Diablo Cody Quotes

Text Quotes
I know white clothing is supposed to enhance that summer glow, but writers don’t tan (Diablo Cody Quotes)
You know, I did not like being famous. It was a stressful and ugly time, and I’m glad it’s over (Diablo Cody Quotes)
People have always wanted to be recognized, and that’s human nature. But people used to want to be recognized for their accomplishments, and now they simply want to be visible (Diablo Cody Quotes)
People don’t have these tidy little redemption arcs in reality the way they do in movies (Diablo Cody Quotes)
It’s possible that I’ve matured as a writer, and I hope I’ve matured emotionally, but I always find myself revisiting these adolescent scenes (Diablo Cody Quotes)
It doesn’t matter if they’re in front of the camera or behind the camera. I know women who are producers who are surviving on nothing but juice and almonds (Diablo Cody Quotes)
I’m not an especially highbrow person, but I have always loved small, quirky, edgy movies (Diablo Cody Quotes)
I don’t know why, but I’ve always been a sucker for roller coasters in movies (Diablo Cody Quotes)
I do not quote my own movies. I think I would be pretty insufferable if I did (Diablo Cody Quotes)
I think when you take people who are damaged and you give them money and freedom, it can be a toxic cocktail (Diablo Cody Quotes)
I’ve been an avid consumer of young adult literature since I was one, and I think some people leave that stuff behind when they become old adults, but I never did. I was always interested in the fantasy world created in those novels (Diablo Cody Quotes)
There's probably no experience more alienating than fame, other than a terminal illness, where you actually find yourself in a situation that nobody around you can relate to (Diablo Cody Quotes)
The primary job for women in Hollywood is still super attractive actress. That is the most high profile women's job in Hollywood (Diablo Cody Quotes)
There's a weird cloud around you when you're recognizable. It was a brief window for me. I think you have to have a pathological need for attention of any type, negative or positive, to thrive in that kind of situation. And I only want compliments (Diablo Cody Quotes)
The attitude toward women in this industry is nauseating. There are all sorts of porcine executives who are uncomfortable with a woman doing anything subversive. They want the movie about the beautiful girl who trips and falls, the adorable klutz (Diablo Cody Quotes)
In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. That’s the kind of person that’s worth sticking with (Diablo Cody Quotes)
Somebody asked me earlier if I thought it was really important to tell stories about women’s struggles. And I said yes, but at the same time, it’s also important to tell stories about women’s triumphs, women being slackers, women being criminals, women being heroes (Diablo Cody Quotes)
There’s something about a roller coaster that triggers strong feelings, maybe because most of us associate them with childhood. They’re inherently cinematic; the very shape of a coaster, all hills and valleys and sickening helices, evokes a human emotional response (Diablo Cody Quotes)
I actually have two children now, and sometimes I wonder if that’s it. Because they do make writing and directing more complicated and more difficult, especially now that they’re very young (Diablo Cody Quotes)
And I think I’m an adrenaline junkie, and there’s nothing that will spike your adrenaline more than sitting in a theater and listen to an audience react to something you’ve written (Diablo Cody Quotes)
A lot of people are concerned with staying physically young... I’m more interested in maintaining my curiosity (Diablo Cody Quotes)
Here’s my unsolicited advice to any aspiring screenwriters who might be reading this: Don’t ever agonize about the hordes of other writers who are ostensibly your competition. No one else is capable of doing what you do (Diablo Cody Quotes)
This is for the writers. I want to thank all the writers. I especially want to thank my fellow nominees, because I worship you guys. I’m learning from you every day (Diablo Cody Quotes)
Stripping toughened my hide, but exposing myself as a writer has been a lot more brutal (Diablo Cody Quotes)
I can’t write at night. For me, I’m programmed to believe that nighttime is for relaxation (Diablo Cody Quotes)
Ah, reality TV: where opportunists delight in exposing opportunism! It’s kind of like the indie music scene (Diablo Cody Quotes)
When you’re in a competitive environment, always give out the impression that you don’t care. It makes people want you more. If you act desperate, it’s over. I think a passive attitude is helpful. It comes naturally because I’m lazy (Diablo Cody Quotes)
That’s also why comedy and horror are my two favorite genres of film to write, because you get these outbursts of emotion from people, laughter and shock, and it’s really thrilling, and I like to be thrilled (Diablo Cody Quotes)
Well, to aspiring writers, I would tell them that we live in a wonderful time where you’re able to make your work visible, easily (Diablo Cody Quotes)
I’ve come to find more satisfaction and enjoyment in writing screenplays over the years because that’s what I do primarily now (Diablo Cody Quotes)