Desires Quotes

Text Quotes
Traditional morality... does not teach us how to let the other follow his or her own path, meet with whomever he or she desires, go where he or she wants (Desires Quotes)
It’s a glorious universe the positive thinkers have come up with, a vast, shimmering aurora borealis in which desires mingle freely with their realizations.... Dreams go out and fulfill themselves; wishes need only to be articulated (Desires Quotes)
My fear is a fear of being obsolete. This is a world that changes very fast, and one of the main human desires is to belong to, to be part of something. It’s probably one of our greatest needs next to oxygen (Desires Quotes)
Music is the most absorbing of all the arts. It absorbs the mind of the artist, whether creator or executant, to the exclusion of every other consideration outside his own immediate necessities or desires (Desires Quotes)
It’s natural for humans to suppress urges, for when our desires are left unchecked they lead to broken relationships, prison time, and forest fires (Desires Quotes)
Real democracy means that no group or faction or leader can impose their will, their ideology, their religion, their desires on anyone else (Desires Quotes)
We must know the measure of a man’s desires before we can sound the depth of his regrets (Desires Quotes)
The problem is the way we let our desires stand in the way of our enjoyment of what we already have (Desires Quotes)
Once you’re a mom, all of your personal desires come secondary as the survival of the child becomes your life’s priority, which leads you to worry each day and every night the little one turn out right (Desires Quotes)
I don’t need marriage. I don’t need anyone to take care of all my needs and desires. I can take care of them myself now (Desires Quotes)
Theres something in human nature that says we need to have at least one symbolic place where chaos and dark desires can live (Desires Quotes)
Peace is a desire, war is a fact; and history has never paid heed to human desires and ideals (Desires Quotes)
I’ve always been attracted to characters with insurmountable odds and obstacles, because innately, however inarticulately I’ve always believed that my dreams and my desires can command and bend time and space to be the things that I want them to be (Desires Quotes)
The fundamental principle of human action, the law, that is to political economy what the law of gravitation is to physics is that men seek to gratify their desires with the least exertion (Desires Quotes)
I have to say that I reject somewhat the distinction between something called art and something called public art. I think all art demands and desires to be seen (Desires Quotes)
There are no accidents in this world, that no living being is seduced into an entanglement that he did not invite with his innermost desires. Would you agree with my estimation? (Desires Quotes)
America’s great talent, I think, is to generate desires that would never have occurred, natively,... and to make those desires so painfully real that money becomes a fiction, an imaginary means to some concrete end (Desires Quotes)
Music can make the cerebral accessible, the subconscious hummable. It communicates our shared needs and desires as sentient beings better than any other medium (Desires Quotes)
I never knew a man who wished to be himself a slave. Consider if you know any good thing, that no man desires for himself (Desires Quotes)
Benevolent desires, after passing a certain point, can not undertake their own fulfillment without incurring the risk of evils beyond those sought to be remedied (Desires Quotes)
Things have dropped from me. I have outlived certain desires; I have lost friends, some by death... others through sheer inability to cross the street (Desires Quotes)
All your desires, whatever they may be, are expressions of your longing for happiness. Basically, you wish yourself well (Desires Quotes)
Just as a waterfall grows slower and more lightly suspended as it plunges down, so the great man of action tends to act with greater calmness than his tempestuous desires prior to the deed would lead one to expect (Desires Quotes)
Faith considers that its precariousness and its finiteness are but the womb in which it abides, moving toward the plenitude and fullness of the eternity which it desires and believes in and which revelation opens to it (Desires Quotes)
When you are in alignment with the desires of your heart, things have a way of working out (Desires Quotes)
Happiness does not consist in things themselves but in the relish we have of them; and a man has attained it when he enjoys what he loves and desires himself, and not what other people think lovely and desirable (Desires Quotes)
It is to be presumed, that a man of common sense, who does not desire to please, desires nothing at all; since he must know that he cannot obtain anything without it (Desires Quotes)
The circumstances of your life are neither good nor bad. They are appropriate to the needs of your soul. They may or may not be what your personality desires (Desires Quotes)
The wife who submits to sexual intercourse against her wishes or desires, virtually commits suicide; while the husband who compels it, commits murder (Desires Quotes)
Reducing our desires and eliminating false neediness is the answer to resolving the nagging inner discomfort that we feel (Desires Quotes)