Developing Quotes

Text Quotes
I do not want to be cynical, but if developing nations are kept backward by being told, again and again, you belong to the poor and you are there, where you actually belong, then nothing will change (Developing Quotes)
The sensory deprivation chamber has been the most important tool that I’ve ever used for developing my mind (Developing Quotes)
Everything should be done to prevent Iran, the world’s most dangerous regime, from developing the world’s most dangerous weapons (Developing Quotes)
International alliances reduce the cost of developing cars significantly (Developing Quotes)
Even in developing markets, we’re seeing the growth of digital communication is proceeding at a very rapid pace (Developing Quotes)
Developing love and compassion and reducing anger and spite is a universal activity which requires no faith in any religion whatsoever (Developing Quotes)
Of course, in our country, developing in a region with somewhat conservative traditions, women were desperately needed to be more engaged - socially, economically, politically (Developing Quotes)
Talent emerges over the course of a lifetime of reciprocal interactions between the developing brain and a stimulating environment (Developing Quotes)
Getting one bad sunburn before you’re 18 doubles your chances of developing skin cancer. Something to keep in mind (Developing Quotes)
A safe and nutritionally adequate diet is a basic individual right and an essential condition for sustainable development, especially in developing countries (Developing Quotes)
There is no better form of trade a developing nation can engage in than to sell services provided by an educated population (Developing Quotes)
Developing countries often have hypertrophied bureaucracies, requiring businesses to deal with enormous amounts of red tape (Developing Quotes)
The quickest way to be a little bit happier and more engaged in your job is to spend some time thinking about developing closer friendships (Developing Quotes)
People have several times more potential for growth when they invest energy in developing their strengths instead of correcting their deficiencies (Developing Quotes)
There is no danger of developing eyestrain from looking on the bright side of things (Developing Quotes)
Innovation is what America does best. Whether it is the Apollo Project to the moon, developing the most advanced defense technologies available, the rise of the Internet or the latest advancements in biomedical gene therapies, our nation leads the world in transformative innovations (Developing Quotes)
As James Surowiecki noted in a New Yorker article, given a choice between developing antibiotics that people will take every day for two weeks and antidepressants that people will take every day for ever, drug companies not surprisingly opt for the latter. Although a few antibiotics have been toughened up a bit, the pharmaceutical industry hasn’t given us an entirely new antibiotic since the 1970s (Developing Quotes)
China should be developing through the various foreign investments it receives. I hope for its level-headed and rational understanding that anything to discourage that is a disservice to itself (Developing Quotes)
A powerful tool in the early stages of developing scenarios is to pretend the interface is magic. If your persona has goals and the product has magical powers to meet them, how simple could the interaction be? This kind of thinking is useful to help designers look outside the box (Developing Quotes)
Pinterest has been helpful to my business. Making inspiration boards is really key to developing products. When I was getting married, I literally cut out tear sheets and put my own boards together. Had I known about Pinterest, I would have been able to do it so much more easily (Developing Quotes)
Ego is an immature stage of development for humans, and that’s what it will be recognized as when the consciousness changes on the planet. Children will develop an ego and quickly outgrow it. That’s very different from developing an ego and being stuck with it for the rest of your life (Developing Quotes)
Maturity involves being honest and true to oneself, making decisions based on a conscious internal process, assuming responsibility for one’s decisions, having healthy relationships with others and developing one’s own true gifts. It involves thinking about one’s environment and deciding what one will and won’t accept (Developing Quotes)
The hearts of Afro-American women are too warm and too large for race hatred. Long suffering has so chastened them that they are developing a special sense of sympathy for all who suffer and fail of justice (Developing Quotes)
Developing compassion for Congress and politicians is a good way to begin practicing the new social activism if you want to make effective changes in the world. Perhaps the most startling new insight of all is that there is no other way to effectively change the world (Developing Quotes)
Children whose developing lungs are particularly vulnerable suffer the most from air pollution. For children, breathing the air in cities with the worst pollution, such as Beijing, Calcutta, Mexico City, Shanghai, and Tehran, is equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day (Developing Quotes)
Healthy children are more likely to attend school and are better able to learn. Healthy workers are more productive. More productive economies mean greater stability in developing countries and improved security in the West (Developing Quotes)
I don’t necessarily want to direct because it’s too much work and I don’t have the attention span to stay with it that long. But I think getting everyone together on something that appeals to me and developing the material is something that I like to do (Developing Quotes)
Stem cell research is the key to developing cures for degenerative conditions like Parkinson’s and motor neuron disease from which I and many others suffer. The fact that the cells may come from embryos is not an objection, because the embryos are going to die anyway (Developing Quotes)
Rio is an energetic, vibrant place, full of beauty and nature. But we face the kinds of problems any developing metropolis does - with pollution, traffic congestion, poverty. Distribution of green areas, for example, is not uniform. Madureira, the heart of the suburb in Rio, is a concrete jungle (Developing Quotes)
I probably would have gone the M.F.A. route except I was a dad at 19, and it made more sense to go to work for a newspaper and support a kid that way. But the funny thing is, that detour became the most important step in my developing as a novelist (Developing Quotes)