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Developing Quotes

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What does animal welfare have to do with food safety? The animals are the food! They are living in their own excrement, developing horrific sores, stressed out, and, therefore, more vulnerable to illness and disease  (Developing Quotes) I’m thinking about some developments say in the 80s when the anti-apartheid movement began to claim more support and strength within the US. Black trade unionists played a really important role in developing this US anti-apartheid movement  (Developing Quotes) I like developing characters who I find to have interesting psychology. Like politics and sex, but I’m really looking at bigger social problems that interest me, and that I can obsess over for a while  (Developing Quotes) In many developing countries, girls don’t go to school. They stay home. They are at the water wells, bringing water back and forth to the village. Or they are doing chores, preparing meals, farming. Some cultures think girls and women shouldn’t be educated, and those are very often the places where the treatment of women and girls is the worst  (Developing Quotes) Kenya is rapidly developing its industry and manufacturing, and its cultural identity as a new country. We had a humongous history pre-British, and when we were colonized and violently reshuffled, we had to decide who we were again. We couldn’t rest on the stories and the cultures of our great-grandparents  (Developing Quotes) I eternally fight internal battles about developing things that only appeal to the East Coast and the West Coast. For years I’ve been trying to do a Western, nobody’s interested in doing a Western, how can that be?  (Developing Quotes) I’m writing and putting together my next few things. Even during the Red Army process, I’ve been writing and developing things, so that now that I’m done and with efforts supporting it throughout this process, I’m armed and ready to go with some things that I’m really passionate about  (Developing Quotes) Big meetings and big talk are not enough in a world that is hungry for change. Big action - world leaders keeping their promises, and developing countries committing resources while listening ardently to the voice of the small farmer - is needed to bring big results and prosperity to the world’s poor  (Developing Quotes) We view South Africa as one of our closest strategic partners in the developing world and in the African continent.  (Developing Quotes) After World War II, the winds of nationalism and anti-colonialism blew through the developing world.  (Developing Quotes) My point is, as civilization is progressing, Mosaic law came down from the mountain, was handed to civilization, it emerged through the Greek civilization as the Greeks were developing their Age of Reason. And we’re talking about the foundation of Western Civilization, and almost concurrently with that, Roman law was emerging as well.  (Developing Quotes) Writers have to be observant. Every nuance, every inflection in a voice, the quality of air, even - they all get mixed up in this soup of the story developing in our minds.  (Developing Quotes) As both developed and developing nations search for alternative sources of energy in response to the growing energy crisis, we at Acumen Fund believe that investing in entrepreneurs who provide innovative energy solutions is an increasingly critical part of the solution.  (Developing Quotes) ...if we get the right kind of energy, there are endless amounts. I think we should be developing every kind of alternative fuel that is available to us. That includes hydrogen to soybeans, from solar to wind. Whatever we can find that is going to help us clean up the environment we should be working really hard on developing.  (Developing Quotes) Excess dietary salt is most notorious for increasing blood pressure. Americans have a 90 percent lifetime probability of developing high blood pressure - so even if your blood pressure is normal now, if you continue to eat the typical American diet, you will be at risk.  (Developing Quotes) Education is the only way forward in Latin America and developing countries in general  (Developing Quotes) The fight for education and justice is inseparable from the struggle for economic equality, human dignity and security, and the challenge of developing American institutions along genuinely democratic lines.  (Developing Quotes) My idea at this time, which was slowly developing, was to create a comedie humaine with little people, average people - samples from every period in American life.  (Developing Quotes) I’m addicted to change and therefore I get bored easily. Results have always motivated me, which has led me to developing ways to measure things that historically have not been measurable.  (Developing Quotes) All of my friends are animal people. To me, cats are people, too. Animals are people, too. I travel a lot and when I go overseas, it’s really hard on me because the animals are treated much differently, especially in developing countries.  (Developing Quotes) I’m developing some other things in other genres, including one dramatic piece. So, anything’s possible.  (Developing Quotes) I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of Muslim or at least Arab countries developing some form of organization comparable to the European Union. I don’t think that’s very likely, but it conceivably could happen.  (Developing Quotes) Nothing is more useless in developing a nation’s economy than a gun, and nothing blocks the road to social development more than the financial burden of war. War is the arch enemy of national progress and the modern scourge of civilized men.  (Developing Quotes) Nothing is more useless in developing a nation’s economy than a gun, and nothing blocks the road to social development more than the financial burden of war. War is the arch enemy of national progress and the modern scourge of civilized man.  (Developing Quotes) I view the art scene as an industry which is slowly developing. These days, technology has mad the world smaller. Meaning that information is a website away.  (Developing Quotes) There’s so much more work that goes into developing a makeup line than one would imagine. Personally, I like to be involved in the entire creative process - everything from art direction, collection concepts, formula testing, packaging artwork, to naming the shades and also the marketing side of things.  (Developing Quotes) I’m a binge writer. I work in the music business fulltime, in artist management and developing songwriters and recording artists, and so juggling my job I carve out as much time as I can on the weekends.  (Developing Quotes) As far as U.S. intelligence knows, Iran is developing nuclear capacities, but they don’t know if they are trying to develop nuclear weapons or not. Chances are they’re developing what’s called ‘nuclear capability,’ which many states have. That is the ability to have nuclear weapons if they decide to do it. That’s not a crime.  (Developing Quotes) Increasingly developing countries are asking for aid to help deal with the consequences of climate change, which we don’t want to give.  (Developing Quotes) How do we prevent Iran developing an atomic bomb, when, on the American side, dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is not recognised as a war crime?  (Developing Quotes)
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