Destructive Quotes

Text Quotes
Consider that worrying excessively about another person, especially a loved one, is a destructive act. It causes you emotional distress which prevents you from being at your best and contributing at the levels you’re capable of. Instead of worrying, focus on accepting what is out of your control, and actively changing all that you can (Destructive Quotes)
Every man is rich or poor according to the proportion between his desires and his enjoyments; any enlargement of wishes is therefore equally destructive to happiness with the diminution of possession, and he that teaches another to long for what he never shall obtain is no less an enemy to his quiet than if he had robbed him of part of his patrimony (Destructive Quotes)
However destructive may be the policies of the government and the methods and products of the corporations, the root of the problem is always found to be found in private life. We must learn to see that every problem that concerns us as conservationists always leads straight to the question of how we live. The world is being destroyed, no doubt about it, by the greed of the rich and powerful. It is also being destroyed by popular demand (Destructive Quotes)
When you do things in a selfish way, let alone a destructive way, then you are bound by that karma. Your state of mind will go down. You will find yourself becoming depressed, nervous, anxious and upset (Destructive Quotes)
People who are always thinking of the feelings of others can be very destructive because they are hiding so much from themselves (Destructive Quotes)
Deplorable, a rancid smelling aphrodisiac... It fosters almost totally negative and destructive reactions in young people (Destructive Quotes)
Because there is something difficult and destructive involved, there must be something creative involved as well. Relating to that creative aspect is the point (Destructive Quotes)
A living creature develops a destructive impulse when it wants to destroy a source of danger... The original motive is not pleasure in destruction... I destroy in a dangerous situation because I want to live and do not want to have any anxiety. In short, the impulse to destroy serves a primary biological will to live (Destructive Quotes)
Nothing is more destructive of human dignity than a rule which imposes a mute and blind obedience (Destructive Quotes)
Nothing is more subtly destructive than a closed circle of artists feeding on one another. Envy grows from insignificant differences between people, not from overwhelming inequalities... it was envy that forced them to emulate each other, not esteem (Destructive Quotes)
Our minds work like a garden. It is fertile ground that accepts any and everything we plant. Good or evil, constructive or destructive, our lives will bear the fruit of the seeds we plant in our minds (Destructive Quotes)
Each child represents either a potential addition to the protective capacity and enlightened citizenship of the nation or, if allowed to suffer from neglect, a potential addition to the destructive forces of a community.... The interests of the nation are involved in the welfare of this array of children no less than in our great material affairs (Destructive Quotes)
The attention that’s being projected by men who simply watch you walking down the street, in the office, or in bed, in most cases, is going to be extremely destructive (Destructive Quotes)
Chronic negative thinking and the emotions it invokes is, like many destructive behaviors, a form of addiction... it may not be very pleasant, but it’s familiar (Destructive Quotes)
Give me the judgment of balanced minds in preference to laws every time. Codes and manuals create patterned behavior. All patterned behavior tends to go unquestioned, gathering destructive momentum (Destructive Quotes)
Reject without regret whatever seems on reflection wrongheaded, dull, destructive, or irrelevant to your vision. It’s just as important to be able to discriminate between helpful and unhelpful criticism as it is to be able to write (Destructive Quotes)
Radical changes of identity, happening suddenly and in very brief intervals of time, have proved more deadly and destructive of human values than wars fought with hardware weapons (Destructive Quotes)
The totalitarian attempt at global conquest and total domination has been the destructive way out of all impasses. Its victory may coincide with the destruction of humanity; wherever it has ruled, it has begun to destroy the essence of man (Destructive Quotes)
One of the most durable and destructive legacies of discrimination is the way we’ve internalized a sense of limitation; how so many in our community have come to expect so little from the world and from themselves (Destructive Quotes)
Men who expect universal peace through invention of destructive weapons of war are no wiser than one who, noting the improvement of agricultural implements, should prophesy an end to the tilling of the soil (Destructive Quotes)
Wars based on principle are far more destructive... the attacker will not destroy that which he is after (Destructive Quotes)
Some come to a teacher for power. They still have all the desires, angers and jealousies of an unevolved person. Consequently, they become destructive both to themselves and to others (Destructive Quotes)
There is a time you can’t turn it back. When a person is very destructive, when they hate you tremendously, you have to disassociate with them (Destructive Quotes)
We must control the tendencies within our being that are destructive, when we want to slam somebody else, hurt them, injure them, or push them out of the way. A reverence for life needs to be developed, in which all things are sacred (Destructive Quotes)
Without balance and wisdom, power becomes very destructive. It creates unhappiness and not happiness. To simply see a teacher to gain power is a mistake (Destructive Quotes)
When willpower is not guided, it’s terrible. Hitler had a lot of will. But he used it for destructive purposes because he lacked wisdom (Destructive Quotes)
To me war is something to be outgrown, recognized as immature, wasteful, and so destructive to life that human beings should shun it... as they once shunned bubonic plague (Destructive Quotes)
I think that passion if really intense is always destructive if not to the two involved, always to other people (Destructive Quotes)
Shameless actually good since it gives a kind of freedom. We consider the old, functionless shame destructive. Today, if you have a strong sense of shame you also have a strong desire to overcome it. And that’s when you can write (Destructive Quotes)
The appetite for power is old and irrepressible in humankind, and in its action almost always destructive (Destructive Quotes)