Meditation is one of the most therapeutic things that one can do for the body and mind. Specifically, studies demonstrate a reduction in blood pressure, heart rate, and other stress marker indicators. (Demonstrate Quotes)
By simply capitalizing on core strengths and knowledge, companies and entrepreneurs can engage in an emerging business model that will enable them to create - and demonstrate - real, sustainable social impact in society. (Demonstrate Quotes)
Would-be drug companies must either produce medicines that stand up to federal scrutiny, demonstrate that their data has value to other companies, or go out of business. (Demonstrate Quotes)
American author Mark Twain, while viewed as liberal and non-judgmental, did at times demonstrate both these characteristics. While his reasons for detesting the Christian faith are unclear, they seem to have been profound and deep-rooted. Having lambasted the founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, in a later quote he referred to the Book of Mormon as chloroform in print. (Demonstrate Quotes)
Scrawling ‘I’m gay’ in lipstick on your parents’ bedroom mirror may demonstrate a personal signature of the highest style, but is not particularly sensitive to their feelings. Upon hearing me utter those words almost twenty years ago, my own mother did what and self-respecting middle-class mom would do: went directly into a seizure. (Demonstrate Quotes)
Allowing the U.N. into Iraq will demonstrate to the Iraqis that the international community as a whole is committed to bringing stability and safety to their country. (Demonstrate Quotes)
The stories we can tell are those that happen to us; we meet, work, live, laugh, love, demonstrate, strive in community. (Demonstrate Quotes)
Oh yes, as a matter of fact it is quite interesting that exercises can be conducted which demonstrate conclusively that there are memories which exist prior to this life. (Demonstrate Quotes)
We should remember that saying ‘I love you’ is only a beginning. We need to say it, we need to mean it, and most importantly we need consistently to show it. We need to both express and demonstrate love. (Demonstrate Quotes)
Few people in contemporary art demonstrate much curiosity. The majority spend their days blathering on, rather than trying to work out why one artist is more interesting than another, or why one picture works and another doesn’t. (Demonstrate Quotes)
We can demonstrate, by our own example, how E.U. freedoms, including the freedom of nationals of other E.U. countries to come and work here, has enabled us to expand our economy. (Demonstrate Quotes)
Love stories seek to demonstrate the great truth of love: that we discover eternity in a moment that dies immediately after. (Demonstrate Quotes)
To demonstrate integrity, a person must have the courage to consistently adhere to a strong ethical code, even in difficult situations. (Demonstrate Quotes)
The older members of my family always demonstrate education as a cure to a disease but I think education is not a cure. It’s immunity. (Demonstrate Quotes)
We look for people who demonstrate perseverance in the face of challenges, the ability to influence and motivate others - people who want to work relentlessly to ensure that kids who are facing the challenges of poverty have an excellent education. (Demonstrate Quotes)
An individual’s refusal to carry out the criminal acts of his government sets the stage, in the most effective way possible, for the attempt to demonstrate the criminal nature of these acts. (Demonstrate Quotes)
VCE exams do not showcase students’ abilities. By this, I mean that the system fails to recognise the diversity of skills, and most subjects do not allow students to demonstrate skills in a form other than a written exam. (Demonstrate Quotes)
It is as impossible for man to demonstrate the existence of God as it would be for even Sherlock Holmes to demonstrate the existence of Arthur Conan Doyle. (Demonstrate Quotes)
My message to Washington is very simple. Face reality. Be leaders. Demonstrate accountability. Engage in principle compromise. And understand your job is to find solutions. (Demonstrate Quotes)
Some leaders manipulate and intimidate while others demonstrate and motivate. Be the leader you would follow!~ (Demonstrate Quotes)
Power is getting things done without having to demonstrate that you can bulldoze it through. I’m most effective when I’ve studied an issue, when I can make a credible argument, and then bring people along. (Demonstrate Quotes)
We’ve got to demonstrate why European unity and integration, our vast single market, our single currency, equip us with the strength to embrace globalization. (Demonstrate Quotes)
In my ministry, I teach my disciples, Power first, then the Word. Go in and prophesy first, or demonstrate the power of God first in some way. (Demonstrate Quotes)
Most people think that God wants us to demonstrate our love for God by having churches and by having symbols - and I think that’s a huge error. (Demonstrate Quotes)
When we demonstrate our faith in God by our obedience, He not only promises to provide for us, He will provide. (Demonstrate Quotes)
A rainbow looks good because the colours demonstrate restrain. Otherwise it would be an ugly blob. (Demonstrate Quotes)
Our goal at Home Theater Films is to inspire and entertain our audience. We want to make great movies that everyone can enjoy and elevate them with contemporary, relatable characters that naturally demonstrate their faith in real world situations. (Demonstrate Quotes)
Flashpoint’ is a showcase to demonstrate why the Flash is a major character, just like how we’ve done with Green Lantern. It’s important that the Flash can hold his own. (Demonstrate Quotes)