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Text Quotes
Civilization depends upon the vigorous pursuit of the highest values by people who are intelligent enough to know that their values are qualified by their interests and corrupted by their prejudices (Depends Quotes)
The quality of success you will experience in your life ultimately depends upon the tiny choices you make every minute of every hour of every day (Depends Quotes)
My ability to get through my day greatly depends on the relationship that I have with other women... We have to be able to champion other women. We have to root for each other’s successes and not delight in one another’s failures (Depends Quotes)
He who is prepared for the future and he who deals cleverly with any situation that may arise are both happy; but the fatalistic man who wholly depends on luck is ruined (Depends Quotes)
The difference between architecture and building is that the former expresses an idea, while the latter is merely a structure built on economical principles. The value of matter depends solely on its capacities of expressing ideas (Depends Quotes)
Ultimately faith is the only key to the universe. The final meaning of human existence, and the answers to the questions on which all our happiness depends cannot be found in any other way (Depends Quotes)
Your enlightenment depends on the company you keep. You do not know the world until you know the men who have possessed it and tried its wares before you were ever given your brief run upon it (Depends Quotes)
The only thing that is different from one time to another is what is seen and what is seen depends upon how everybody is doing everything (Depends Quotes)
Happiness depends only on your mind. When the mind is free of past impressions and future cravings, happiness is there (Depends Quotes)
As soon as you move one step up from the bottom, your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken and written word (Depends Quotes)
If any form of government is capable of making a nation happy, ours I think bids fair now for producing that effect. But after all much depends upon the people who are governed (Depends Quotes)
True communication depends upon our being straightforward with one another... But the best way to communicate may be just to sit without saying anything (Depends Quotes)
Success in dealing with people depends on sympathetic grasp of the other person’s viewpoint (Depends Quotes)
Sometimes, whether a desire is excessive or negative depends on the circumstances or society in which you live in (Depends Quotes)
The flowering of human society depends on two factors: the intellectual power of outstanding men to conceive sound social and economic theories, and the ability of these or other men to make these ideologies palatable to the majority (Depends Quotes)
Talk to the jury as though your client’s fate depends on every word you utter (Depends Quotes)
Sex and race, because they are easy and visible differences, have been the primary ways of organizing human beings into superior and inferior groups and into the cheap labour on which this system still depends (Depends Quotes)
The force of the guinea you have in your pocket depends wholly on the default of a guinea in your neighbour’s pocket. If he did not want it, it would be of no use to you (Depends Quotes)
There’s nothing wrong with being a loser, it just depends on how good you are at it (Depends Quotes)
The absurd depends as much on man as on the world. For the moment, it is all that links them together (Depends Quotes)
Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity successful men act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something. Soon it becomes a reality. Act, look, feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly, and you will be amazed at the positive results (Depends Quotes)
Beauty depends on size as well as symmetry. No very small animal can be beautiful, for looking at it takes so small a portion of time that the impression of it will be confused. Nor can any very large one, for a whole view of it cannot be had at once, and so there will be no unity and completeness (Depends Quotes)
The amelioration of the world cannot be achieved by sacrifices in moments of crisis; it depends on the efforts made and constantly repeated during the humdrum, uninspiring periods, which separate one crisis from another, and of which normal lives mainly consist (Depends Quotes)
The logic of worldly success rests on a fallacy: the strange error that our perfection depends on the thoughts and opinions and applause of other men! A weird life it is, indeed, to be living always in somebody else’s imagination, as if that were the only place in which one could at last become real! (Depends Quotes)
Virtue depends partly upon training and partly upon practice; you must learn first, and then strengthen your learning by action. If this be true, not only do the doctrines of wisdom help us but the precepts also, which check and banish our emotions by a sort of official decree (Depends Quotes)
Good governance never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of those who govern. The machinery of government is always subordinate to the will of those who administer that machinery. The most important element of government, therefore, is the method of choosing leaders (Depends Quotes)
So much in writing depends on the superficiality of one’s days. One may be preoccupied with shopping and income tax returns and chance conversations, but the stream of the unconscious continues to flow undisturbed, solving problems, planning ahead: one sits down sterile and dispirited at the desk, and suddenly the words come as though from the air: the situations that seemed blocked in a hopeless impasse move forward: the work has been done while one slept or shopped or talked with friends (Depends Quotes)
The way to wealth is as plain as the way to market. It depends chiefly on two words, industry and frugality: that is, waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both. Without industry and frugality nothing will do, and with them everything (Depends Quotes)
If the evolutionary mechanism of natural selection depends on death, destruction, and violence of the strong against the weak, then these things are perfectly natural. On what basis, then, does the atheist judge the natural world to be horribly wrong, unfair, and unjust? (Depends Quotes)
I think about how much depends upon a best friend. Then you wake up in the morning you swing your legs out of bed and you put your feet on the ground and you stand up. You don’t scoot to the edge of the bed and look down to make sure the floor is there. The floor is always there. Until it’s not (Depends Quotes)