Device Quotes

Text Quotes
I think most people in the developed world would admit to carrying some sort of handheld device, whether it’s a laptop or a cell phone, at all times. (Device Quotes)
It’s sad that the cell phone is replacing the watch as a time-telling device. I wear a vintage watch that’s really skinny. (Device Quotes)
For me personally, the technology that has taken the most unexpected turn in my lifetime is what I refer to as ‘the device formerly known as the cell phone.’ I still remember many predictions that by 2000 there would only be about a million cell phone users. Boy, were they ever wrong! (Device Quotes)
Oh, a sleeping drunkard Up in Central Park, And a lion-hunter In the jungle dark, And a Chinese dentist,And a British queen--All fit togetherIn the same machine.Nice, nice, very nice;Nice, nice, very nice; Nice, nice, very nice--So many different peopleIn the same device. (Device Quotes)
On close inspection, this device turned out to be a funereal juke box - the result of mixing Lloyd’s of London with the principle of the chewing gum dispenser. (Device Quotes)
If chick-lit really is taking a commercial battering, I’d suggest it’s because the marketing has been done to death. Covering everything in girlie pink and putting chocolate in the title may once have been a clever Pavlovian device but now makes readers feel a bit sick. (Device Quotes)
The use of the wearable computer changes with each person. When this device is your way of seeing, or a seeing aid, it’s how you see the world. When you use it as a memory aid, it is your brain. (Device Quotes)
It wasn’t a conscious decision to actually make a movie about Guantanamo Bay. It was a device. (Device Quotes)
America gave the world the notion of the melting pot - an alchemical cooking device wherein diverse ethnic and religious groups voluntarily mix together, producing a new, American identity. And while critics may argue that the melting pot is a national myth, it has tenaciously informed the America’s collective imagination. (Device Quotes)
The motorcycle is a device created by the team of God and Darwin to rid the world of useless young males. (Device Quotes)
The average American returning from a trip abroad likely - and understandably - assumes the contents of his or her electronic device does not come close to meeting the threshold of ‘criminal’ activity, such as would give a government agent the right to seize and peruse their iPad just because they are returning from a vacation. (Device Quotes)
Dell will participate in tablets and all sorts of client devices. Our main business is helping our customers secure, protect their data and access it from any device they want to. (Device Quotes)
I believe in having each device secured and monitoring each device, rather than just monitoring holistically on the network, and then responding in short enough time for damage control. (Device Quotes)
Mushy food is a form of sensory deprivation. In the same way that a dark, silent room will eventually drive you to hallucinate, the mind rebels against bland, single-texture foods, edibles that do not engage the oral device. (Device Quotes)
Death is the operative device that sets us free in Christ - when we die, we truly live (Device Quotes)
I think the phone is a really personal device in a lot of ways. If you drop your phone or lose it there’s a moment of panic. On the other hand there’s a lot of control that users have. (Device Quotes)
The secret to my 5 o’clock shadow is a little device called the George Michael 3000 Custom Beard Trimmer and Personal Massager. Just kidding. I actually shave every morning, and thanks to my vast knowledge of Eastern philosophy and mysticism, I will my facial hair to grow to the exact same length each day. Dave Grohl taught me that one. (Device Quotes)
What we want to do is make a leapfrog product that is way smarter than any mobile device has ever been, and super-easy to use. This is what iPhone is. OK? So, we’re going to reinvent the phone. (Device Quotes)
Everyday it gets easier to connect with an electronic device that it is to connect with real people. (Device Quotes)
I hesitated before buying a Kindle. I wasn’t worried that the digital reader would ruin literature as we know it. Rather, my concern centered on using an electronic device in the bathtub. (Device Quotes)
The explosion of a terrorist’s single nuclear device in a major metropolitan center would trigger an unparalleled humanitarian and environmental disaster. An accidental military launch of multiple warheads could result in a worldwide nuclear holocaust. Medical researchers and military analysts forebode grim consequences. (Device Quotes)
A learning machine is any device whose actions are influenced by past experience (Device Quotes)
Social media, like blogs, are truth-seeking technologies. In fact, the Internet itself is the greatest truth-generating device ever created. (Device Quotes)
We grow tyrannical fighting tyranny. . . . The most alarming spectacle today is not the spectacle of the atomic bomb in an unfederated world, it is the spectacle of the Americans beginning to accept the device of loyalty oaths and witch hunts, beginning to call anybody they don’t like a Communist. (Device Quotes)
When you see a fly flitting around your hair or your potato salad, you might see an annoyance. But in my lab, you really see a marvelous machine: arguably the most sophisticated flying device on the planet. (Device Quotes)
When you shop online, wouldn’t you like to sample the bouquet of wines, the aroma of cigars, or the subtle fragrance of flowers before surrendering your credit card number? Surely more companies will want to aromatize their Web presence when they realize there’s a device that can produce genuinely pleasing, authentic fragrances. (Device Quotes)
Metrics are not a device for restraining the mad, any more than ‘open form’ or free verse is a prairie where a man can do all kinds of manly things in a state of wholesome unrestrictedness. (Device Quotes)
I think the last game console I had was Super Nintendo. I remember once I played the Sega Genesis. But Super Nintendo was my last game device. I played outside more. I liked kickball and baseball. (Device Quotes)
I have a foolproof device for judging whether a picture is good or bad. If my fanny squirms, it’s bad. If my fanny doesn’t squirm, it’s good. (Device Quotes)
The sense of tragedy - according to Aristotle - comes, ironically enough, not from the protagonist’s weak points but from his good qualities. Do you know what I’m getting at? People are drawn deeper into tragedy not by their defects but by their virtues....[But] we accept irony through a device called metaphor. And through that we grow and become deeper human beings. (Device Quotes)