Deserves Quotes

Text Quotes
Obama is huge in the polls these days. His popularity is soaring. Even conservatives are coming around. 30 percent of them now believe Obama deserves a Green Card. (Deserves Quotes)
The spirit of seeking understanding through personal contact with people of other nations and other cultures deserves the respect and support of all. (Deserves Quotes)
I did not come to power to divide Somali but to unite them, and I will never deviate from this path. I shall respect a Somali individual as long as he deserves respect, but if he turns away from the correct path, then that is not my business. (Deserves Quotes)
I believe this country was built on a simple promise: that each of us deserves a fair shot (Deserves Quotes)
Justice must be done in investigating the tragic death of Mr. Freddie Gray. His family deserves our deepest sympathy and respect for their loss, and our admiration for their courage in calling us, as a city, to act as our better selves. (Deserves Quotes)
Every generation gets the Constitution that it deserves. As the central preoccupations of an era make their way into the legal system, the Supreme Court eventually weighs in, and nine lawyers in robes become oracles of our national identity. (Deserves Quotes)
Here’s what I’ve learned - people will hurt you, but you don’t have to respond: Not every mean comment or cruel act deserves to be noticed. (Deserves Quotes)’s what I’ve learned - people will hurt you, but you don’t have to respond - not every mean comment or cruel act deserves to be noticed ... (Deserves Quotes)
If there is a God, you owe him far more than a morally decent life. He deserves to be at the center of your life. (Deserves Quotes)
At every election, my vote goes to the candidate less likely to declare war. You’re dropping hugely expensive pieces of exploding metal on a population. America deserves the president it gets, whether the country votes for them or allows their vote to be stolen, and the least we can do is to elect someone who won’t do that to other people. (Deserves Quotes)
To achieve the impossible, you need to first develop the mindset that it’s probable. Please don’t allow the current limits of your life define your future reality. You deserve so much better. And the world deserves your best. (Deserves Quotes)
The U.A.E. is a firm ally of the United States and deserves better treatment than it received in the Dubai Ports World fiasco in 2006. (Deserves Quotes)
What we call ‘evil’ doesn’t necessarily deserve any kind of respect or understanding, by any means; it just deserves an acknowledgement of its complexity so we can better understand it - so we can help prevent it. (Deserves Quotes)
Now is the moment when we can stand up and say, ‘I’m an American. I make my destiny. And we deserve better! My children deserve better! My family deserves better. My country deserves better!’ So here we stand. Americans have a choice. (Deserves Quotes)
Talent deserves to be honored. Hands deserve to be slapped if you do something stupid as well, but don’t take it too far. (Deserves Quotes)
The Bush administration got a lot of things horribly wrong in its disaster response to the New Orleans flood, and it deserves almost all of the bitter recriminations hurled its way. (Deserves Quotes)
Speak no evil of women; I tell thee the meanest of them deserves respect; for of women do we not all come? (Deserves Quotes)
Our public education system does a great job. I don’t think it’s broken. We aren’t interested in doing reform for reform’s sake. I believe in public education; it did a great job for me. It deserves our support and encouragement. (Deserves Quotes)
The world is very lucky to have America. It’s got to be the first time in the whole history of the planet that a country has been the dominant force in the world and it has actually been a force for good... America really deserves more credit. (Deserves Quotes)
While American intellectual property deserves protection, that protection must be won and defended in a manner that does not stifle innovation, erode due process under the law, and weaken the protection of political and civil rights on the Internet. (Deserves Quotes)
We must fix our broken education system. Every parent deserves a choice as to how to best educate their children so that every child has a chance to fulfill their potential. (Deserves Quotes)
Every mind deserves to be free. When the mind is free, that’s the end of suffering. (Deserves Quotes)
Hairdressing in general hasn’t been given the kudos it deserves. It’s not recognised by enough people as a worthy craft. (Deserves Quotes)
Since ideology is part of the human personality, it deserves a place in the kingdom of eternal truths. (Deserves Quotes)
Leadership is helping other people grow and succeed. it is not just about you. It’s all about them.... everyone deserves a chance.... you can never let yourself be a victim. (Deserves Quotes)
Sama means ‘equal’ in Sanskrit; I chose ‘Samasource’ because I thought it really reflected a value that I had and that I wanted the company to have, which is that everyone has equal capabilities and deserves an equal chance. (Deserves Quotes)
Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves, and if you don’t then start because everyone is beautiful. (Deserves Quotes)
I’ve learned... that everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile. (Deserves Quotes)
For whatever deserves to exist deserves also to be known, for knowledge is the image of existence, and things mean and splendid exist alike. (Deserves Quotes)
Anybody who achieves what Malcolm Fraser achieved in his life deserves respect as a quite extraordinary Australian. (Deserves Quotes)