Developed Quotes

Text Quotes
And why is our music called world music? I think people are being polite. What they want to say is that it’s third world music. Like they use to call us under developed countries, now it has changed to developing countries, it’s much more polite. (Developed Quotes)
I’m motivated by fear. Fear of fear. I hate being scared to do something. And I think what developed in my early days was the attitude that I started attacking things that I was scared of. (Developed Quotes)
I’ve developed a way to separate myself from me being me, to me being the character. I can separate watching me, Tinsel Korey, from watching Emily (Developed Quotes)
In sci-fi convention, life-forms that hadn’t developed space travel were mere prehistory -- horse-shoe crabs of the cosmic scene -- and something of the humiliation of being stuck on a provincial planet in a galactic backwater has stayed with me ever since. (Developed Quotes)
Singing and being truthful to a song... I’ve developed that skill, and I know how to do that real instinctively, that’s all I’ve been doing for the last 25 years. (Developed Quotes)
You needn’t tell me that a man who doesn’t love oysters and asparagus and good wines has got a soul, or a stomach either. He’s simply got the instinct for being unhappy highly developed. (Developed Quotes)
Wisdom is partly innate and partly developed and practised. It’s about a lot more than just knowledge: experience, involvement, communication, interaction with people. Wisdom is a way of being. (Developed Quotes)
If we have reason to believe someone is preparing an attack against the U.S., has developed that capability, harbours those aspirations, then I think the U.S. is justified in dealing with that, if necessary, by military force. (Developed Quotes)
True believers are continually shown by reality that their God doesn’t exist, but have developed extensive coping mechanisms to deal with this cognitive dissonance. (Developed Quotes)
I believe the power to make money is a gift from be developed and used to the best of our ability for the good of mankind. (Developed Quotes)
My school was 90 percent white, but 90 percent of the kids I played with were black. So I got the best of both worlds. I think that is where my comedy developed. (Developed Quotes)
Michael Brown’s tragic death has revealed a deep distrust between some in the Ferguson community and its police force. It also developed a need to develop and widely disseminate law enforcement best practices for responding to public demonstrations. (Developed Quotes)
Your relationship with God, others, yourself, and all creation keeps changing for the better. Most of the world’s religions have developed maps to describe this process. (Developed Quotes)
Someone maybe be able to meditate well, but if they can’t manifest that meditation in just good common sense by loving and being king to those who are around them, then I can’t say they’re spiritually developed. (Developed Quotes)
Because of Billy Joel, I’ve been playing piano since I was knee high. The house was always full of music, so of course he’s influenced me, but I think I’ve also developed my own sound. He’s also been really good about giving me advice, which I think has helped me really stay true to what I want to do musically. (Developed Quotes)
I had developed manic depression [bipolar disorder] ... and the main symptoms the constant voice in the head telling you to kill yourself. (Developed Quotes)
I have an ambivalent relationship with Margaret Thatcher. She came to power in May 1979 - a month before my 11th birthday. I was far too young to have developed a great deal of political awareness. I remember it, though - my mother excited at the dinner table because Britain had its first female prime minister. (Developed Quotes)
In the developed world, hundreds of millions of us now face the bizarre problem of surfeit. Yet our brains, instincts, and socialized behavior are still geared to an environment of lack. The result? Overwhelm - on an unprecedented scale. (Developed Quotes)
We all stand on the shoulders of our ancestors. We’re in a relay race, relying on the financial and human capital of our parents and grandparents. Blacks were shackled for the early part of that relay race, and although many of the fetters have come off, whites have developed a huge lead. (Developed Quotes)
Director and producers have to take all the risks they can. We developed this film with the possibility to create departing from a blank page and to discover things as the process went along and as we understood the things that at first we couldn’t understand in words. (Developed Quotes)
In the late 1960s, red and the low green LEDs and the infrared semiconductor lasers had already been developed, but there was no prospect of practical blue light emitters, even in the 70s. (Developed Quotes)
I’ve always been a blue collar guy, and I think it shows in my body of work and the way my career has developed. (Developed Quotes)
I’ll take transformational change any way it comes. One way to look at meditation is as a kind of intrapsychic technology that’s been developed over thousands of years by traditions that know a lot about the mind/body connection. To call what happens ‘the placebo effect’ is just to give a name to something we don’t understand. (Developed Quotes)
I had just 15 days to work on my body for the climactic fight of ‘Bodyguard.’ And I would work on every muscle of my body two/three times a week. I would have developed a superb body if I had three months, but squeezing it into 15 days can be harmful. Also, as you grow older, your metabolic rate slows down. (Developed Quotes)
Schubert had arguably the same melodic gift as Mozart, but even less support. He didn’t have the early exposure, never got to travel anywhere, and yet generated and amassed a body of work that grew and developed and is very profound. (Developed Quotes)
I have never had a social life, don’t ever want one because it’s boring. I’m just not very good with people, and you meet people every night who expect you to be this rock star with these developed social skills, which I don’t have. (Developed Quotes)
I was born in 1960 and can still tell you the name of every astronaut from Mercury to Apollo. If I had a chance, I’d love to go into space on one of the privately developed space crafts. (Developed Quotes)
I developed the Clock Theory to help me time records; you know, spin the record back two revolutions or whatever and then play the break, spin the other one back two, play, like that. (Developed Quotes)
Unless nonviolence of the strong is really developed among us, there should be no thought of civil disobedience for Swaraj, whether within the states or in British India. (Developed Quotes)
I read in ‘Life’ magazine that Asians had developed an operation to enlarge eyes, and I yearned to have this done. I wanted to dye my hair brown and to anglicize my name. Self-hate was the most terrible cost of the war years for me. (Developed Quotes)