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Detergent Quotes

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I think those little laundry detergent capsules are an amazing thing to have  (Detergent Quotes) Ethics is a detergent word, used time and time again to clean consciences without scrubbing  (Detergent Quotes) Life doesn’t use detergent to clean itself  (Detergent Quotes) It is totally unconscionable to subject defenseless animals to mutilation and death, just so a company can be the first to market a new shade of nail polish or a new, improved laundry detergent. It’s cruel, it’s brutal, it’s inhumane, and most people don’t want it  (Detergent Quotes) A new book is just like any new product, like a detergent. You have to acquaint people with it. They have to know it’s there. You only get to be number one when the public knows about you  (Detergent Quotes) People come up with stupid ideas all the time. That’s why your detergent tells you not to eat it  (Detergent Quotes) I was ten. I had noticed something was weird earlier in the day, but I knew from commercials that one’s menstrual period was a blue liquid that you poured like laundry detergent onto maxi pads to test their absorbency. This wasn’t blue, so... I ignored it for a few hours  (Detergent Quotes) Postal inspectors have been given advanced warning that Publishers Clearinghouse is sending packets of laundry detergent that could be mistaken for anthrax. Oh, good timing. What genius came up with this promotion? What’s next - a ticking alarm clock? Let’s put that in a box  (Detergent Quotes) Too many cars, too many factories, too much detergent, too much pesticides, multiplying contrails, inadequate sewage treatment plants, too little water, too much carbon dioxide - all can be traced easily to too many people.  (Detergent Quotes)