Department Quotes

Text Quotes
I started performing in high school. There was a pretty great drama department at my school, and that’s when I started doing plays and musicals. (Department Quotes)
I actually studied in college, for the three semesters that I stayed in school, I don’t recommend that, but I studied theater, and in high school I was involved in the drama department. (Department Quotes)
The people in the US Drug Enforcement Department are encouraging drug trade so that they could show performance and get millions of dollars worth of budget. (Department Quotes)
I first met Kim Dae Jung when he was a Korean dissident whose life was threatened by the military regime ruling in Seoul. I was Ronald Reagan’s Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights, and Kim was directed to me because the East Asia Bureau at the State Department had long shunned him. (Department Quotes)
Colleges will try to get the good students. That’s the way to go. When I chaired my department of Materials Engineering at the Technion in 1990, we started a program for which we set the bar very high. It was the highest at the Technion, above electrical engineering and medicine. (Department Quotes)
In 1978, I entered Tohoku University, into the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Technology. (Department Quotes)
The mantra from the Obama State Department is ‘smart power’ - the not-so-new idea that all elements of national power should be utilized to influence other countries. (Department Quotes)
Truth be told, I didn’t want to be on T.V. I was going to be a writer or producer or a director, and at the end of my sophomore year, my department chairman put me up for a job doing weekend weather in Syracuse, New York. (Department Quotes)
I often laugh and say I should go down to the Department of the Interior and register as an endangered species. I’m a gay man over 60 and I’m alive. (Department Quotes)
My entry into the field of hydrogen came as a great surprise. President Bush of the United States was interested in hydrogen for energy applications, and I was asked to chair a committee on hydrogen for the Department of Energy. (Department Quotes)
Since coming to Congress, I have been advocating for increased resources for research in the physical sciences and for the Department of Energy Office of Science in particular. (Department Quotes)
And I spent that time working as an insurance adjuster and going to law school in the evening, and then when I left law school, I joined the Department of Justice in Washington. (Department Quotes)
Every reform means awakening. Once truly awakened, the nation will not be satisfied with reform only in one department of life. (Department Quotes)
Therefore, the very large department store should not be viewed as a sinful undertaking, as, for example, the Tower of Babel. It is, rather, proof of the inability of the human race of today to be extravagant. It even builds skyscrapers: and the consequence this time isn’t a great flood, but just a shop... (Department Quotes)
Short stories are fiction’s R and D department, and failed or less-than-conclusive experiments are not just to be expected but to be hoped for. (Department Quotes)
It often happens that when a person possesses a particular ability to an extraordinary degree, nature makes up for it by leaving him or her incompetent in every other department. (Department Quotes)
It was better, he thought, to fail in attempting exquisite things than to succeed in the department of the utterly contemptible. (Department Quotes)
It’s time for the State Department to permanently change its official policy to allow all members of U.S. citizens’ families - no matter what size they are or how many legs they have - to evacuate together when disaster strikes. (Department Quotes)
Genetically, I have tons of musical background in my life. My mother’s father was a famous Weimar-era composer, Ernst Toch. My father’s mother was the head of the Vienna Conservatory’s piano department. It all canceled out in my case. I’m completely hopeless in music. (Department Quotes)
It’s a very frustrated feeling you get when the only people with good photos of you work are the police department. (Department Quotes)
My worst boss was a departmental chair who never learned to appreciate new developments in the field. He had contempt for students and younger researchers, and he saw the job of running the department as a nuisance. (Department Quotes)
The Central Propaganda Department is the highest-ranking censorship agency in China. And it has control over everything from the appointment of newspaper editors to university professors to the way that films are cut and distributed. (Department Quotes)
Of the judicial department of the Government, the Supreme Court is the head and representative, and to it must come for final decision all the great legal questions which may arise under the Constitution, the laws, or the treaties of the United States. (Department Quotes)
As an assistant in the polytechnic department, I was able to finance new studies and got my Physics Masters Degree in 1958 and my Ph.D. in 1959. (Department Quotes)
Tonight I am going to take a party to the headquarters of the fire department, where I have a cinch on the captain, a very nice fellow, who is unusually grateful for something I wrote about him and his men. They are going to do the Still Alarm act for me. (Department Quotes)
I’ve burned the trash a few times and it got away from me. I’ve caught the yard on fire. I’ve burnt up some acreage and had to call the fire department a couple of times. (Department Quotes)
What we need is a plan B ... independent of the Internet. [It] doesn’t necessarily have to have the performance of the Internet, but the police department has to be able to call up the fire department. (Department Quotes)
People don’t seem to make the connection between their tax money and the benefits that they get from their tax money, like free education, and the fire department, and police protection, and everything else. It drives me bonkers, because it’s pretty straightforward to me. (Department Quotes)
My dad was president of the volunteer fire department, which was within walking distance to our house. I spent several days of each week there with him - any time the whistle blew, he went. It was truly inspiring to watch him lead that way. (Department Quotes)
New rule: If churches don’t have to pay taxes, they also can’t call the fire department when they catch fire. Sorry reverend, that’s one of those services that goes along with paying in. I’ll use the fire department I pay for. You can pray for rain. (Department Quotes)