Die Quotes
Text Quotes
Fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live (Die Quotes)
I don’t want to die (Die Quotes)
To retire is to die (Die Quotes)
He could not die when trees were green, for he loved the time too well (Die Quotes)
Be happy or die (Die Quotes)
Live fast, die old, and make very sure everyone knows you were there (Die Quotes)
Many people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so (Die Quotes)
I’ll keep doing it until I die or the audiences die (Die Quotes)
This has been harder for my friends. I know I’m going to die (Die Quotes)
Follow me if I advance! Kill me if I retreat! Revenge me if I die! (Die Quotes)
Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75 (Die Quotes)
People die because they find living too painful (Die Quotes)
I shall not die young, for I am already near seventy: I may die old (Die Quotes)
Men do not die from overwork. They die from dissipation and worry (Die Quotes)
It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees (Die Quotes)
If our women are willing to die with us, who is there to say no? (Die Quotes)
How can we live and die and never know the difference? (Die Quotes)
This is a terrible place to die in. Where’s a good one? (Die Quotes)
I saw a man take a needleful of hard drug and die slow (Die Quotes)
Teach him how to live, and, oh still harder lesson! How to die (Die Quotes)
My only regret is to die four pages too soon (Die Quotes)
A man should live forever, or die trying (Die Quotes)
Watch thou and fear; tomorrow thou shalt die (Die Quotes)
Who can be forced has not learned how to die (Die Quotes)
That man lives badly who does not know how to die well (Die Quotes)
How many more of our loved ones need to die in this senseless war? (Die Quotes)
Okay, we will divide the first and let the second die a crib death (Die Quotes)
He taught them how to live and how to die (Die Quotes)
Man is a complex being who makes deserts bloom and lakes die (Die Quotes)
Them that die will be the lucky ones! (Die Quotes)