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Text Quotes
We are apt to be deluded into false security by political catch-words, devised to flatter rather than instruct. (Devised Quotes)
Americans trash the planet not because we’re evil, but because the industrial systems we’ve devised leave no other choice. Our ranch houses and high-rises, factories and farms, freeways and power plants were conceived before we had a clue how the planet works. (Devised Quotes)
Like our bodies and like our desires, the machines we have devised are possessed of a heart which is slowly reduced to embers. (Devised Quotes)
Each of you possesses the most powerful, dangerous and subversive trait that natural selection has ever devised. It’s a piece of neural audio technology for rewiring other people’s minds. I’m talking about your language. (Devised Quotes)
Shooting a movie is the worst milieu for creative work ever devised by man (Devised Quotes)
Taxation according to income is the most effective instrument yet devised to obtain just contribution from those best able to bear it and to avoid placing onerous burdens upon the mass of our people (Devised Quotes)
The income tax was devised to give lawyers and certified public accountants business. Few persons can make head, tail, or middle out of it. Einstein admitted he couldn’t. (Devised Quotes)
You can look at history of these things, and Social Security wasn’t devised to be a system that supported you for a 30-year retirement after a 25-year career... So there will be things that, you know, the retirement age has to be changed, maybe some of the benefits have to be affected, maybe some of the inflation adjustments have to be revised. (Devised Quotes)
Being a physicist, not a philosopher, I have devised an entirely new theory of consciousness, allowing one to numerically calculate the level of consciounsess of humans and even animals. (Devised Quotes)
The AK-47 is not a device of aggression ... I devised this machine-gun for the security of my country. (Devised Quotes)
The first koan do not have rational answers. They are techniques devised over the millennia for triggering an actual experience. (Devised Quotes)
The child welfare system - devised and run by liberal social workers, psychologists, and judges. . .Treats incompetent or abusive parents as its clients, and only secondarily considers the needs and well-being of the children involved (Devised Quotes)
The horror of wedlock, the most appalling, the most loathsome of all the bonds humankind has devised for its own discomfort and degradation (Devised Quotes)
No taxes can be devised which are not more or less inconvenient and unpleasant (Devised Quotes)
Now, at the end of three years struggle the nation’s condition is not what either party, or any man devised, or expected. God alone can claim it (Devised Quotes)
A sect or party is an elegant incognito devised to save a man from the vexation of thinking (Devised Quotes)
It is impossible to devise an experiment without a preconceived idea; devising an experiment, we said, is putting a question; we never conceive a question without an idea which invites an answer. I consider it, therefore, an absolute principle that experiments must always be devised in view of a preconceived idea, no matter if the idea be not very clear nor very well defined (Devised Quotes)
I never prayed sincerely and earnestly for anything but it came at some time; no matter at how distant a day, somehow, in some shape, probably the least I would have devised, it came (Devised Quotes)
It seems to me, that this, too, is how memory works. What we remember of what was done to us shapes our view, molds us, sets our stance. But what we remember is past, it no longer exists, and yet we hold on to it, live by it, surrender so much control to it. What do we become when we put down the scripts written by history and memory, when each person before us can be seen free of the cultural or personal narrative we’ve inherited or devised? When we, ourselves, can taste that freedom (Devised Quotes)
Practice, which some regard as a chore, should be approached as just about the most pleasant recreation ever devised (Devised Quotes)
My cameraman and I devised a method, which we started using from my second film, which applies mainly to day scenes shot in the studio, where we used bounced light instead of direct light. We agreed with this thing of four or five shadows following the actors is dreadful (Devised Quotes)
Golf is the most useless outdoor game ever devised to waste the time and try the spirit of man (Devised Quotes)
The trick was really finding the appropriate publisher for each of the projects I’d devised (Devised Quotes)
Now it is quite clear to me that there are no solid spheres in the heavens, and those that have been devised by the authors to save the appearances, exist only in the imagination (Devised Quotes)
Never in history was there a method devised of such efficacy for setting each country's advantage at variance with it's neighbours as the international gold (or, formerly, silver) standard (Devised Quotes)
I think perhaps the most important problem is that we are trying to understand the fundamental workings of the universe via a language devised for telling one another when the best fruit is (Devised Quotes)
The international trading system was devised by the rich to suit their needs; it ignores those of the poor (Devised Quotes)
If we take away this foundation, that man is by nature foolish and sinful, fallen short of the glorious image of God, the Christian system falls at once; nor will it deserve as honorable an appellation as that of a cunningly devised fable (Devised Quotes)
I stand on this rostrum with a sense of deep humility and great pride - humility in the weight of those great American architects of our history who have stood here before me; pride in the reflection that this home of legislative debate represents human liberty in the purest form yet devised (Devised Quotes)
History proves that all dictatorships, all authoritarian forms of government are transient. Only democratic systems are not transient. Whatever the shortcomings, mankind has not devised anything superior (Devised Quotes)