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Dial Quotes

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If our hours were all serene, we might probably take almost as little note of them as the dial does of those that are clouded  (Dial Quotes) We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not figures on a dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best  (Dial Quotes) Christ is the sun, and all the watches of our lives should be set by the dial of his motion  (Dial Quotes) Sleep is the best time to repair, but it’s hard to get a good night’s rest when we don’t dial the inner chatter down  (Dial Quotes) I’m hitting the driver so good I gotta dial the operator for long distance after I hit it  (Dial Quotes) I can’t even dial one phone number right away. But you strained your own body to go and see them. I was surprised. The frightened little me had always wondered how to swim through the vast ocean, but you didn’t even want a ship. You wanted wings. I thought you were amazing  (Dial Quotes) The truth is everybody does it from time to time. People dial telephone numbers and they get a wrong number only to find that they’ve read the last two digits backwards. Everybody does it, but dyslexics have this tendency to a higher degree  (Dial Quotes) When I think of the artists I admire and seek out musically. It’s because I’m curious about where they’re going to go the next time they have a chance to put a record out. It’s not about where I find them on the radio dial, or how many records they’re selling  (Dial Quotes) Everyone gets their rough day. No one gets a free ride. Today so far, I had a good day. I got a dial tone  (Dial Quotes) What, keep a week away? Seven days and nights? Eightscore eight hours? and lovers' absent hours, more tedious than the dial eightscore times? O weary reck'ning!  (Dial Quotes) And I did laugh sans intermission an hour by his dial. O noble fool, a worthy fool - motley's the only wear  (Dial Quotes) He sets a thief to guard his purse who trusts a dial with his hours or bids a sand-glass bleed away his nights, his days, his loves, his pleasures and his powers. The burthen of his years is time's soft footfall, time's soft falling through his joys and tears  (Dial Quotes) They live and laugh who know the better part - count length of pleasure not by dial or glass but by the heart; what are our fears when time's slow footfall, fall, fall falling turns lovers' hours to years?  (Dial Quotes)
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