Destructive Quotes

Text Quotes
We have progressed in a technological sense, but I’m not so sure whether we have progressed in a civilizational matter - the quality of the civilization has not improved. It’s a civilization that’s in love with technology but forgetting about the human side of it and the destructive tendency in human civilization has not been faced (Destructive Quotes)
Those who believe that they have absolute truth and the only moral system are destructive both to themselves and to those whom they try to convert (Destructive Quotes)
It’s disturbing at my age to look at a young woman’s destructive behaviour and hear the echoes of it, of one’s own destructiveness in youth. (Destructive Quotes)
Alcohol is a pervasive fact of life, but an extraordinary fact-pleasurable and destructive, anathematized and adulated, and deeply ambiguous ... the genie in the bottle. (Destructive Quotes)
A nation which fails to adequately remember salient points ofits own history, is like a person with Alzheimer’s. And that can be asocial disease of a most destructive nature. (Destructive Quotes)
We live on a planet that is amazing, beautiful, and full of wonder but not protected from powerful destructive forces of nature. We are capable of doing wonderful and selfless things but also self-absorbed and harmful things. This is the world we live in. (Destructive Quotes)
Nature is powerful and beautiful,Nature is destructive and creative,Nature is amazing and wonderful,Nature is loving and graceful. (Destructive Quotes)
The writer Richard Manning has argued that ‘the most destructive force in the American West is its commanding views, because they foster the illusion that we command. (Destructive Quotes)
When you’re at peace with yourself and love your self, it is virtually impossible to do things to yourself that are destructive. (Destructive Quotes)
When you feel destructive, negative emotions like hate and anger arise within you towards the person opposing you; cultivate the opposite state of mind. (Destructive Quotes)
Of the seven deadly sins, anger has long been the one with the best box of costumes. When the guy in the next car rages at you, he’s dangerous. When you rage at him, you’re just. We can usually recognize the results of anger, especially in others, as destructive and evil. (Destructive Quotes)
An environmentalist can oppose factory farming because it’s reckless stewardship. A conservative can oppose factory farming because it is destructive to small farmers and to the decent ethic of husbandry those farmers live by. A religious person can oppose factory farming because it is degrading to both man and animal - an offense to God. (Destructive Quotes)
If anti-Semitism is a variety of racism, it is a most peculiar variety, with many unique characteristics. In my view as a historian, it is so peculiar that it deserves to be placed in a quite different category. I would call it an intellectual disease, a disease of the mind, extremely infectious and massively destructive. (Destructive Quotes)
If you find examples of humanism which are anti-religious, or at least in opposition to the religious faith of the place and time, then such humanism is purely destructive, for it has never found anything to replace what it has destroyed. (Destructive Quotes)
Deterrence failed completely as a guide in setting rational limits on the size and composition of military forces, spurring an insatiable arms race with a reckless proliferation of the most destructive power ever unleashed, tailored for delivery by a vast array of vehicles to a stupefying array of targets. (Destructive Quotes)
That atomic energy though harnessed by American scientists and army men for destructive purposes may be utilised by other scientists for humanitarian purposes is undoubtedly within the realm of possibility. ... An incendiary uses fire for his destructive and nefarious purpose, a housewife makes daily use of it in preparing nourishing food for mankind. (Destructive Quotes)
Ideology that believes government is bad, and that public institutions and places are not valuable, is as destructive as corporate greed. (Destructive Quotes)
There’s such an extreme feeling to be in love, especially in quite an emotionally destructive relationship, where you’re both kind of really bad for each other, but you love each other so much. Those extreme emotions, I think, can only be described with extreme imagery. (Destructive Quotes)
Wisdom and Love must balance mutually. Wisdom without Love it’s a destructive element. Love without Wisdom can leads us to error: love is law, but conscious love. (Destructive Quotes)
Language is the most beautiful and destructive thing because it allows you to express yourself, but it totally confuses everything. (Destructive Quotes)
Violent storms. and beautiful smiles. both have electricity. both are equally destructive in nature. (Destructive Quotes)
It’s wrong for women to be constantly shy and embarrassed about their bodies. There are so many images of unattainable beauty that are so destructive. It’s important to show how your body really is. As the cliche has it, beauty comes from within. (Destructive Quotes)
When you do things with the power of passion and power of love, you create destructive beauty (Destructive Quotes)
Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretence. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true. (Destructive Quotes)
Giving teenagers some inspiration, a single role model and an opportunity to be part of something bigger at a critical point in their lives can be the difference between being a productive or being a destructive member of society. (Destructive Quotes)
I’m still a firm believer that we were definitely put here to use our minds, and that is what makes us different. And that that’s the key. If there is anything that is going to stop mankind from being such a beastly, destructive creature, it is reason. (Destructive Quotes)
I’ve really carelessly gotten out of relationships that were incredibly destructive instead of being honest. (Destructive Quotes)
I’m supportive of practical nationalism, like the kind we need in Canada to avoid being absorbed into a much larger country. The kind of nationalism I despise as destructive and infantile is really just tribalism writ large. (Destructive Quotes)
The issue is that if you hold onto the resentment against yourself, you’re just going to recreate that destructive pattern in different forms because unconsciously it’s still a belief system that limits you. (Destructive Quotes)
To be sure, the Fair Tax is a big idea. However, I believe America was built on big ideas, and I was elected to Congress to fight for those big ideas, not nibble around the edges of a broken and destructive system. The FairTax would be a real stimulus for economic growth, and it wouldn’t cost taxpayers a dime. (Destructive Quotes)