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Designer Quotes

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As both a fine artist and a graphic designer, I specialize in the visual presentation of words  (Designer Quotes) I’ve always said I’m not the kind of designer who likes to lock himself away in a studio and let the rest of the company deal with it. I work very closely with everyone on the team  (Designer Quotes) As a designer, I like to work with fabrics that don’t bleed; that’s why I avoid all animal skins  (Designer Quotes) For each episode the five of us are all wearing clothes by the same designer. It’s a different designer for each episode, but for each one we’re all wearing their clothes  (Designer Quotes) One thing most people don’t know is that Steve Jobs is an exceptional designer  (Designer Quotes) First and foremost, I’m a decorator and product designer. Everything I do, the television shows, the books, that comes from the design work. It’s what I love  (Designer Quotes) Any designer believes his gun is the best, and when its test performance is a bit less impressive compared to others, he feels bitterness and envy  (Designer Quotes) I make me. At 18, I decided I wasn’t going to have an unconstructed self ever. I was going to be the composer, the designer, the architect of me. It’s been really fun  (Designer Quotes) I started dressing vintage when I was a teenager because I didn’t have money for designer clothes  (Designer Quotes) A designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic, objective economist and evolutionary strategist  (Designer Quotes) Design is really an act of communication, which means having a deep understanding of the person with whom the designer is communicating  (Designer Quotes) I love clothes, but really I don’t have that much to say about skirts. Before I was writing, I went to fashion shows only when the designer was a good friend and I was there to show support  (Designer Quotes) I am deeply impressed with the designer of the universe; I am confident I couldn’t have done anywhere near such a good job  (Designer Quotes) I dropped out of school for a semester, transferred to another college, switched to an art major, graduated, got married, and for a while worked as a graphic designer  (Designer Quotes) I became a set designer for opera. I’m a great opera buff, I love classical music, and I needed a time-out  (Designer Quotes) I couldn’t be a cameraman or a designer or an actor - I have to be a director because I learned how to do that from my dad  (Designer Quotes) I think the idea of mixing luxury and mass-market fashion is very modern, very now - no one wears head-to-toe designer anymore  (Designer Quotes) The designer of my Emmy gown is donating my gown to the charity for an auction  (Designer Quotes) But I’m not crazy about the designers like Prada and Gucci. I hate going into designer stores  (Designer Quotes) Phillip Harrison was the production designer, though, I think he’s uncredited. He’s done most of my films like Blue Thunder. Lots and lots over the years  (Designer Quotes) When I was in pre-production for Trees Lounge, I was hearing the cinematographer talking with the production designer about colours and this and that, and feeling like I was losing control  (Designer Quotes) There’s nothing funny about, ‘Yeah, I took a First Class plane ticket and I went to some designer beach and made out with a Laotian slave girl.’ Who cares?  (Designer Quotes) I didn’t know I was going to become a designer; I was going to become a successful person, but I really wanted to be free  (Designer Quotes) To be a good hairdresser, you have to understand what the vision is of the designer or the photographer and then sort of add your thing  (Designer Quotes) When you respect somebody who has talent, whether it’s a designer or a photographer, then you don’t want to let yourself down - but you also really don’t want to let them down  (Designer Quotes) I think I sort of have a love/hate relationship with a reputation I have for being the designer who works with grids  (Designer Quotes) The first place for the entrepreneur or designer to look for new opportunities is in the mirror  (Designer Quotes) I got involved in the design process a long time ago. I’ve been working with their main designer [Berlei] for a while. It’s been really fun all around  (Designer Quotes) What’s important to a fashion designer? It’s much more than learning how to make clothes. In fact, that merely makes you a dressmaker. It doesn’t make you into a fashion designer  (Designer Quotes) Everywhere I go, I can’t wear everything a designer creates. I’m a little more gritty  (Designer Quotes)
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