Deny Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s usually the selfish people who are loved the most. They do what you deny yourself, and you love them for it. You give them your heart. (Deny Quotes)
The world says love yourself, grab all you can, follow your heart. Jesus says deny yourself, grab your cross and follow me. (Deny Quotes)
You deny that man is really so prejudiced as I suppose him; talk to him then of some foreign country, ask him what religion he is of. (Deny Quotes)
The probability that we face global warming caused by fossil fuels is now so overwhelming that it is legitimate to doubt the motives of those who deny it (Deny Quotes)
I’m not going to deny that I enjoy a good four or five hour karaoke session. But who doesn’t? (Deny Quotes)
I only ask to be free. The butterflies are free. Mankind will surely not deny to Harold Skimpole what it concedes to the butterflies. (Deny Quotes)
That is not a just government where arbitrary restrictions, exemptions, and monopolies deny to part of its citizens that free use of their faculties, and free choice of their occupations. (Deny Quotes)
Of course, there are dangers in religious freedom and freedom of opinion. But to deny these rights is worse than dangerous, it is absolutely fatal to liberty. (Deny Quotes)
The simple truth is that there isn’t a single civil right I would deny to an evangelical Christian. I’ve defended their freedom of religion, of association, of disassociation, and believe they should be treated with respect. I wouldn’t dream of drumming them out of the military, firing them for their faith, tearing up their relationships, or taking their children away from them. The favor, alas, is not returned. (Deny Quotes)
But I don’t do the diet thing anymore. I’m a big believer in feeding your body what it needs. Deny yourself something and you’re going to end up shoving your face full of it. (Deny Quotes)
If a person is homosexual by nature - that is, if one’s sexuality is as intrinsic a part of one’s identity as gender or skin color - then society can no more deny a gay person access to the secular rights and religious sacraments because of his homosexuality than it can reinstate Jim Crow. (Deny Quotes)
I can’t deny that label-support gave me a leg up - though not every successful artist needs it (Deny Quotes)
After all, [female genital mutilation is] a key pillar of institutional misogyny in Islam: its entire purpose is to deny women sexual pleasure. True, a lot of us hapless western men find we deny women sexual pleasure without even trying, but we don’t demand genital mutilation to guarantee it. On such slender distinctions does civilization rest. (Deny Quotes)
Ghost stories are always listened to and well received in private, but pitilessly disavowed in public. For my own part, ignorant as I am of the way in which the human spirit enters the world and the way in which he goes out of it, I dare not deny the truth of many such narratives. (Deny Quotes)
The God most Americans say they believe in is just not interesting enough to deny. Thus the only kind of atheism that counts in America is to call into question the proposition that everyone has a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (Deny Quotes)
There is only one sin God will not forgive Boss, and that is to deny a woman who is in wanting ~ Zorba (Deny Quotes)
Pastime with good company I love and shall, until I die. Grudge who list, but none deny! So God be pleased, thus live will I. (Deny Quotes)
Those are not at all to be tolerated who deny the being of God. Promises, covenants, and oaths, which are the bonds of human society, can have no hold upon an atheist. The taking away of God, though but even in thought, dissolves all. (Deny Quotes)
Prayer delights God’s ear; it melts His heart; and opens His hand. God cannot deny a praying soul. (Deny Quotes)
We shouldn’t even need the word ‘atheism’. If people didn’t invent ridiculous imaginary gods, rational people wouldn’t have to deny them. (Deny Quotes)
I would never deny the importance of the media, but I wouldn’t go out of the way to splash my pictures all over town. I’d rather let my work do the talking. (Deny Quotes)
I just continue to grind on my own. You can’t deny good music at the end of the day. (Deny Quotes)
Unbelieving image-bearers really do have a lot of good ideas. To deny this is an affront to the One Whose image they bear. (Deny Quotes)
Graham Greene at 82 years old was still writing, and I don’t think anyone can deny the force, the expertise, and the unique quality of his writing, if you take his complete oeuvre. (Deny Quotes)
To neglect the wise sayings of great thinkers is to deny ourselves the truest education (Deny Quotes)
I would love to be a father. I had a great father who taught me how gratifying that is. I’m not going to deny myself that. I think I’d be good at it. Everybody wants that experience. I definitely do. (Deny Quotes)
I kind of think of engineering like the chefs at a restaurant. Nobody’s going to deny chefs are integrally important, but there’s also so many other people who contribute to a great meal. (Deny Quotes)
Live theater is just an incredibly powerful medium, and I think anyone who goes, whether they know about it or not, if they see something that sort of fits with them, it’s kind of hard to deny that they had a good time. (Deny Quotes)
The quote-unquote ‘description’ of a leading man was once your tall, handsome man with the build of whatever, almost a trophy to some degree. I think now it’s about making a leading man what you want a leading man to be. In this day, you can’t deny talent. You look at Jonah Hill, you look at Zach Galifianakis, you look at myself. (Deny Quotes)
I don’t deny that I had a very privileged upbringing, but my parents and that town maintained a sense of normalcy that I think many people find hard to achieve, and I am so grateful for that. (Deny Quotes)