Dennis Rodman Quotes

Text Quotes
I was confused as a kid. I was confused about my sexual identity (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
If Lebron was playing in the late 80's and early 90's, just an average player (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
I have one regret, I wish I was a better father (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
Fifty percent of life in the N. B. A. Is sex. The other fifty percent is money (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
A player dreams of being a superstar, but he doesn't want people flocking all over him asking for an autograph (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
At least 50 times. I've jumped off a building, jumped off a cliff in a car. I've been in bedrooms when women came in with knives and guns (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
I go out with white women. This makes a lot of people unhappy, mostly black women (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
I spent money, I slept with women around the league, but I always kept my mind on the game (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
I understand what rappers are talking about. I think rap is less about educating people about the black community and more about making money (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
Chemistry is a class you take in high school or college, where you figure out two plus two is 10, or something (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
For years the league has thought I've been on drugs. I would have burned out a long time ago if that was true (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
I can't begin to describe the amount of crap I've taken for being a lousy free-throw shooter (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
I couldn't care less if the guy I'm guarding has HIV. I'm going to slam him anyway (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
I don't feel anything when I watch Shaquille O'Neal play. I don't feel anything coming off him (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
I don't fit into the mold of the NBA man, and I think I've been punished financially for it (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
I go out there and get my eyes gouged, my nose busted, my body slammed. I love the pain of the game (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
I've got to give Larry Bird his due; he was a great player. He knew the game and he was smart (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
The NBA believes if you play for a team and get paid by a team, you're the property of that team for 24 hours a day (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
The NBA's chosen ones think I'm setting a bad example? I think they need to look around and stop taking themselves so seriously (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
The one thing I do that nobody else does is jump three and four times for one rebound (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
The people at the top of the league think they need to rein me in so I don't become another Michael Jordan, somebody they aren't able to mold and shape and make their puppet (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
They didn't have a problem with me being wild and crazy when it came time to fill the arenas (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
They say Elvis is dead. I say, no, you're looking at him. Elvis isn't dead; he just changed color (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
To hang out in a gay bar or put on a sequined halter top makes me feel like a total person (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
When a high-profile personality lives like I do, everybody thinks that person is fated to die young (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
You watch some teams these days and you wonder if they just met on the playground and decided to choose up sides (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
For five years I've felt like the best prostitute in a high-class whorehouse. But all the other girls get paid more than I do (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
I like to describe my life as a black hole with a little light out there (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
I only weigh 220, so I have to do something to keep from being tossed around by all the guys who weigh 250 and more. I train hard, but I don't try to get too big (Dennis Rodman Quotes)
I'm fighting against becoming soft. That's the worst thing you can say to a basketball player (Dennis Rodman Quotes)