Desirable Quotes

Text Quotes
To be sure, mathematics can be extended to any branch of knowledge, including economics, provided the concepts are so clearly defined as to permit accurate symbolic representation. That is only another way of saying that in some branches of discourse it is desirable to know what you are talking about (Desirable Quotes)
It’s not my responsibility to be beautiful. I’m not alive for that purpose. My existence is not about how desirable you find me (Desirable Quotes)
The educational system should be a sieve, through which all the children of a country are passed. It is highly desirable that no child escape inspection (Desirable Quotes)
Previous to this time I had never even a balloon except from a distance. Being interested in their construction, I was about to institute a thorough examination of all its parts, when the aeronaut announced that all was ready. He inquired whether I desired to go up alone, or he should accompany me. My desire, if frankly expressed, would have been not to go up at all; but if I was to go, company was certainly desirable. With an attempt at indifference, I intimated that he might go along (Desirable Quotes)
Why should antitrust laws be used to block mergers that the market, by the existence of willing buyers and sellers, shows to be desirable? (Desirable Quotes)
Mistakes are the best teachers. One does not learn from success. It is desirable to learn vicariously from other people’s failures, but it gets much more firmly seared in when they are your own (Desirable Quotes)
The comfort zone is always the most desirable place to be. But in settling for comfort, there is a price to pay and it comes in the death of ambition, of hope, of youth and the death of self (Desirable Quotes)
It is even possible that desirable redistribution is more likely to occur through climate change policy than otherwise, or to be accomplished more effectively through climate policy than through direct foreign aid (Desirable Quotes)
Leaders are active instead of reactive, shaping ideas instead of responding to them. Leaders adopt a personal and active attitude toward goals. The influence a leader exerts in altering moods, evoking images and expectations, and in establishing specific desires and objectives determines the direction an organization takes. The net result of this influence is to change the way people think about what is desirable, possible, and necessary. In other words, leaders are visionaries and managers operate within those established visions (Desirable Quotes)
There never was and is not likely soon to be a nation of philosophers, nor am I certain it is desirable that there should be (Desirable Quotes)
Neither in the life of the individual nor in that of mankind is it desirable to know the future (Desirable Quotes)
Being a startup entrepreneur is not for everybody and it’s not the only desirable career choice. I also know that many people have families and cost obligations that don’t allow the kinds of financial risks associated with starting a company. And for others the hours, stresses and sacrifices in personal relationships are not worth it (Desirable Quotes)
If a program of physical activity isn’t designed to get you stronger or faster or better conditioned by producing a specific stress to which a specific desirable adaptation can occur, you don’t get to call it training. It’s just exercise (Desirable Quotes)
Since this girl in front of him represented not a person, but again the image, or something desirable, the last thing we would expect him to want to do would be to personalize this person... Chattering and flattering and entertaining, as if seen through a motion picture screen (Desirable Quotes)
At a time when so many scholars in the world are calculating, is it not desirable that some, who can, dream? (Desirable Quotes)
I begin to think, that a calm is not desirable in any situation in life. Man was made for action and for bustle too, I believe (Desirable Quotes)
All knowledge is of itself of some value. There is nothing so minute or inconsiderable, that I would not rather know it than not. In the same manner, all power, of whatever sort, is of itself desirable. A man would not submit to learn to hem a ruffle, of his wife, or his wife’s maid; but if a mere wish could attain it, he would rather wish to be able to hem a ruffle (Desirable Quotes)
The knowledge that my discriminations are skewed and not always universally desirable doesn’t stop me in the least from making them (Desirable Quotes)
Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral. The size of the project means little in art, beyond the money matter. It is the quality of the character that really counts (Desirable Quotes)
They absorb carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. What could be more desirable? And they look good in the bargain. Stop chopping down the rain forests and plant more saplings, and we’re on our way (Desirable Quotes)
All genuine ideals have one thing in common: they express the desire for something which is not yet accomplished but which is desirable for the purpose of the growth and happiness of the individual (Desirable Quotes)
The most desirable mode of education, is that which is careful that all the acquisitions of the pupil shall be preceded and accompanied by desire... The boy, like the man, studies because he desires it. He proceeds upon a plan of is own invention, or by which, by adopting, he has made his own. Everything bespeaks independence and inequality (Desirable Quotes)
Human beings were not well served by permanence or stasis. Obviously, if individuals were progressing, they were undergoing a series of presumably desirable alterations, but in a universe where flux is fundamental, it can be argued that even change for the worse is preferable to no change at all. Isn’t fixity the hallmark of the living dead? (Desirable Quotes)
The activities of drawing, eating and drinking, all involve assimilations by the self of desirable elements from the world, a transfer of goodness from without to within (Desirable Quotes)
Never say never to anything,.. As you get older, being alone isn’t very desirable. You want someone to drink your coffee with, to share your television with. I missed male companionship (Desirable Quotes)
The object of government is the welfare of the people. The material progress and prosperity of a nation are desirable chiefly so far as they lead to the moral and material welfare of all good citizens (Desirable Quotes)
It may well happen that what is in itself the more certain on account of the weakness of our intelligence, which is dazzled by the clearest objects of nature; as the owl is dazzled by the light of the sun. Hence the fact that some happen to doubt about articles of faith is not due to the uncertain nature of the truths, but to the weakness of human intelligence; yet the slenderest knowledge that may be obtained of the highest things is more desirable than the most certain knowledge obtained of lesser things (Desirable Quotes)
Unity of opinion is indeed a glorious and desirable thing, and its circle cannot be too strong and extended, if the centre be truth; but if the centre be error, the greater the circumference, the greater the evil (Desirable Quotes)
Solitude and quiet are highly desirable, but the lack of them is no barrier to writing... The will to work builds all the seclusion that one needs (Desirable Quotes)
The sole evidence it is possible to produce that anything is desirable, is that people do actually desire it (Desirable Quotes)