Diaper Quotes

Text Quotes
Poop before or after diaper change? Or during! (Diaper Quotes)
When it's dad's turn to change the diaper (Diaper Quotes)
Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason (Diaper Quotes)
Diaper backward spells repaid. Think about it (Diaper Quotes)
Washington is a dirty diaper. It’s time for a change (Diaper Quotes)
I learned how to change a cloth diaper on a raccoon, I was maybe 8 or 9 (Diaper Quotes)
My parents had been involved in the labor movement; if we’d grown up in the city, we would have been red - diaper babies (Diaper Quotes)
Whatever it is probably won’t go away, so we might as well live and laugh through it. When we double over laughing, we’re bending so we won’t break. If you think your particular troubles are too heavy and too traumatic to laugh about, remember that laughing is like changing a baby’s diaper. It doesn’t solve any problems permanently, but it makes things more acceptable for awhile. (Diaper Quotes)
I can change a diaper in 30 seconds flat. I set the new one beneath the old one. That way, it’s just wipe and pull the flap over (Diaper Quotes)
The first time I learned I could sell myself was when I convinced a wealthy American family to give me a job as a nanny. Childcare. Totally unqualified. But I learned to be ready for anything. And that I can adapt. That I can become the best diaper changer (Diaper Quotes)
Dogs - putting the lie to the age-old saying, I could never love anyone who ate a diaper (Diaper Quotes)
When I start getting old, I’m going to start ending my prayers like, Lord, it’d be a good day to die. I don’t wanna be 130 years old with a diaper on, all my friends dead and gone. I wanna get to heaven, come get me! (Diaper Quotes)
Life is filled with tragedy, with long patches of struggle and with, I think, beautiful bursts of joy and accomplishment. Blessed with those moments, you just try to relax as much as possible and focus on the little things, like the joy of changing your baby’s diaper. (Diaper Quotes)
Daddy is jive talkingand showering the stripperMommy is sleepwalkingwhile changing baby’s diaper (Diaper Quotes)
It’s funny, I used to do a character that was just a baby - just an adult baby. I would get up onstage and complain about adult stuff, but as a baby. I was in a diaper, and I would require hugs from the audience and reassurance and stuff. (Diaper Quotes)
I hope to die with dignity and not be on my death bed pondering the afterlife wearing a diaper named Depends. (Diaper Quotes)
I do splurge on diaper bags. I have a half dozen in different colors and styles. (Diaper Quotes)
Do you live each day as if it's your first or your last? Either way you should probably have a diaper on (Diaper Quotes)
Found a shaman in a diaper with a poppy pot. When I asked if he was cold, he said just think hot (Diaper Quotes)
Every time I think about changing a diaper, I run a little bit harder and a little bit faster to make sure I can afford a nanny until my daughter’s old enough to take care of that herself (Diaper Quotes)
Like many other women, I could not understand why every man who changed a diaper has felt impelled, in recent years, to write a book about it (Diaper Quotes)
Let us hope manufacturers can come up with a diaper that is environmentally sound. To go back to cloth would send us back to the day when breathing and raising a baby at the same time were incompatible (Diaper Quotes)
I autograph a lot of body parts of intoxicated people. And lots of shoes. And I signed a diaper once! (Diaper Quotes)
Whatever it is probably won’t go away, so we might as well live and laugh through it. When we double over laughing, we’re bending so we won’t break. If you think your particular troubles are too heavy and too traumatic to laugh about, remember that laughing is like changing a baby’s diaper. It doesn’t solve any problems permanently, but it makes things more acceptable for awhile (Diaper Quotes)
A story: A man fires a rifle for many years, and he goes to war. And afterward he turns the rifle in at the armory, and he believes he’s finished with the rifle. But no matter what else he might do with his hands, love a woman, build a house, change his son’s diaper; his hands remember the rifle (Diaper Quotes)
Spread the diaper in the position of the diamond with you at bat. Then fold second base down to home and set the baby on the pitcher’s mound. Put first base and third together, bring up home plate and pin the three together. Of course, in case of rain, you gotta call the game and start all over again (Diaper Quotes)
When I go home, I play with my baby dolls and strollers and diaper bags, and play with my sisters (Diaper Quotes)
I once knew a chap who had a system of just hanging the baby on the clothes line to dry and he was greatly admired by his fellow citizens for having discovered a wonderful innovation on changing a diaper (Diaper Quotes)
Why do otherwise sane, competent, strong men, men who can wrestle bears or raid corporations, shrink away in horror at the thought of washing a dish or changing a diaper? (Diaper Quotes)