Developing Quotes

Text Quotes
If you can’t travel to the developing world, look at helping to fund a woman with a small loan and follow her. Learn her story. Learn about the difference that you’re making. (Developing Quotes)
I have a great deal of difficulty with those who live in a hugely prosperous country telling people in the developing world that they should be deprived of a critical source of energy. (Developing Quotes)
Britain, today, educates 4.8 million primary school children in Britain. And we educate five million primary school children around the developing world, at a cost of 2.5 per cent of what we spend on British children. (Developing Quotes)
One of the great things about an open system like Android is it addresses all ends of the spectrum. Getting great low-cost computing devices at scale to the developing world is especially meaningful to me. (Developing Quotes)
WHO has a country office in nearly every developing country, usually located close to the Ministry of Health. Staff in these offices need to do much more to help ministries of health strengthen their national health plans and strategies and then negotiate with development partners to support these priorities and follow these plans. (Developing Quotes)
I had done ‘Die Hard’ and it was somebody’s franchise. I actually just got done with the ‘Hawaii Five-O’ pilot and I was developing some things of my own. So ‘Total Recall’ one of those projects that I read wanting more not to like it. (Developing Quotes)
There’s a bit of a new guard of contemporary classical musicians in New York, and we play a lot of different kinds of music together. We do pop studio sessions, and we’ll also play John Cage and more avant-garde work. We’re developing a language of music that comes with a lot of different styles, different kinds of work. (Developing Quotes)
I just want to continue developing as a musician. I love playing. I also want to be more involved in composing, doing my own thing, I hope to continue to be in different situations that I can nurture and that will nurture me. (Developing Quotes)
Unlike painting, sculpture, or music, typefaces must be useful to someone. Fortunately for designers, the digital age has produced new problems to solve - developing typefaces that work on mobile phones, for one - and enabled better solutions to old problems. (Developing Quotes)
I’m just ah, actually developing a tv show for HBO, and I’m directing a film this summer, and actually I’m doing some live shows out in western Canada. (Developing Quotes)
Reliable numbers about the amount of dirty money around the world are difficult to come by. But according to an estimate by the nonprofit Global Financial Integrity group, $1 trillion vanishes from the developing world’s economies every year. (Developing Quotes)
I’m kind of getting more excited about developing my own stuff, or getting involved early in projects and doing my best to make things that I care about happen. (Developing Quotes)
But tending machinery was one thing; defining what we were trying to do and why we were doing it, and developing ways to measure how well the job was done - this was something else again. (Developing Quotes)
Our thoughts about an event can have a dramatic effect on how we go through the event itself. When our expectations are low, it’s easy to be pleasantly surprised. When they’re not, we’re vulnerable to painful disappointment. Because of this, many people spend a good deal of effort trying to avoid developing high hopes about anything. (Developing Quotes)
I was commissioned in 2003 to create an original show, and began developing ‘Upwake.’ ‘Upwake’ tells the story of Zero, a modern-day business man, going to work with his life in a suitcase, stuck between dream and reality and not able to decipher the two. I wanted ‘Upwake’ to have the same audiovisual qualities as a movie would. (Developing Quotes)
In general, drug companies are reasonably good at developing new treatments, and there’s also a lot of good in the industry. (Developing Quotes)
The space industry is developing and delivering benefits that tie into our immediate needs and priorities here on Earth-for example, medical and materials research, and satellite communications. (Developing Quotes)
You look at the fact that for millions of years species on earth have been developing and we’ve been knocking them off at like a hundred a day. (Developing Quotes)
There is no substitute for hard work. If you’re looking for the easy way, if you’re looking for the trick, you might get by for a while, but you will not be developing the talents that lie within you. There is simply no substitute for work. (Developing Quotes)
America’s experience, like many others, teaches us that fostering entrepreneurship is not just about crafting the right economic policy or developing the best educated curricula. It’s about creating an entire climate in which innovation and ideas flourish. (Developing Quotes)
Developing emotional intelligence is one way to protect yourself from damaging relationships. Emotional intelligence is a science that has been studied and researched for over a decade. According to the theories, mutual respect and effective communication are key. (Developing Quotes)
It’s all about creating a back story for the character and developing emotional responses that are true to life in relation to the character. It isn’t necessary to live a tragic life to create from that place. (Developing Quotes)
I need to work on developing a new, less irritable personality. though I suspect that an empty nest would be at least a partial cure, today I resorted to substance abuse. (Developing Quotes)
However, the Government has made it clear that we do not encourage the recruitment of teachers from developing nations where there may be an adverse effect on the economy. (Developing Quotes)
The highest levels of fame in the entertainment business are geared toward keeping the artist disconnected, disinterested and continuing to make product and not developing any sort of ‘normal life.’ (Developing Quotes)
Don’t let anyone turn you into a slave. You’re a slave if you let the media tell you that sports and entertainment are more important than developing your brain. (Developing Quotes)
Another phenomenon developing in Kenya is ethnic cleansing - and that’s the thing that has made me very sad. Because some people will use the cover of the problems of rigged elections to do things that are unacceptable like ethnic cleansing and displacement of people. It’s completely unacceptable. (Developing Quotes)
I also believe that we have an extraordinary opportunity for the United States and European Union to lead the world in developing and implementing new and more efficient technologies - smart electrical grids and electrical vehicles. (Developing Quotes)
Many salespeople are trying to make their quota rather than developing a deeper belief in their product or service - and even worse, they don’t have a strong enough belief in themselves. (Developing Quotes)
Narratives are the primary way in which we make sense of our lives, as opposed to, for example schema,cognition, beliefs, constructs. Definition of narrative include the important element of giving meaning to events and experiences over time by connecting them as a developing, continuing story. (Developing Quotes)