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Desensitized Quotes

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You program music with an image and then people are desensitized  (Desensitized Quotes) Today the large organization is lord and master, and most of its employees have been desensitized much as were the medieval peasants who never knew they were serfs  (Desensitized Quotes) I understand why people get desensitized and roll their eyes when they hear a protest song, or even a politician making some flowery speech. It doesn’t really change anything  (Desensitized Quotes) Hazing is an extraordinary activity that, when it occurs often enough, becomes perversely ordinary as those who engage in it grow desensitized to its inhumanity  (Desensitized Quotes) People see poverty all around them in India, but they are desensitized or immune to it. I came to the conclusion that poverty is driven by lack of education  (Desensitized Quotes) Miley [Cyrus] is so sweet. In this generation - and I know because I have two teenage boys - they don’t really have to care about things. It’s kind of a desensitized generation. I’m so impressed that she’s really vegan and outspoken about animal welfare  (Desensitized Quotes) Game of Thrones’ cares about children. Children are heirs. There’s no hemming and hawing about how they’re desensitized to violence or they cost too much to send to college. They’re a blessing - in many ways the only blessing - and even the evil ones have parents who love them.  (Desensitized Quotes) I understand why people get desensitized and roll their eyes when they hear a protest song, or even a politician making some flowery speech. It doesn’t really change anything.  (Desensitized Quotes)