Did you suppose that fornication was the straight line upwards that I'd been trying to find?

Did you suppose that fornication was the straight line upwards that I'd been trying to find?
In the world of Tennessee Williams, the theme of sexuality and desire is a prevalent and often controversial topic. Williams was known for his exploration of human relationships and the complexities of desire, often delving into the darker aspects of human nature. In his plays, characters often grapple with their own desires and the consequences of their actions, leading to themes of guilt, shame, and ultimately, redemption.The quote, “Did you suppose that fornication was the straight line upwards that I'd been trying to find?” encapsulates the struggle that many of Williams’ characters face when it comes to their own desires and the search for fulfillment. In Williams’ works, characters often find themselves torn between societal expectations and their own inner desires, leading to a sense of internal conflict and turmoil.