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Diagnostic Quotes

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Stay diagnostic even as you take action  (Diagnostic Quotes) I would have loved to have gone into diagnostic medicine  (Diagnostic Quotes) The inability to experience regret is one of the diagnostic characteristics of sociopaths  (Diagnostic Quotes) One of his greatest talents was empathy; no sadist can aspire to perfection without that diagnostic ability  (Diagnostic Quotes) Health care can be made more affordable for the poor without requiring major new scientific developments, just the smart application of current technologies. We have seen a $25 incubator and diagnostic instruments that are built tough, cheap, and reusable for the developing world  (Diagnostic Quotes) I’m not interested in making a diagnostic novel or a concern. I’m 100 percent committed in fiction to the pleasure principle - that’s what fiction is, and should be  (Diagnostic Quotes) Once the notion of depression had begun to dominate the diagnostic armamentarium, it became but a matter of time before patients with relatively mild disorders of mood or anxiety would be entered into it.  (Diagnostic Quotes) No person knows your body better than you. The world’s most sophisticated and sensitive diagnostic apparatus is your own body’s feelings.  (Diagnostic Quotes) I could have had a session of defecography, which is a diagnostic test in which X-rays are taken to assess anatomical problems occurring during the process of defecation. I gave it the briefest of thoughts before recognizing that this is beyond the pale - even for me.  (Diagnostic Quotes) I’m not interested in making a diagnostic novel or a concern. I’m 100 percent committed in fiction to the pleasure principle - that’s what fiction is, and should be.  (Diagnostic Quotes)