Depression Quotes

Text Quotes
The moment a man questions the meaning and value of life, he is sick, since objectively neither has any existence; by asking this question one is merely admitting to a store of unsatisfied libido to which something else must have happened, a kind of fermentation leading to sadness and depression (Depression Quotes)
As we have said, robust souls are sometimes almost, but not entirely, overthrown by strokes of misfortune... Despair has steps leading upward. From total depression we rise to despondency, from despondency to affliction, from affliction to melancholy. Melancholy is a twilight state in which suffering transmutes into a somber joy... Melancholy is the enjoyment of being sad (Depression Quotes)
It’s so easy for me to fall back into depression. I think it comes with having money. I don’t have to work. I could be sitting bored and depressed at home with a bag on my head (Depression Quotes)
We have had a great depression in agriculture, caused mainly by several seasons of bad harvests, and some of our traders have suffered much from a too rapid extension in prosperous years (Depression Quotes)
Investing in auto companies and ensuring a financial collapse didn’t lead not from a recession to a great depression may not have been the most popular thing to do, but it was the right thing to do (Depression Quotes)
We are more apt to feel depressed by the perpetually smiling individual than the one who is honestly sad. If we admit our depression openly and freely, those around us get from it an experience of freedom rather than the depression itself (Depression Quotes)
Credit expansion can bring about a temporary boom. But such a fictitious prosperity must end in a general depression of trade, a slump (Depression Quotes)
She was indeed aching with that depression, which oddly takes the form of a sense of guilt, that comes to those who find themselves alone in sobriety among the alcoholized (Depression Quotes)
The experiences of the years... Have brought the country, particularly its young people, to a mood of depression, disillusion, and withdrawal from the effort to affect the world (Depression Quotes)
The depression and suicidal fantasies of three years ago are nothing but a memory to me now (Depression Quotes)
The money cost of the reservoir plan literally fades into insignificance when it is compared with the financial burden which the great depression imposed on the nation (Depression Quotes)
You almost had to live through it to really know the gut ripping misery of the depression during the early thirties which led to labor’s bloodiest and most violent days (Depression Quotes)
For three years I was immersed in a depression, I did not know how to assimilate the loss of my voice, which was a reality (Depression Quotes)
I define a recession as when your neighbor loses his job, but a depression is when you lose your own (Depression Quotes)
This depression was deep, and you don’t climb out of anything as quick as you fall in (Depression Quotes)
Hope grows in us, despite our moments of darkness, regardless of our regular bouts of depression (Depression Quotes)
Depression is a prison to which you have the key except you never think to look for it (Depression Quotes)
But with the slow menace of a glacier, depression came on. No one had any measure of its progress; no one had any plan for stopping it. Everyone tried to get out of its way (Depression Quotes)
Perhaps not being very self-aware in the past masked depression. I think I was confused. I think I was immature. I think I probably was quite depressed (Depression Quotes)
The reason so many intelligent and creative people suffer from depression is that when you take the risk of being fully conscious, you open Pandora’s box, and you can’t close it again (Depression Quotes)
Sufferers of depression have ‘episodes’ the same way those who suffer from multiple sclerosis do. It comes, wipes the floor with you, and then somehow returns you to the world. But it comes back (Depression Quotes)
In some cases, some people do get depressed in the middle of their grief, and they really need to be treated for depression (Depression Quotes)
We expect well-informed treatment for cancer or heart disease; it matters no less for depression (Depression Quotes)
Debates go on to this day about what caused the Great Depression. Economics is not very good at explaining swings in economic activity (Depression Quotes)
I might look successful and happy being in front of you today, but I once suffered from severe depression and was in total despair (Depression Quotes)
It is not an ennobling experience. Poverty entails fear and stress and sometimes depression. It means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships (Depression Quotes)
I had had some months of depression. Not serious enough to keep me from work. So, I guess you’d call that a mild depression (Depression Quotes)
It may feel like the more you know about depression and the many forms it can take, the more questions you have. That’s how I feel (Depression Quotes)
It is by all odds the loftiest of cities. It even managed to reach the highest point in the sky at the lowest moment of the depression (Depression Quotes)
Poverty entails fear and stress and sometimes depression. It means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships (Depression Quotes)